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2000年9月,山东省博物馆考古队为配合三峡库区建设,对重庆万州区上沱口墓群进行了抢救性发掘。清理 了3座南朝墓,墓葬形制呈刀形,墓室、券顶均遭破坏,但随葬品保存较好,出土陶器、瓷器、铁器、钱币及装饰品46件。 上沱口南朝墓出土的较丰富的青瓷器,为重庆市南朝墓的研究提供了新资料。  相似文献   
旅游者对旅游目的地的形象认知是影响旅游活动的重要因素,对旅游目的地形象定位和市场营销策略的选择都具有重要的参考价值,逐渐成为旅游研究的新热点。本文选取了我国几个代表性的案例,逐步展开分析,提出若干个相应的假设,据此设计了调查问卷,在兰州、西安两地开展了抽样调查。本文应用国际通用的科学方法和规范模式对抽样调查结果进行分析,根据分析结果对旅游者对旅游目的地形象认知中的“先入为主”与“既成事实”效应进行了探讨,强调了旅游形象定位与市场营销中的先发优势。  相似文献   
传承与变异——传统文化对旅游开发的应答   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
地方性的传统文化是旅游开发的重要资源,是传统地区旅游业赖以发展的源泉,传统文化的开发、利用促进了传统地区经济和社会的发展。但发展旅游又往往使传统地区过快地抛弃传统,在经济利益的牵动下传统文化发生非正态变异。本文结合案例研究对传统文化如何应答旅游开发所带来的影响进行了探讨,试图对传统文化在旅游开发和现代化过程中的传承、保护问题提出一个解决的途径。  相似文献   
Archaeologists from New Mexico State University surveyed El Camino Real, the earliest long-distance trail established by European colonists in North America, from Las Cruces, New Mexico, to El Paso, Texas. Our goal was to determine the location and condition of this historic trail within a strip of land that has witnessed significant agricultural, suburban, and urban development in recent years. Due to this development, many scholars have assumed that all physical traces of the Camino Real have been destroyed. Results of our research, however, suggest that not all remnants of the trail and related campsites have been lost.  相似文献   
旅游地形象定位的新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述了旅游地形象定位方法应具备的特性,指出了现有定位方法存在的问题。在分析了旅游地形象体系的结构特征和认知规律基础上,本文提出了横向定位法、纵向定位法、独立定位法、抢先定位法等4种新的定位方法,并通过整合确定了旅游地形象定位方法体系。  相似文献   
湖北老河口杨营春秋遗址发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨营春秋遗址位于湖北省老河口市南郊杨寨村一组,1994年10~12月,湖北省文物考古研究所和老河口市博物馆联合对该遗址进行了发掘,获得了一批重要的春秋时期的遗迹和遗物。主要遗迹有灰坑、水井等,遗物有陶、铜、铁、石器等,其中所出土的春秋晚期铁器,数量较多,品种较齐全,为研究我国特别是楚国铁器的出现和使用提供了极其重要的考古资料。  相似文献   
日本发展入境旅游的政策措施与成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪90年代开始,日本政府为推进入境旅游发展所采取的政策措施主要有:制定完备的旅游相关法律,成立专门行政管理机构制定并实施观光立国战略,规划建设广域国际旅游特区,加强国际旅游合作,积极申报世界遗产,发展生态旅游与产业观光游等。这些政策措施已经取得较为显著的成效,其中一些成功经验对我国发展入境旅游具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
Although the close association of word and image in medieval cartography is widely acknowledged, the significance of the relationship after the rediscovery of Ptolemy's Geography and throughout the Renaissance has been overlooked, despite Abraham Ortelius's choice of the term ‘Reader’ for users of the Theatrum orbis terrarum (1570). In this paper, the map of the world, which (as in Ptolemy's Geography) opens Ortelius's Theatrum, is analysed to show how Ortelius's concept of space was very different from Ptolemy's. Attention is drawn to the content of the texts on the map, to Ortelius's notion of geography as the eye of history, and to the importance in the Renaissance of the emblem as a conceit, or device, in the system of acquisition and transmission of knowledge. As in emblems, the words on Ortelius's map are not there to explain or to comment on what is seen but to give the image meaning; the purpose of the map is to invite contemplation of God's world. The map is contradictory, however; for Ortelius's accurate and up‐to‐date presentation of the physical world is qualified by a verbal statement that the world is ‘nothing’, a mere pinpoint in the immensity of the universe. It is concluded that Ortelius was not a geographer in the same way Ptolemy was, and that Ortelius was using geography as a philosopher and his world map as an illustration of his moral and religious thinking.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The paper describes some recent developments with respect to logging operations and the tourist industry on the island of Siberut (West Sumatra, Indonesia). It discusses these developments from the perspective of the notions of equitable access and benefit sharing and prior informed consent. These are often referred to as basic principles in dealing with external intervention within the territory of indigenous peoples. After the initial logging boom during the 1970s and 1980s about half of the island was declared a nature reserve in the early 1990s. All logging operations were terminated. Backpack tourism started to develop more or less simultaneously, stimulated by the lure of a Stone Age culture on a tropical paradise island. This contributed greatly to the efforts to safeguard the island's rich biodiversity. Recently, however, a new form of logging started on the island, with a university as concession holder. But also a new kind of tourism discovered Siberut: its waves are supposed to be of excellent quality and allow for first‐class surfing. As a result of regional autonomy and the process of democratisation in Indonesia, the local people are not willing to accept these new forms of resource use without at least sharing in their benefits. This paper is based on extensive periods of fieldwork on Siberut over the past twenty years.  相似文献   
旅游本质探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游的本质问题是旅游学重要问题之一。本文站在辩证逻辑思维高度上,从普遍性和特殊性两方面对旅游本质进行探析,把旅游本质的研究推向一个新的层面。  相似文献   
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