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孔子是儒家学派的创始人,朱熹是儒家思想传承过程中的重要一环———宋明理学的集大成者。二人的义利观在思想基础是有很大的相似性,但由于所生活的时代不同,社会背景相异,且作为当时代的学者,他们都相当关注当时代人们的生活和思想状况,因而,他们的义利观也因时代背景的差异而有了一些歧出之处。试图挖掘二者义利观的相异之处及其社会原因。  相似文献   
Majority of contemporary Chinese historians have been employing a conceptual framework focusing on the difficulty of capitalistic development in China to analyze the historical trend and potentials of late imperial China. This approach based upon the presupposition of viewing the pattern of Chinese history as abnormal reflects with the remaining influence of the Western-centric methodology. Further, based upon a “normal” point of view, seven fundamental, irreversible, and systematical changes to the Ming society could be identified. By conclusion, China in the Ming period was transforming into an imperial agric-mercantile society. This process proves that late imperial China was not stagnate society without “history,” meanwhile, its pattern of development was clearly not identical to the Western style modernization progress. __________ Translated by Chen Cheng from Dongbei Shida Xuebao 东北师大学报(Journal of Northeast Normal University), 2007, (1): 5–13  相似文献   
Resulted from different causes, the majority of traditional cities in modern China underwent a decline in various degrees. The causes of the decline of Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Yangzhou which have started to develop their new industry and commerce since mid-Qing Dynasty lies in such aspects as: the lose of transportation superiority in modern China; the fatal destruction caused by Taiping Revolution; the affects of the rising of Shanghai; the recession of traditional economy and slowed development of new economy; and the conservatism in thinking and ideas etc. Translated by Huang Bangfu from Xinan Minzu Daxue Xuebao 西南民族大学学报 (Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities), 2007, (4): 1–11  相似文献   
“The Central Kingdom” is pregnant of political implications as well as of geographical and cultural significance. It was believed that whoever controlled Zhongguo (the Central Kingdom or China) would be the legitimate ruler over Tianxia (the realm under heaven or all under heaven). It was the contention for “the Central Kingdom” among the varieties of dynasties, notably those established by the Han-Chinese and the various ethnic groups in the northern borderland, that lead to the alternation of disintegration and unification of the territory. It was not until the Qing Dynasty that the unified “Central Kingdom” composed of a variety of ethnic groups turned into the ideal “realm under heaven” with “the Central Kingdom” at its core, which naturally put an end to the formation of territory in ancient China. Translated by Chen Dan from Zhongguo Bianjiang Shidi Yanjiu 中国边疆史地研究 (China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies), 2007, (3): 1–15  相似文献   
在《跨湖桥》考古报告的基础上,本文运用浮选、孢粉和非孢粉微化石、PIXE技术和拉曼光谱等多种分析手段,对跨湖桥遗址的人工制品和生态物进行了分析,复原了当时人类的居住环境及变迁、古食谱和制陶技术,从文化生态的角度探讨了先民的生存方式。文章认为,8000年前跨湖桥的富裕环境很可能促使复杂采集狩猎经济的发展,并出现比较复杂的社会结构,而水稻栽培和猪的驯养很可能与这类社会常见的仪式和宴享活动有关。  相似文献   
20世纪上半叶,因海内外市场需求等原因,在浙江龙泉的宝溪、八都、木岱口一带出现了几家仿制南宋、元、明时期龙泉窑青瓷器的小型怍坊,部分产品则属创新之怍。龙泉市博物馆收藏了少量作品,其中以宝溪张高岳所制居多。  相似文献   
1963年,在东阳南寺塔内发掘清理出一件北宋建隆二年(961)的贴金彩绘石雕经函。经函须弥座上所绘之10人乐舞图,与唐代以来佛教的净土思想有关。此类乐舞在北宋中原地区的佛寺中十分盛行,于11世纪中叶之前北传至辽地,并对11世纪末宋、辽墓葬中散乐图的大量出现产生重要之影响。  相似文献   
德国承认伪满问题与国民政府的外交方针   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
左双文 《史学月刊》2008,(11):62-70
1932年伪满洲国成立后,国民政府一直希望各友好国家不予承认,对有着重要政治、军事及经济联系的德国,更是抱有期待,甚至不惜作"依德和日反苏"之试探。但德国在纳粹上台并逐步集权后,日益将对日外交置于对华外交之上,终在1938年2月宣布承认伪满。正处于对日抗战重要关头的国民政府为继续争取德国军援,对此一再忍让,但稍后德国又禁运军火、强制撤退在华军事顾问。处此外交重压之下,这时力求在对德、对苏外交中保持相对平衡的国民政府一度表示了更为坚定的联苏决心。  相似文献   
邵正坤 《史学月刊》2008,(12):23-31
北朝时期道教的广泛流播,使得家庭成为宗教信仰的基本单位。北朝家庭的道教信仰具有极为鲜明的特点。它以家庭和家庭成员为关注焦点,表现出极强的功利性,并且对宗教实行高度重视。从长时段的角度观察,道教信仰对北朝家庭的规模结构、生活方式、日常消费、亲属关系甚至于家内子孙名字的择取都产生了或隐或显的影响。  相似文献   
The existence of gendered knowledge has been identified as a significant feature of Indigenous Australian culture, and the importance of considering the implications of gendered environmental knowledge in collaborative cross-cultural natural resource management has been highlighted. There is a lack of case studies that demonstrate how Indigenous women's knowledge and laws can be provided for in resource management contexts. From collaborative research with Anmatyerr women in central Australia, we discuss the implications of gender bias in relation to gendered knowledge in natural and cultural resource management, with a specific focus on Anmatyerr women's involvement in providing inputs about the cultural values of water within water allocation planning processes. This research highlights Anmatyerr women's own perspectives of their roles in contemporary contexts and identifies the existence of cultural change and continuity in relation to rights and responsibilities around water.  相似文献   
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