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幕末与明治时期的政治家胜海舟,在1853年美国海军上将培理来航后民族危机意识高涨的形势下,于培理离去一个月时撰写了《海防意见书》并得到幕府的赏识。《海防意见书》中阐述的海防国家思想具有以下几个特点:其一,贴近现实,解决问题的可能性高;其二,主张开国,提倡贸易立国,期待实现富国强兵;其三,体现了胜海舟对国际关系中力量变化的体得与认知,可以认为是对冲突理论的诠释。  相似文献   
在汉语和日语中,经常使用表示数量和程度范围的“以上”、“以下”、“不满(未满)”、“超过”等词汇。这些词汇来自中国汉语,但日本比中国界定明确,使用规范。我国汉语应该从中吸取有益的养分,这对于规范地使用汉语和丰富汉语具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代中日两国贸易结构发生较大变化,即中国对日本出口的食品及矿产等初级产品在对日出口总额中降到不足一成,而纤维产品贸易以几乎每年占中日贸易额的20~30%的速度强劲发展,推动了两国贸易总额的迅速增长,但同时也引起贸易摩擦。尽管纤维产品贸易由垂直贸易分工向初级水平贸易分工发展,以及密切的依存关系两大特征,使中日两国避免了在该领域的贸易战,但是,如何在互补性贸易结构中寻求更多的合作领域以减少贸易摩擦甚至避免贸易战争,是20世纪90年代中日纤维产品贸易带来的重要启示。  相似文献   
藤村小说代表作中的成长主题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《破戒》、《春》、《家》三部小说是藤村连续创作而成,是藤村最有力的社会写实作品。它们的基本倾向,与其说是自然主义的,毋宁说是现实主义的。而这现实主义的成就除了社会批判的基本方向外,还有青年一代成长问题的方向,在这个方向上,藤村不避毁誉,努力开掘,提出了一系列事关人类命运的主题,把日本近代文学推向了纵深的领域,揭开了日本式成长小说的诗篇,为艺术地再现反封建斗争和个性解放运动的日本式特征做出了卓越贡献。  相似文献   
《法苑珠林校注》商补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐释道世撰写的《法苑珠林》,是一部重要的佛教类书,保留了极为丰富的佛教资料。中华书局2003年12月出版的周叔迦、苏晋仁二先生的《法苑珠林校注》,是目前《法苑珠林》最好的校注本。然因该书卷帙浩繁,有些校点和勘正可再商榷,笔者不揣鄙陋选取15条略加考辨,以就正于方家时贤云。  相似文献   
补正《全宋词》周颉小传:周颉约生于宣和五年后;号适庵;绍兴十五年中进士后至孝宗乾道年间尝为州郡教授之类学官;乾道八年在四川宣抚使王炎幕府;淳熙三年知德安府,五年犹在任;曾官左司郎中,不晚于淳熙十一年,十二年仍在任;淳熙十三年初秋,出为荆湖北路转运司判官,贴职为直显谟阁,十四年十月后解任;淳熙十六年正月,以朝议大夫、直显谟阁提点浙东路刑狱公事,而非“两浙提刑”;光宗绍熙元年二月,除福建路转运使,贴职晋为直龙图阁;绍熙元年至三年间,曾提举福建路常平茶盐公事;至迟绍熙三年已致仕;约卒于宁宗庆元六年前后;著有《适庵集》。  相似文献   
《四库全书》所收南宋人胡元质重新编排注释的胡曾《咏史诗》,在今天看来至少具有三方面的文献价值,一可用以校勘文字,二可资以辑录佚文,三可据以推断某些古籍的亡佚时代。  相似文献   
1889年的明治宪法是一部以天皇大权为中心的专制宪法,议会的权限有限,但是由于它被赋予了重要的预算审议权等财政权限,促使战前日本天皇制的政治体制中竞产生了政党政治。那么,宪法的缔造者——伊藤博文为什么会把这么重要的权力赋予议会?有学者认为,伊藤博文等人对“宪政及各类政体的精神”有着“深刻的理解”是重要原因。而本文则通过对近世以来日本地方上存在的租税协议惯行、明治维新后地方民会和府县会的预算审议权以及宪法发布前政府及民党的宪法草案内容等进行分析,认为议会拥有预算审议权等财政权限已是当时普遍的基本的认识,具有广泛的社会基础,伊藤博文不可能逆社会潮流而动也是重要的原因之一。  相似文献   
In the 1970s and 1980s, regional analysis was an influential part of archaeological research, providing a discrete set of geographical tools inspired by a processual epistemological and interpretive perspective. With the advent of new technologies, new methods, and new paradigms, archaeological research on regional space has undergone significant changes. This article reviews the state of regional archaeology, beginning with a consideration of its history and a discussion of the fundamental issues facing regional investigations before focusing on developments over the last several years. On one hand, the diversification of archaeological theory has created new paradigms for thinking about human relationships with one another and with the physical environment across regional space; in this regard, historical ecology, landscape archaeology, and evolutionary theory have been particularly influential in recent years. This has led to a corresponding diversification of the traditional methods of regional analysis. Most notably, the advent of powerful digital technologies has introduced new tools, especially those from the geographic information sciences, that build on the quantitative methods of past approaches. The investigation of regional data is no longer based on a discrete toolkit of simple mathematical and graphical procedures for representing spatial relationships. Instead, regional archaeology has matured into a diversity of multiscalar spatial and geostatistical techniques that inform many areas of archaeological inquiry.  相似文献   
During the 1991–1992 excavation of the ruins of the medieval cathedral in Hamar, Norway, the broken skull of an elderly man was found, showing evidence of an incomplete trepanation. The ‘surgeon’ had obviously tried to penetrate the skull surface around bregma in an irregular circle of 23 × 21 mm. Upon investigation, the skull revealed a reactive‐pathological area of the internal surface of the occipital bone, which probably represents a respite after a meningeal disorder (a tumour or an infectious process), causing us to suggest that the trepanation was meant to cure the patient's increasing headache. However, as a second skull with similar marks was found in the same churchyard, another explanation seems possible. Because the brain tumour in the first case may have altered the patient's mental state, we may surmise that these incomplete operations were an attempt to remove from these patients' heads the ‘Stone of Madness’, which was then commonly considered to be the reason for psychiatric diagnoses as well as persistent headache, and often depicted in European art, most notably in the 16th and 17th centuries. The second skull, revealing an even more incomplete attempt, did not show any skeletal pathology at all. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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