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武世刚 《华夏考古》2011,(1):87-90,145
平粮台城址是新石器时代中晚期域址中非常典型的一个代表,本文借鉴西方环境考古与聚落考古学的理论和方法,着重从聚落形态的角度出发,用考古材料研究社会关系,具体在各种物质遗存中从政治权利、阶层分化、生产生活、组织规划、民风民俗、神灵信仰等方面抽取提炼出非物质的信息,重建其社会组织结构,复原地区聚落模式和社会复杂化进程,以取得...  相似文献   
Kurt Iveson 《对极》2014,46(4):992-1013
How can we act to contest urban injustice? This article grapples with this question through an analysis of the green ban movement that emerged in Sydney in the 1970s. For a time, this unruly alliance of construction workers, resident activists, and progressive professionals powerfully enacted a radical right to the city, blocking a range of unjust and destructive “developments” worth billions of dollars and proposing alternative development plans in their place. Drawing on archival research, I demonstrate how the figure of “the people” was crucial to their action. The article examines the rights and the authority that was invested in “the people” by green ban activists, and traces the work of political subjectification through which “the people” was constructed. “The people” was not invoked as a simple majority or as a universal subject whose unity glossed over differences. Rather, in acting as/for “the people”, green ban activists produced a political subject able to challenge the claims of elected politicians, bureaucrats and developers to represent the interests of the city. The article concludes with reflections on the implications of this construction of “the people” for urban politics today.  相似文献   
欧钰斌  薛德升 《人文地理》2022,37(6):98-108
2020 年东京奥运会引发了又一轮体育全球化的讨论热潮,而相关领域内仍缺乏对同区域内奥运会引发城市联系差异性的探讨。本研究以 2008年北京奥运会和 2020年东京奥运会为研究对象,探究其引发的城市间联系特征,研究结果表明:①两届奥运会的城市节点和城市联系均具有等级层次性;②区域性城市组团普遍存在,其中,东京奥运会时形成了以主办城市为核心的比 2008 年更大范围的洲际联系组团,体现了东京作为世界城市的巨大文化影响力。③疫情影响下,主办城市仍能通过探讨增设项目、获取区域转播权等手段提升奥运会及自身的影响力。该研究补充了现有的体育赛事型世界城市网络研究,为疫情影响下大型赛事的举办提出了建议,具有理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
Globally, the changing nature of airports, and particularly the juxtaposition of general commercial land uses alongside aviation functions, is captured in the concept of the ‘airport city’. In Australia, commercialisation has impacted nearly all privatised capital city and general aviation airports. Essendon Airport's contested transformation from a run‐down general aviation facility into an emergent business and retail hub in Melbourne's north‐western suburbs serves as an instructive case study of the evolution of the airport city as a new suburban typology. Drawing in part on in‐depth interviews with key stakeholders involved in the redevelopment process, this paper examines the conflicting forces that have driven commercialisation since the late 1990s, the spatial outcomes and the wider planning issues arising.  相似文献   
有明一代,宦官的势力遍及帝国中枢和地方要塞,对明朝政治、经济、军事以及文化等各方面都产生了巨大的影响。就军事上来说,自明中期以来,宦官不仅提督京营、监军统兵、镇守地方,而且还在皇城大内演兵习武,同时也为皇帝举行军事体育娱乐活动,史称"内操"。本文主要根据《明实录》、《明史》以及明清历史笔记等相关史料梳理出明代宦官内操的兴衰历程,并分析其不同时期的阶段性特点,力求对明宦官史、宫廷史研究有所增益。  相似文献   
元大都内部的河湖水系基本上归为两大系统:一是以白浮泉为源头的高粱河-积水潭水系,一是以玉泉山泉水为源头的金水河-太液池水系。两套水系在城市中发挥了不同的功能,并与元大都的礼制原则相融合,共同构成了这座独具特色的东方山水城市。本文在侯仁之的工作基础上,对元大都内部的河湖水系做了进一步的系统研究,较为准确地复原了元大都城内积水潭水系的结构和分布范围;根据各种历史文献记载、结合地形分析,对金水河的位置和走向提出了新的见解,并对元大都水系结构与城市形态的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   
This article aims to contribute to the international research on the relationship between the child and the city, based on drawings and interviews collected from 4th grade children in a socially mixed gentrified neighbourhood of Paris. Its ambition is to reflect on the methodological contribution of drawings to analyse the children's representation of the neighbourhood. In doing so, the article also presents the principal facets of a gentrified Parisian district as perceived by the children themselves, by studying to what extent children's gender and diverse social backgrounds impact their neighbourhood representations and experiences.  相似文献   
红砂岩作为建筑材料,在广东历史上占有举足轻重的地位,故东莞地区遗留有众多的红砂岩文化遗存,它们具有较高的历史、科学和艺术价值。红砂岩文化遗存多处于露天状态,在多种因素的共同作用下,病害状况较严重。目前,针对这些文化遗存的保护研究还没有充分开展。为此,在对红砂岩文化遗存保存状况调查的基础上,使用XRD等分析手段研究该地区红砂岩文化遗存的风化腐蚀机理。结果表明,侵蚀破坏红砂岩文化遗存的主要因素是水(降雨、酸雨、毛细水)和可溶盐。本结果可为进一步开展该地区红砂岩文化遗存的规划保护提供依据。  相似文献   
2007年8月,郑州市文物考古研究院在郑州市北二七路与太康路交叉口的西北角,发掘两座仿木结构的砖雕墓。这两座墓葬形制结构基本相同,均为南北方向的砖砌仿木建筑结构单室墓,墓室为四边形,墓壁有精美的砖雕,年代为北宋早、中期。  相似文献   
试论中商文化的分期与年代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱光华 《中原文物》2012,(2):35-41,47
目前学者一般将中商文化分为三期,但其中尚有一定的年代缺环。据郑州、河北、安阳三地的中商期典型遗址,我们研究提出了新的四期分法,同时对中商分期与都邑、王年的对应关系开展了初步探讨。  相似文献   
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