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胥秋菊 《神州》2013,(9):109-110
古典诗文的阅读与鉴赏活动从医学生的人格培养、人生价值、伦理道德、审美感知等方面影响着医学生综合人文素养的提高。  相似文献   

Over the last fifteen years Karel Schoeman, Afrikaans author of well-esteemed novels, described the history of the Cape Colony during the years of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in an ongoing series of historical studies, narratives, non-fiction, biographies and monographs. This article is an attempt to evaluate Schoeman's contribution to South African historiography: his approach and presentation, the subjects emphasised and interpretations given, and the scholarly quality and significance of his work. Characteristic of Schoeman is his ability to capture the character of the past enabling the reader to really understand it. The past is a country, far away, difficult to enter but there is a road to understanding: Verstehen, a mind open to historical sensation, listening to the voices from the past, seeing the past in its heritage. In his historical novels, Schoeman adapts history to the fictional world he creates. In his historiography, popularising scholarly knowledge with literary skills, Schoeman remains critical of many traditional stories and portraits a new, non-fiction Cape – a refreshment station for the maritime VOC empire situated halfway between Europe and Asia on African soil; a struggling colony of people of various backgrounds, poor people without history mostly; a colony full of problems, contrasts and contradictions, but also a surprising society, multiracial, multicultural, open, and full of possibilities.  相似文献   
南通近代建筑的历史地位和形成特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南通是中国近代早期的工业基地之一,曾以模范县的美誉闻名于世。南通近代建筑是随着工商业兴起的,它是南通人依靠自己的力量,学习和吸收西方建筑艺术所形成的,在中国近代建筑史上占有一定的地位。南通近代建筑的形成有鲜明的特点,保护好这些建筑,有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
望山楚简考释六则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程燕 《江汉考古》2003,(3):85-90
本在习读简和阅读诸家作的基础上,对其中的“ ”、“壔”等字提出自己的一点浅陋看法。  相似文献   
浙江区域块状经济地理分布特征、绩效及其形成机制研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
浙江区域块状经济这种新型的产业空间集群组织形式的形成和发展并不是一种偶然的经济现象,而且特定历史背景、人文环境及资源压力和市场竞争条件下产生的必然经济运动的结果,是浙江人在培育市场经济过程中探索出来的一种成功发展模式。在中国的浙江,全省86个县、市中有85个县、市拥有地方特色的区域块状经济地理分布特征。按其成因和地理位置可将浙江省"区域块状经济"概括为:环杭州湾平原区位型、浙东南沿海"温州模式"型、浙中金衢盆地资源匮乏开拓型和浙西南地方资源开发型等四大特征分区;对基于产业集群的区域块状经济运行绩效的研究表明,区域块状经济的形成和发展为面广量大的中小企业构筑了一种有效的地域空间模式,对于提高区域工业的竞争力、工业产品的市场占有率、促进浙江市场的繁荣、农村工业化、城镇化发展具有十分重要的作用,与此同时,探讨了基于中小企业与大市场成功对接的浙江省区域块状经济形成机制,提出了中小企业的集群成长及其与市场的成功对接是浙江省区域块状经济形成和发展的动力机制和区域块状经济与农村工业化、城镇化互动发展模式。  相似文献   
黄云鹤 《史学集刊》2005,(1):101-105
唐朝下层士人的社会交往具有鲜明的时代特色,他们以科举和入幕为社交中心,以上层权贵、名士及地方官为社交对象,展开觅举、游丐、游幕等社交活动,并在这些社交活动中表现出不同的心态。  相似文献   
中国人口老龄化的特点、成因及对策分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
姚静  李爽 《人文地理》2000,15(5):24-29
人口老龄化是人口年龄结构的变化,是社会经济发展影响人口发展过程的必然产物,同时将对社会经济发展和未来人口变化产生深刻的影响。我国同时是世界人口大国和老年人口大国,老龄化过程有着自身的特点和独特的成因机制。本文通过定量分析,认为我国人口老龄化的特征表现在四个方面:①人口转变迅速,老龄化进程快;②老年人口绝对数量大,低龄老人多,高龄老人增长速度快;③人口老化与综合国力发展不相适应;④人口老龄化的区域差异显著。计划生育政策的推行和人口寿命的延长是我国人口老龄化的直接原因。最后提出了解决我国人口老龄化问题的对策与措施:转变观念,科学、辨证地认识人口老龄化问题;努力提高劳动生产率,增强经济承受能力;建立符合我国国情的养老保障体系和老年照料体系;建立健康的老年型社会。  相似文献   
中华文明的绚丽曙光--论舞阳贾湖发现的卦象文字   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对舞阳贾湖遗址发现的21个刻划符号的研究,认为其构形与商周甲骨金文相似。目前已认识的11个字,分别属于反映《离》、《坤》两卦之象的卦象文字,这说明中国使用至今的汉字,早在八千多年前就产生。  相似文献   
Political leaders rely upon particular individuals or party organisations to reach potential constituencies, but they can only guess at the probable effect any agent has on those electors. For politicians anxious to seize and hold power, it is very good news when one of their partisans establishes and maintains a faithful following. The complexities of understanding influence, especially in the 20th century, are compounded by the difficulties of identifying the myriad interests expressed in a variety of contending forums as well as at the polls. While archives of printed, spoken, and viewed materials allow us to recover what political figures said to various audiences, it is very difficult to demonstrate that expressed ideas actually affected political thinking or political conduct. It is a further speculative leap to imagine what audiences actually heard, what they wanted to hear, and what they made of what they believed they heard. In a written or spoken or pictorial effort to transmit ideas, the intention and purpose may be stated explicitly but the contents of the ideas may still be equivocal. Different kinds of audiences and different members of the same audience will find a variety of meanings, often contradictory, in what they read, hear, or see. Arthur Bryant, a popular historian, journalist, and polemicist was remarkably successful in proclaiming the merits of a pragmatic and ideological conservatism to a multiplicity of large, loyal audiences through the end of the Second World War. This essay examines Bryant's remarkable audience in the Illustrated London News and the ways in which he engaged and retained them for nearly 50 years.  相似文献   
《哈姆莱特》的第一幕第三场中有哈姆雷特关于生死问题的经典独白,这段独白可以说是深入认识哈姆莱特个人性格甚至是理解整个戏剧的关键。独白不仅是针对哈姆菜特个人的复仇计划同时也包含着深刻的意蕴。长久以来,学者们对于这段经典独白有很多不同的解读。本文将从哈姆莱特个人性格、戏剧情节、社会意义等角度深入解读这段独白在戏剧中的合理性和不可或缺性。  相似文献   
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