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The reconstruction of Palaeolithic subsistence and settlement systems at the Middle Palaeolithic site of Payre (France) is undertaken through the application of dental wear analyses combined to zooarchaeological, technological, and ecological indicators. Three archaeological levels were investigated. Level D, dated to MIS 5, could correspond to an occupation during the cold season. In levels G and F, dated to MIS 8-7, animals were probably hunted during a warmer season. According to dental wear analyses, it is likely that level F has actually recorded a succession of short occupations, contrary to what is observed in the levels G and D. Those differences in the duration of site occupation are discussed in the light of previous sedimentological, zooarchaeological, and technological studies.  相似文献   
The representation of history continues to evolve in the domain of museum exhibitions. This evolution is informed in part by the creation of new display methods—many of which depart from the traditional conventions used to achieve the "museum effect"—in part by an increased attention to the museum-visitor relationship. In this context the ethical force of bearing witness, at times a crucial aspect of the museum experience, has emerged as a particularly compelling issue. In seeking to represent and address atrocity, injustice, and the abrogation of human rights, museums have the potential to become "sites of conscience" and to encourage "historical consciousness." Through a series of three exhibitions devoted to slavery, the New-York Historical Society demonstrated how such sites can be constructed and how objects can be deployed to represent extreme or "limit cases." In this review/essay I investigate and interrogate these exhibitions, looking closely at the use of objects as a source of "indirect testimony" (Marc Bloch) and at the "dialogical situation" (Paul Ricoeur) that might arise in an encounter among objects, exhibit narratives, and visitors. Thinking in terms of point of view, I look at the variety of rhetorical platforms from which objects speak in these exhibitions; thinking in terms of syntax, I look at the effects of ordering and of the radical juxtaposition of objects; thinking in terms of irony, I look at the provocations of double-voiced narratives and at how objects are used to support those historical sentences.  相似文献   
咸若馆位于故宫外西路慈宁宫花园内,为该园中主体建筑。乾隆三十七年(1772)在东、西稍间的内壁上增设24个挂龛,用于供奉十二套擦擦三百六十佛,共计4320尊。经整理,咸若馆现存擦擦佛4233尊,其中4217尊属于三百六十佛系列,是利用三世章嘉胡图克图·若必多吉编订、乾隆二十二年十一月初十日(1757年12月20日)最终定型的三百六十佛铜阴佛模制作而成,其余16尊背后无字的擦擦无量寿佛则是清后期的作品。4217尊擦擦佛中目前仅有一套完整的擦擦三百六十佛,其余各套均不全。将这套完整的擦擦三百六十佛与《诸佛菩萨圣像赞》进行比较,两者有354尊佛像完全相同,仅6处存在差别,一致性高达983%。依据中正殿火场残存的《四体文佛名折》等一系列档案,考证其出现差别的原因是《诸佛菩萨圣像赞》和咸若馆供藏擦擦三百六十佛分别是三世章嘉编订三百六十佛过程中的前后两个阶段的作品,前者属于稿本,后者为定本。  相似文献   
在吐蕃统治敦煌时期所开凿的洞窟中,榆林25窟是相对较特殊的一个,窟内南北两壁的观无量寿经变与弥勒经变延续了盛唐洞窟中经变画的构图、风格,而正壁残存的一佛八菩萨图在造像样式上与窟内其他图像则有一定的差别。从正壁残存的主尊、菩萨名号题记中可以发现,唐代不空译《八大菩萨曼荼罗经》能够与之相对应,但是该经对八大菩萨身形的描述与榆林25窟的图像有一定差别。此图像与藏经洞中的部分绢画具有类似的风格特征,其中一部分有藏文题记,表明它们与居住在敦煌的吐蕃信众有密切的关系,而藏经洞中发现的藏文抄写的《八大菩萨曼拏罗经》可以证明此地的吐蕃信众确实信奉这一经典。一佛八菩萨的图像在吐蕃本土拉萨及青海地区屡有发现,其中西藏昌都与青海玉树的两处摩崖石刻由高僧益西央开凿,年代均在九世纪初,这些遗迹说明一佛八菩萨图像在吐蕃本土的流传情况。在这几处图像与榆林25窟的一佛八菩萨的比较中可以发现,吐蕃流行的八大菩萨图样并不十分固定,但其构图和风格是基本接近的,而榆林25窟所采用的图像可能来源于吐蕃地区。  相似文献   
朝鲜后期,北伐论激起朝鲜士大夫小中华意识高度发展,因此有学者将其称为"朝鲜中华主义"。然而从事实来看,朝鲜士大夫虽然有很强的文化自尊意识,但是这种自尊意识是建立在春秋大一统之上的,小中华意识的发展反而使一元的天下观进一步强化,将中华秩序理想化。所以,朝鲜后期小中华意识的发展并不表示朝鲜士大夫以朝鲜为中华之正统或中国之正统,反而继续承认朝鲜为小中华,而在事实上更不证明朝鲜为当时东亚的文化中心国家,所以我们在使用"朝鲜中华主义"概念时尚需仔细斟酌。  相似文献   
参互安菩墓志和两《唐书·安金藏传》所载,本文重新辨识了安菩一家的袄教信仰。文章认为,安金藏在为其父母举行的合葬仪中使用了犬视,并对袄教战神牡鹿和司水女神兼丰饶之神阿娜希塔致祭奉祀。其中,对前二者分别使用了现实中的动物,即犬和鹿,这就是《唐书·安金藏传》所载犬鹿相狎和原上旧无水,忽有涌泉自出的真实内容。这一葬仪不仅符合袄教教义,而且也与安菩定远将军的身份相符。安菩墓的特殊建制也体现了这一点。  相似文献   
在近期公布的中国文化遗产研究院等单位关于辽宁义县奉国寺实测数据和研究成果的基础上,结合笔者对该寺木结构几何解析关系的认识和调研,本文尝试从斗栱设计、屋架结构设计和材分与营造尺配合等方面进行反思,逆向寻求和推算原始设计的方法。  相似文献   
美国学术界一般认为,从三K党组织成立肇始,共经历三次连续的运动。第三次三K党运动开始于二战结束,持续至今。为了更加有效地迷惑民众,这一时期三K党采取的手段之一就是革新了该组织的宣传方略,不遗余力地利用美国当代大众传媒来宣传和标榜自己,并完成了由印刷媒体到电子媒体的转变。由于大众传媒和大众文化的密切关系,这种大众传媒方略直接影响到美国大众文化的变异,导致美国当代大众文化掺杂着三K党所宣扬的以白人种族主义为核心的消极成分,致使美国社会与文化的重构与异化。美国民众尤其是青年群体,深受此种文化理念和认知的麻痹与毒害:美国当代社会种族主义思潮的泛滥、白人至上主义运动持续、仇恨犯罪率的提升、暴力文化形式的盛行等现象便是例证。第三次三K党运动的大众传媒方略以及大众文化异化极具隐蔽性,由此导致的危害亦不容低估。  相似文献   
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