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The most common definitions of popular culture suffer from a presentist bias and cannot be applied to pre‐industrial and pre‐capitalist societies. A survey reveals serious conceptual difficulties as well. We may, however, gain insight in two ways. 1) By moving from a Marxist model (economic/class/production) to a more Weberian approach (societal/status/consumption). 2) By looking to Bourdieu's “cultural capital” and Danto's and Dickie's “Institutional Theory of Art,” and defining popular culture as “unauthorized culture.”  相似文献   
Geir Inge Orderud 《对极》2011,43(4):1215-1249
Abstract: The aim of this article is to improve our understanding of finance in home building by introducing an actor perspective in structure‐oriented theories of capital circulation. David Harvey's three‐circuit theory, with fixity‐motion processes and (de‐/re)‐territorialisation, is taken as the starting point. The analysis is based on a case study of Norwegian home‐building finance, outlining the emerging structure of housing and finance under the Norwegian version of neoliberalism; comprising deregulation and re‐regulation phases. The article delineates today's home‐building finance, and identifies large banks, small banks, large investment funds and small investment funds as structural actors operating within actual fixity and motion processes, causing a distinct territorialisation of urban landscapes, as exemplified by gentrification.  相似文献   
中晚唐藩镇建置方面最显著的特点是裂地分镇,藩镇碎化造成数量日增而辖境大减。分镇使一批属州变成治州,地位大为提升,新藩镇所领属州数目骤减,相对分镇以前其比重与实力均有增强。同时,徙治使治州与属州角色转换,原本实力平平的属州,会在短时间内实现实力飞跃,甚至超过原来的治州。分镇与徙治逐渐发展,客观上促使藩镇渐弱而属州渐强。北宋太宗时,能够彻底废除藩镇,实现全国诸州直属朝廷,可从中晚唐分镇与徙治中一窥因由。  相似文献   
This paper examines how authenticity and its use as a way of conceptualising the past participates in processes of heritage production, which are here defined as both the social construction of heritage sites and the uses of heritage sites as resources to achieve social goals. We argue that the social production of place and the social values generated by place are linked by a common approach based on the use of ‘place attraction’ as a unifying social concept. The World Heritage Site of Røros has as an attractive place become a resource for the production of cultural capital among various stakeholders, taking the form of a large body of ‘heritage knowledges’. However, a symbolic capital production of ‘attractive authenticity’ has today generated an idealised past and a purified iconic image of Røros as World Heritage. The discourse of ‘attractive authenticity’ reveals a conflict of interests where symbolic capital unfolds and makes power relations evident. This exposes a discussion about cultural heritage management practices at World Heritage Sites.  相似文献   
1954年10月,河南省会由开封迁至郑州。省会迁移的原因既有地理环境及交通条件的因素,也有经济及政治因素,而郑州由于位置适中、交通便利、经济发展前景良好以及便于领导全省工作等优势,使它取代了开封的省会地位。从1951年河南省会初步获准迁至郑州,到1952年正式确定迁移,再到1954年基本完成迁移,广大干部群众做了大量卓有成效的工作,省会迁移对河南省以及郑州、开封两市都产生了重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   
布尔迪厄的文化资本理论在旅游规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴启焰  王兆杰 《人文地理》2011,26(1):113-117
伴随着后现代主义的到来,以符号和影像为主的消费文化成为了社会消费的主导。因此,旅游业的发展与规划既需要满足消费需求,又要尊重消费文化。本文中我们试图从布迪厄的文化资本理论的三个方面:文化能力、文化产品、文化制度的角度分析旅游文化资本,希望以此推动旅游文化资本在旅游规划中的运用。  相似文献   
史籍所见尧都之“平阳”是一个地理区域概念。“平阳”在今山西临汾市西南一带是可以肯定的。“王文”所采信的皇甫谧《帝王世纪》“帝尧始封于唐, 有徙晋阳, 及为天子, 都平阳。平阳即今晋阳, 即太原也”之说法根本就是错误的。考古学提供的一条重要线索, 陶寺遗址的地理位置与古文献记载的“尧都”地望相合, 其放射性碳素年代 (距今4200—4400年之间) 也与古史传说中“陶唐氏”兴盛的年代基本一致。先秦“太原”指晋南, 现在的太原是战国末期才出现的地名。太原始称晋阳则是汉以后的事。太原之“晋阳”没有早于春秋之前的考古发现。太原之“晋阳”与唐叔虞之封地无涉, 与“尧都平阳”更无涉。今临汾塔儿山周围的汾浍平原地带就是当年“唐尧”统治的“唐国”属地, 其“帝都”之墟当为今考古发现的山西襄汾之陶寺遗址。  相似文献   
宋朝政府购买资金的调拨方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋朝政府购买资金的调拨采取了实物运输、信用汇兑、异地结算、截留上供、动用系省封桩钱物等多种手段,并且分别表现出了实物调运的“轻赍”化,便钱汇兑和异地结算的信用化,截留上供、动用系省封桩钱物的本地化等趋势性特点。这些情况,既体现了财赋周转过程中降低成本、提高效率的制度取向,也反映出宋朝的财政分配不仅在收支方面与商品货币经济联系密切,而且在调拨周转方面也对市场交换、信用制度的发展及商业资本的运营有很多依赖。  相似文献   
战国初期,赵国都城由晋阳迁往中牟。以迁都中牟为契机,赵国很快完成了政治改革,加快了在中原的扩张,最终实现了由封闭到开放,由卿士到诸侯的战略转折和跃进,由此奠定了赵国前期历史化发展的格局。  相似文献   
刘淼 《安徽史学》2005,(2):83-89
祁门红茶与上海交通银行贷款关系的成立 ,标志着农业产品的生产与销售活动受到金融资本的支配与控制。而在战前区域经济关系中 ,也说明中国内陆地区农业产品的生产者与贸易组织同沿海出口口岸的关系更为密切。本文重点考察作为中国出口大宗产品的祁门红茶与银行银企关系建立的过程、原因 ,及其金融支配与控制关系对于出口产品生产与销售的影响 ,以期说明农业产业组织的变迁与沿海及内陆区域经济关系形成问题。  相似文献   
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