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Geographic research on neoliberalism has explored the restructuring of educational landscapes wrought through marketisation of preschool, school and higher-education provision and considered the responsibilisation of parents and children for educational outcomes. This study develops understanding of the contingent emergence of neoliberal educational reform, and its progressive and regressive impacts, through an examination of the burgeoning private tuition market in England and Wales. The paper outlines the contours of the previously hidden supplementary education industry, demonstrating that it reinforces regional and classed inequalities, while opening possibilities for ethnic minority advancement. Conceptually, the paper advances debate about socio-spatial specificity in neoliberal change, showing that the intersection of policy, free markets and consumer behaviour reshapes the educational landscape in ways that extend beyond state intention and control. Through these processes, contingent market forms are produced that offer social mobility for some, but ensure the social reproduction of enduring regimes of power.  相似文献   
Geography: Shaping Australia's Future (2018) provides a ‘strategic plan’ for geography aligned with the national research priorities, as well other key areas where Australian geographers are addressing environmental and societal challenges. To provide context, we first describe the state of geography in Australian universities. We then articulate ways forward for strengthening Australian geography—both within the discipline and how we interact externally. We describe how geography may better contribute to policy agendas, capitalising on our unique perspectives of space, place and the environment, but also highlight how we might improve these contributions through a more unified approach across human and physical geography. Third, we discuss opportunities for geographers to build the reputation of the discipline and ways to advocate for its importance in the wider academy, school curricula and community. We conclude with some preliminary suggestions on how Australian geographers may better engage and contribute to the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.  相似文献   
This article explores the phenomena of geographical imaginations and their seldom-noted promotion within various corners of Fascist Italy. Imagined geographies are socially constructed understandings of other places and regions and, as such, they are malleable, contingent, shifting and unquantifiable. Nevertheless, these imaginaries help us to navigate our imaginative worlds and our relative place in the material world. In 1930s Italy, various interest groups associated with the colonial and expansionist projects of Fascism promoted the development of wider geographical imaginaries among Italians. Academic geographers were often key figures in these initiatives: some prompted these projects, while others did so at the behest of the regime and its desire to expand Italians' coscienza geografica (the geographical imagination) to an ‘imperial level’. This article explores how academic geographers from Trieste sought to contribute to this project and to embed their geographical knowledge into the ordinary, everyday circuits of public life. The article therefore outlines the notion of the geographical imagination and demonstrates via case studies how Triestine geographers tried to nurture these phenomena. Finally, it suggests that, although elusive and amorphous, geographical imaginations were a feature of everyday life in some corners of Fascist Italy and, as such, they deserve academic attention.  相似文献   
新中国成立初期,嘉兴地区的乡村小学教育在国家的大力扶持下有了较快的发展,呈现出社会主义的新特征。但在社会主义建设过程中,由于急于求成,不少小学亦出现了流生严重、校群关系紧张等不良现象。同时,因为中央政府注重将乡村小学教育和农村社会环境相结合,使得中央和地方政府能够及时发现并解决问题。这表明国家在乡村小学教育中扮演着非常重要的角色,必须充分意识到政策在实践中的有效性,才能更好地进行国家建设。  相似文献   
1958年,农业中学最先诞生于江苏省.在"大跃进"运动的影响下,江苏省农业中学的学校数量及在校人数迅速膨胀,成为全国教育"大跃进"的一个重要组成部分和表现形式.在整个"大跃进"时期,江苏省的农业中学始终保持了一个庞大的规模,直到中共中央决定对国民经济实行"调整、巩固、充实、提高",其盲目发展的势头才得以遏制并开始逐步调整.  相似文献   

Places connected to the Holocaust, and the physical evidence that lies within them, survive as reminders of the crimes perpetrated by the Nazis. Both the treatment of these sites and attitudes towards them have varied considerably in the years since the Second World War. In recent years, a number of archaeological investigations have been instigated by curators at Holocaust sites in a direct attempt to enhance visitor experiences and education programmes. Archaeologists have initiated investigations at other forgotten and dilapidated sites in an attempt to raise awareness of these places. This paper will discuss two case study sites where archaeological investigations have been undertaken and where attempts have been made to inform conservation, heritage management, and education strategies. It will highlight the various challenges that may arise in the course of developing dissemination tools and discuss strategies that have been adopted to account for them. Specifically it will focus on how archaeologists can present novel means by which to locate, record, and re-present the physical evidence of the Holocaust and how they can tell the stories of difficult heritage sites even when traditional forms of memorialization/muzealization is not wanted or practical.  相似文献   
There has been a recent increase in the body of knowledge related to children and disasters. These studies converge into three main fields of research: the impact of disasters on children and their psychological recovery, the integration of disaster risk reduction (DRR) into the education sectors and children’s participation in DRR. This article provides a literature review of the two latter fields of research where the focus is on reducing disaster losses and building resilience prior to a disaster. Overall, 48 studies are critically reviewed and compared in relation to the strengths and weaknesses of their aims, methods, locations of research, impact, and outcomes. The review identified a number of differences between the two fields and significant opportunities for linking the two approaches, sharing lessons and knowledge. Based on the review, recommendations for further research are outlined.  相似文献   
论严复对蔡元培教育思想的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严复是近代名的启蒙思想家,蔡元培是近代名的教育家。作为思想启蒙,严复对教育的认识直接和明显地影响着蔡元培“五育”教育、“男女平等教育”、“思想自由、兼容并包”、“美育代宗教”等教育思想的形成和发展n但这种影响不是全盘的接收,而是学习中的改造和借鉴中的超越。  相似文献   
张红岩 《攀登》2006,25(4):173-174
本文通过对图书馆职能的分析,从对图书馆用户的教育、对图书馆员的教育两个方面,探讨了图书馆社会教育职能的充分发挥在整个社会教育中所具有的积极意义。  相似文献   
刘椿 《史学集刊》2006,(1):39-44,52
陕甘宁边区的教育经历了曲折的探索过程,从旧教育模式到创立自己的教育模式,由强迫教育到尊重群众的自愿与需要,由包办到民办公助,形成了具有鲜明时代特色的教育体制。、国民教育培养出的毕业生成为社会的有用之才,提高了陕甘宁边区文化程度,培养了大量专门人才。抗战时期陕甘宁边区的教育从抗战的环境和边区的实际出发,坚持教育同抗战、同社会、同生产劳动相结合的方针,为抗战培养人才,消除了群众中的文盲、迷信、不卫生的习惯,解决了群众生产和生活中的实际问题,既推动了边区教育事业的发展,也但排了边区经济、社会的进步,为抗战作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
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