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灵井遗址是国内首次发掘的以泉水湖泊沉积为中心的旧石器时代遗址,从2005年至今一直进行野外发掘,出土有大量旧石器时代的动物化石和石制品,本文的内容是遗址动物群埋藏学研究的方法和思路,并通过本文模式的研究,以期待能够在静态的物质遗存中发现动态的人类行为的线索,从人与环境的相互关系中,认识人类进化和行为演化乃至技术进步的动因.  相似文献   
The Tune Viking ship has been a riddle for more than 150 years, since being found within a burial in the Oslo fjord area in 1867. It was long thought that the ship's freeboard was too low for it to have crossed the North Sea. Advances in documentation methods and a detailed study of the preserved parts of the ship have provided new data, and this article outlines a new proposal for how the ship looked when it was built in the early 10th century AD. The Tune ship is reinterpreted as a seagoing vessel, in no way inferior to the Oseberg or Gokstad Viking ships.  相似文献   
北魏墓室所见孝子画像与“东园”探考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要就北魏墓室所见孝子画像与“东园”及“东园秘器”的关系作了探究。“东园”是北魏沿袭汉晋传统设立的专司皇室及贵族丧葬事宜的最高机构,由其制作的秘器称“东园秘器”,北魏时期对之多有赏赐,见诸文献者共计36件。“东园”对平城与洛阳两地的丧葬观念及葬具制作具有重要影响。司马金龙漆围屏是平城“东园”的遗物,元谧石棺、洛阳古代艺术馆藏升仙石棺为洛地“东园”的遗品,宁懋石室、固原漆棺的制作与图像刻画则受到了“东园”的影响,卢氏石围屏及其他几件刻画有孝子图的葬具也可能出自“东园”或与之存在联系。“东园”在北魏迁洛后续纳晋及南朝早期绘画传统,同时融汇部分佛教与袄教内容,在平城“东园”传统的基础上发展出包蕴多种文化因素的葬具图像,其中既有传统的升仙题材,也有儒家的孝子及佛教的摩尼宝珠等。在众多画像题材中,孝子仅为其中的一部分,它或者相对独立,或者与其他画像组合,形成两种不同的图像形式,且并不因墓主身份的贵贱而有高下之别或专属某一社会阶层。  相似文献   
Archaeological survey by the Qatar National Historic Environment Record Project (QNHER) in 2009, led to the discovery of a Neolithic flint scatter, a settlement and an ancient, raised shoreline associated with higher, mid‐Holocene sea levels at Wādī ?ebay?ān, north‐western Qatar (Al‐Naimi et al. 2010, 2011; Cuttler, Tetlow & Al‐Naimi 2011). The QNHER project is a collaboration between Qatar Museums and the University of Birmingham, which over the past five years has developed a national geospatial database for the recording of archaeological sites and historic monuments in Qatar. A significant aspect of the project involved archaeological survey and excavation in advance of major construction projects. Between 2012 and 2014 excavations at Wādī ?ebay?ān revealed a burial of a typology previously unknown in Qatar, the unmarked graves (Cuttler, Al‐Naimi & Tetlow 2013).  相似文献   
Excavations at Abydos, Egypt, during 2014–2016 have revealed the remains of a boat burial dating to the reign of Senwosret III (c.1850 BCE). The boat burial occurred inside a specially prepared, subterranean vaulted building. Surviving elements of planking appear to derive from a nearly 20 m‐long boat that was buried intact but later dismantled for reuse of the wood. The vessel may belong to a group of royal funerary boats associated with the nearby tomb of Senwosret III. Incised on to the interior walls of the boat building is an extensive tableau including 120 surviving drawings of pharaonic watercraft. A unique deposit of pottery vessels was found associated with the ceremonial burial of this royal boat.  相似文献   
Thomas Laqueur has brought together half a century of research on modern European mortuary culture into an impressive narrative of how the Christian churchyard was replaced by the modern cemetery, how interment was partly replaced by the technology of cremation, and how writing and preserving the names of the dead coincided with democratization and social reform. Beyond the grand narrative of the history of modern burial, he also shows how the modern culture of history and memory is intertwined with the transformation of mortuary practices. On a deeper level, he points toward new ways of conceptualizing the relation between the living and the dead, leading up toward, if not fully confronting, the challenge that propels his own endeavor, namely the existential‐ontological predicament of living after those who have been and the nature of spectrality.  相似文献   
A new case is described here of a wound caused by a flint arrowhead in the neolithic period. The specimen comes from a collective burial excavated last century in the cave Trou Rosette (Belgium). It consists of a fragment of left adult ilium. The fragment of arrowhead is located in a rounded cavity which is open in the medial surface of the bone. The CT scan and the artefact study allow us to reconstruct the scenario of the accident. The arrow pierced the musculus gluteus of the individual prior fixing in the iliac blade. The arrow tip broke at the moment of impact; its tang broke either at the moment of impact or during attempts to extract the arrow.  相似文献   
19世纪70年代,清廷各级外交人员出国后,认知、认同、接受了西方国家的外交观念及其礼仪惯例,并开始了逐渐与其接轨的近代化进程,但同时也出现一些礼仪对接中的错位现象.出于外交的需要,清廷初步确定了清国的国旗、国歌.这一时期清廷外交理念及外交活动的变化是巨大而深刻的,功不可没.但中国在政治上付出的代价也是巨大的,惨重的,其教训也同样是不可忘记的.  相似文献   
中国古代的玉蝉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为汉代主要葬玉之一的琀蝉,在史前时期主要发现于长江中游的石家河文化中,并且主要出土于瓮棺葬的底部,应该与某种丧葬仪式或灵魂观有关。汉代以前,“蝉”是楚文化地区的称呼,中原地区称为螗蜩、蜋蜩等,再给合楚地发达的巫文化、鬼神观念,推测中原地区的琀蝉,不仅其形态,而且其作为葬玉的功能,可能主要是来源于楚文化。  相似文献   
土公台墓地位于荆门市沙洋县十里铺镇王场村八组一南北向的岗地上。为配合襄荆高速公路建设,湖北省文物考古研究所会同荆门市博物馆,在此共发掘西汉中晚期墓葬21座,出土了一批西汉时期文物,为研究该地区的汉代墓葬提供了新材料。  相似文献   
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