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本文通过统计明初南直隶、湖广、江西三省的城墙包砖情况,考察了明初城墙包砖的基本面貌,并根据明代各级城市所用城砖的烧造与征调情况,探讨包砖的相对成本,指出明初城市包砖与城市的等级、所处地区的军事战争形势密切相关。  相似文献   
A common assumption in Near Eastern tell archaeology is that the majority of sediments originate from degraded mud bricks. Little is known about the mechanism of mud brick wall degradation. Here we present a detailed macro- and microscopic ethnoarchaeological study of the degradation of a mud brick house and propose a comprehensive mechanism for tell formation processes in arid environments. The study took place in southern Israel by trenching a ca. 60 year old abandoned mud brick house, followed by extensive sediment sampling. Macroscopic observations showed that mud brick walls degrade by collapse of single bricks and/or collapse of intact wall parts, either inwards or outwards. In addition, infill sediments within the house and outside it, in close proximity to its walls, form alternating sedimentary layers of various colors and textures. The degraded mud brick material lost its distinctive macroscopic structure, which makes it impossible to accurately identify this material by field observations alone. Mineralogical and elemental analyses established the sources of the house infill sediments, namely mud bricks and wind blown sediments. Alternating layers mostly originate from mixing between degraded mud brick material and wind blown sediments. Micromorphological observations revealed microscopic mechanisms of mud brick degradation and include processes of mud slurry gravity flows, sediment coatings and infillings, wind abrasion of walls, small-scale puddling, and bioturbation. This study provides a working scheme for site formation of abandoned mud brick structures in arid environments. It provides a set of criteria by which it is possible to differentiate floors from post-abandonment sedimentary features and thus improves the reliability of activity area research.  相似文献   
为了揭示古砖的风化侵蚀机理,采用X射线衍射法(XRD)、X射线荧光光谱法(XRF)、扫描电子显微镜观察(SEM)进行微观结构分析,结合压汞仪测试孔的性质,并使用热力学软件(HSC)对砖内的化学反应进行验证。研究结果表明:对于靠近地面一定高度内的古建筑墙体砖,地下水及离子通过砖内的毛细管网络不断向上部和表面进行迁移,在砖内可溶性盐类的结晶以及水结冰时产生的压力是造成墙体砖风化破坏的主要因素;对于NO X、SO 2浓度较高、酸雨较多的地区,酸性物质进入砖体并与钾长石,钠长石等发生反应形成新的盐类,盐的结晶、溶解、流失也是导致古砖破坏的一个不可忽略的因素,尤其是对于地下水无法渗透到的墙体砖,这些可能成为主要的物理化学损毁因素。本研究为古砖以后的保护提供了一种新的研究思路以及科学的理论基础。  相似文献   
该墓位于陕西安康市张家坎,是20世纪80年代抢救性清理的一座残破墓葬。该墓为长方形砖室墓,出土了陶俑、画像砖和其他随葬物品,尤为重要的是发现了带有南朝梁"天监五年"纪年的铭文砖,故刊布该墓资料的意义重大。  相似文献   
1998年秋,为配合新乡至荷泽铁路复线工程建设,河南省文物考古部门对该铁路所经过的延津段进行了考古调查和发掘。本次共发掘出明代陶窑1座,并对铁路线所经过的黄河故堤做了一些解剖工作,同时,还发现了有关古胙国的线索。现将本次考古发掘的主要收获简报如下。一、地理概况及地层堆积延津县位于河南省北中部,属黄河冲积扇平原,黄河故道自西南而东北贯穿境内。历史上黄河长期流经今延津境内,并多次决口泛滥,直至明成化十五年(1479年)黄河南迁,从此,延津才位于黄河北岸①。因而,这里沙土厚积,宋及宋以前历史遗迹绝大部…  相似文献   
Located in the historical center of Catania, Italy, in the Civita district, the Bonajuto Chapel is one of the oldest and best-conserved buildings of the city, which has survived the numerous earthquakes that struck eastern Sicily during the medieval and the modern ages, such as those particularly devastating in 1169 and 1693. However, both the date of this small monument, as well as its original use, still remain uncertain, as literary and documentary evidence are scarce and fragmentary. Most historians, analyzing prevalently the stylistic and constructive aspects, interpreted the chapel as a place of worship and assigned its construction to a rather long period of the early Middle Ages, from the 5th or 6th centuries ad to the 8th or 9th centuries ad—the phase during which the island was under the Byzantine domination. The excavations carried out in 1930 to 1939 and the last restoration works (in 2003) have not provided explicit chronological data. Its age determination is considered essential for a better knowledge of the real influence of this domination on the architecture of the Island. Therefore, a multidisciplinary and accurate analysis of the building using the existing bibliography has been carried out also in order to understand the functional and morphological transformations of the chapel during its long life. The thermoluminescence absolute dating methodology applied to some brickwork elements of the construction, has placed the monument chronology in a period of time that is notably shorter than that previously noted here. These new data, with the study of the architectural structure, have made a significant step forward in the knowledge of the chapel history.  相似文献   
An assemblage of pottery and bricks recovered during two seasons of diving has been sorted by fabric and vessel type, quantified and analysed. A substantial quantity of Italian maiolica, including examples in the grotesque style, and others from Montelupo and other Italian manufactories, has been considered from an art historical perspective, while a range of more utilitarian earthenwares, including olive jars and micaceous redwares, are also present. The chronology of this assemblage is discussed, together with the functions of particular types and an interpretation of the origin of the ship on which they were carried.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   
南京明城墙砖文中保存的信息有助于对明初役制组织的研究.从已发现的"均工夫"纪年砖可知,明初筑造城墙所需工役人员主要以均工夫役的方式获得,早期组织形式并不完备:约洪武十年后发展为推行以"甲"为建制的基层组织,从官吏到基层的组织形式巳基本完备;至洪武十七年停止.与凤阳中都明初砖文比较可知,这一基层组织形式可能借鉴明中都军工...  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to present the results of compressive strength tests for bricks from different historical periods. The studies were conducted on hand-molded and mechanically formed bricks. The bricks that were used for the studies came from historical structures from the center of the royal city of Crakow. Compressive strength was determined on rectangular prisms and on cylinders cut out from bricks in various directions—anisotropy and shape effects were then analyzed.

?The basic aim of the conducted studies was to estimate the possibility of carrying out the strength tests on relatively small samples and re-calculating these results on normalized brick strength determined according to EN772–1. Based on the tests results, a range of correlation coefficient values for cylinder samples with diameters of 30 mm and 50 mm was given. It was indicated that for the tested historical bricks characterized by significant material non-homogeneity within the element and sensitivity to damages while cutting out the samples, correlation coefficients are higher than for bricks used contemporarily.

?The results of these studies are presented alongside the findings from existing studies on the compressive strength of bricks.  相似文献   
本文对正史记载的九位"丹扬王"的官爵变迁和丧葬情况逐一考察,将山西怀仁县丹扬王墓墓主人的生活时代缩小到北魏时期,然后根据墓葬形制的特殊性,推断是孝文帝时期重臣刘昶与三位公主夫人的合葬墓,后因迁葬而空穴。并对该墓出土人物画像砖和甬道壁画的文化来源稍做分析。  相似文献   
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