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于民 《安徽史学》2012,(1):83-88
中世纪和近代早期,英国关税性质发生了根本性变化,从一种国王特权税,逐渐演变为处于议会严格控制下的议会间接税。中世纪和1625年前的近代早期,关税主要是国王的一种特权税。1625-1660年间,随着议会和王权斗争的高涨,以及议会的暂时胜利,关税一度转变为处于议会直接控制下的间接税。复辟时期,关税的最终课征批准权继续掌握在议会手中,但因缺少日常操控权,其关税权残缺不全。光荣革命后,因议会在与王权的斗争中取得了决定性胜利,关税演变为完全由议会严格控制的间接税。  相似文献   
本文对《傲慢与偏见》和《简·爱》中的居住空间描写进行分析,通过两部作品在这方面的同异,来考察二者在以居住空间为代表的环境描写方面如何作用于对人物性格的塑造以及对作品情节发展所起到的暗示性作用,从而理解两位作家在创作上的高超手法。  相似文献   
河南省淇县西岗村王长安,收集到750多块明代文字砖。征得其同意,笔者将他所收集的部分明代长城文字砖整理介绍出来,以飨读者。  相似文献   
Proposed in this paper are two analytical models for predicting the inelastic response of unreinforced brick masonry infills in reinforced concrete frames subjected to mono-tonic and reversed cyclic loading. The first model is based on the traditional diagonal strut concept, while the second one is a simple isoparametric element with shear deformation only. All the essential characteristics of the hysteretic behaviour of the panel, including strength and stiffness degradation, pinching and slippage, are explicitly taken into account. The models are implemented in a general-purpose program for the inelastic time-history analysis of structures, and are used for studying the seismic behaviour of typical multistorey frames with various arrangements of infill panels, including structures with an open ground storey. The results of the analysis are in agreement with both experimentally observed behaviour and with experience regarding seismically damaged buildings.  相似文献   
One overlooked feature of Andrea's arrival in Barcelona at the beginning of Nada is the old and battered suitcase that she drags with her to her relatives’ apartment. It is filled almost entirely with books, books that—we may assume—she has read and plans to read again. Reading, it is clear, has played a large part in her intellectual and psychological formation as a teenager, but one of the strands of her overall maturation process during the forthcoming year will involve achieving a greater understanding of the distortions involved in how people (including her) see life through the optic of literature and literature through the optic of life. Gradually disabused of her overly literary adolescent imaginings, then, she eventually becomes a writer—of the text that is Nada—who is well aware of the traps that reading and writing hold.  相似文献   
汉画游戏研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
游戏是人们为满足生理、生活需要,寻求乐趣,培养社会生存能力而进行的玩耍活动.先秦时已经出现了许多很有特色的游戏活动.两汉时期,既继承了许多先秦时期流传下来的游戏形式,又在此基础上产生了一些新的游戏形式,如斗鸡、六博、投壶、蹴鞠等,是中国游戏史上的一个重要时期,起着承上启下、继往开来的作用,对后代的游戏发展产生深远的影响.  相似文献   
唐代鸿胪井石刻是唐朝与渤海国地方政权关系的实物史料,具有很高的价值。然而,长期以来,记载与论述该石刻正文的文字及石刻的式样、拓片的版本、鸿胪卿之名等方面多有错误,以致以讹传讹.本文重新作了考证,以恢复其真实面目。  相似文献   
石涛和张大千都善于师古人,都重视师造化,作品都讲求气势,是他们创怍特色的相同之处。怛两人艺术个性不同,用笔、用墨特点不同,表现手段不同,则构成了他们刨作特色的区别。  相似文献   
汉画中雩祭、攻社、曝巫、河伯理水、驱魔逐疫、羽人针灸等内容是对当时的旱涝、疫病灾害的记录。各地汉画侧重的内容及表现形式不同,是与各地的文化背景和自然灾害背景有关。  相似文献   
在日本泉屋博古馆展藏的中国青铜器中,西周青铜私文书的数量和字数超过了商和春秋战国,不仅如此,中国考古出土的青铜铭文器字数和数量,迄今为止,也是以西周居多。西周铸造技术的提高和普及、奴隶制度的高度完善、家庭成员思想观念的转变及留传意识的增强等,是西周青铜私文书的数量、字数以及记事的范围和内容增多的主要原因。西周是青铜私文书发展的鼎盛时期。  相似文献   
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