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织绣文物中的寿字装饰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国于汉代已经在织锦的铭文中使用寿字.到明清时期,寿字与象征长寿的仙桃、菊花、仙鹤及寓意连绵万代的葫芦、字和寓意喜庆幸福的灯笼、蝙蝠等组成吉祥图案。寿宇的字体也随着时代的发展而不断丰富。本文按时代顺序将寿字的字形排列梳理,不仅可供读者了解其丰富的文化内涵.而且根据寿宇的字形变化.可作为判断织绣文物年代的一种依据。  相似文献   
砖质文物建筑多数处于室外工作环境,其损伤呈现出冻融循环条件下的物理风化和材料水解条件下的化学风化联合作用破坏形态,致使古青砖文物面临着严重的环境侵蚀风化问题。为此,以古建筑青砖为研究对象,通过对6组试样分别进行0,15,30,45,60和75次冻融循环试验,分析冻融循环次数对古青砖的孔洞率、质量、抗压强度的影响规律。在此基础上,通过TEM(透射电子显微镜)扫描探讨了冻融作用对古青砖微观结构的损伤过程及劣化机理。结果表明:随着冻融循环次数的增加,古青砖的孔洞率、质量损失率以及强度损失率均增大;TEM扫描发现冻融对古青砖造成了明显的微观孔隙结构损伤,特别是75次冻融循环后该损伤明显激增。同时,利用XPS(X射线光电子能谱仪)测试古青砖化学成分的组成,说明青砖体内碳酸盐等可溶性盐类的晶体水解造成青砖的微观孔隙结构损伤,是其遭受化学风化作用的主要原因。  相似文献   
汉字在其产生、发展、成熟和运用的过程中,也渗透出相当的民俗化现象,诸如自然祭拜、生殖崇拜、祈福禳灾、兼忌避讳、爱幼尊老,崇祀宗祖、敬惜字纸等习俗,在汉字本身就有明确的反映,从一个侧面体现了汉民族的心理发展历程。  相似文献   
由于时代精神和社会风俗的差异,历代玉器上的凤纹在造型、纹饰、艺术风格和制作技法上均有一定的时代特征。  相似文献   
This article explores the link between religion and politics, religious liberty and the rights of religious minorities, by focusing on the constitutions which Italian states adopted and discarded from 1796 to 1849. It concerns questions about the ‘national character’ and the rights and duties of the citizen, and argues that - far from being ‘an outlet’ for material discontent - questions of religious identity and pluralism were integral to the Risorgimento definition of liberty. In this context, the author explores also the Mazzinian vision of a democratic republic inspired by an acephalous and non-hierarchical civil religion, similar to the Unitarian Transcendentalism practiced by some of his New York admirers - a far cry from the ‘religions of politics’ inspired by Saint Simon and Auguste Comte.  相似文献   
皖南周代青铜剑纹饰资料详实、变化丰富。剑格主要有兽面纹、蟠螭纹与几何纹,剑首基本上为弦纹圈及几何纹饰。剑首、剑格纹饰与剑体其他部位特征演变规律类似,各期特征也较为显著,存在一定的组合关系。研究表明,始自西周中晚期,设计者便注意到格、首在装饰上需要保持的平衡与协调,至春秋晚期该传统便达极致,其中剑格兽面纹的出现,是吴越青铜文化的一大改造与创新。而战国时期青铜剑纹饰的衰退则反映出吴越地区制剑审美观的转变。  相似文献   
刘晓东 《史学月刊》2007,(8):96-102
士作为知识与智能的承载者,其治生类型大致可概括为本业治生与异业治生两种。明代士人的异业治生,主要包括耕读传家、医卜杂艺、工贾自食三种方式。由于本业治生途径的狭窄、收益低下与不稳定,中国传统社会的士人形成了"重异轻本"的治生理念。这一理念随着明代社会的变迁与商品经济的发展渐趋深化,并呈现出由重"耕"向重"贾"的演变趋势。这种演变一定程度上提升了士人的生存能力,促动了其社会人格的相对独立。但与此同时,也加深了士人对异业治生的依赖程度,导致其经济人格的渐趋软弱与社会人格独立的相对有限,并成为影响近世中国知识分子群体生存与发展的一个内在因素。  相似文献   
董珊 《华夏考古》2007,(3):92-96
"周公戈"先后被郭沫若、江村治村、林清源等学者认为伪刻。本文从戈的形制、铭文结合文献记载及对其他地方的同类出土物等分析,认为该戈及铭皆不伪,戈的时代属战国中期。从戈铭可以见证战国时代西周君主的称呼方式,并反映了西周地区的铭刻特点。  相似文献   
游彪  周玥 《史学集刊》2020,(1):65-71
陶榖曾先后在后晋、后汉、后周和北宋任官,是五代宋初文人的典型代表之一。其性格偏激急躁,追求名利,行事作风为当时人和后世所诟病。然而,陶榖的形象通过史料和文学作品的加工处理而典型化、脸谱化,并不能够完全反映其真实面目。通过对陶榖家庭背景和行为的具体分析,可以对陶榖其人有更加真实全面的了解,同时也能够更好地认识五代宋初所面临的士风重建问题。  相似文献   
In place of a ‘tolerant no more’ narrative, this article proposes a different conception of nationalism's re‐articulation in the Dutch context. The salience of nationhood in public and political life, particularly concerning issues of immigration, religion and diversity, is not reconstructed as a backlash against a purported multiculturalism. Instead, attention is given to a re‐articulation of the very notion of nationhood. A long‐term historical move away from characterology is assessed and applied in understanding the emergence of a national‐identity discourse. This discourse not merely embellishes talk of Dutchness with new terms, but indicates – so the articles aim to demonstrate – a different conception of nationhood all together. Apart from what the nation is – about which very little disagreement took place – discussions formed about how Dutchness was imagined and to what extent people themselves were able to form a national image. The emergence of national‐identity discourse is empirically reconstructed. Not only is it made clear how a logic of popularity begins to be reiterated across a variety of positionings, but public debate and dissensus acquire a new significance and performativity in the process.  相似文献   
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