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司空图序中所提到的三部私修谱书都是唐玄宗时人所撰,其中<荥阳族系记>作者郑回与南诏清平官郑回为同一人.<新唐书·宰相世系表>述郑氏谱系,疑曾取资于郑回之谱.可见该序确出司空图,而且很有史料价值.  相似文献   
明代是中国封建社会城市经济和商品经济得到较大发展的历史时期。市民阶层的形成,促进了以戏曲、小说为代表的通俗文学的发展,戏曲、小说中的插图在继承宋元传统的基础上得到了前所未有的繁荣。明代的人物肖像画家面对人物画的弱势格局和蓬勃兴起的书籍出版业,积极为书籍创作插图,两者之间形成了紧密联系、共同发展的关系。  相似文献   
我国的改革是从农村实行家庭承包经营制度大面积铺开的。30年来,党和政府十分重视农业、农村和农民问题,先后出台了一系列政策、措施。中共中央国务院《关于2009年促进农业稳定发展农民持续增收的若干意见》于2009年1月发出,这是改革开放以来关于"三农"工作的第11个"一号文件"。抚今追昔,回顾前面10个中央"一号文件",对于认识农村改革与发展的历程,加强农村制度建设、发展现代农业、发展农村公共事业,在新形势下推进农村改革发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
在纪念中共十一届三中全会召开30周年的日子里,读到朱佳木的专著《我所知道的十一届三中全会》,获益良多。笔者以为,这是一部叙述和评价中共十一届三中全会的信史,是林林总总同一题材著作中的上乘之作。这本书最显著的特点是回忆与研究的结合,这是作者独具而别人难以企及的优长之处。中  相似文献   
傅云龙是近代海外访书的先行者之一,他在奉旨游历海外时,曾在日本见到过诸多珍贵汉籍,并对其中的部分古籍进行了考证,甚至还有过刊刻海外汉籍的活动。本文主要从文献学的角度对傅云龙所著《游历日本图经余记》中涉及的日藏汉籍予以考察,在考订这些海外汉籍的版本、流传等问题的同时,并对傅氏的某些考证中存在的问题予以订正。  相似文献   
This article analyses the Cairo International Book Fair as a “field configuring event” (FCE), namely, as a recurrent mass event that both reflects the social fields surrounding it and contributes to the shaping of these fields. More specifically, it is argued that the Cairo International Book Fair constitutes a major FCE in Egyptian society, which plays a significant role, not only in the publishing field and in the cultural and economic fields at large, but also in the political field. Focusing on the political field, the article traces how the Cairo International Book Fair in recent decades both reflected key struggles and developments in the Egyptian political field and affected these struggles. In the 1980s, the fair served as a platform for voicing and negotiating various positions toward Egypt’s relations with Israel; in the 1990s, it served as a platform for negotiating the relations between Islamists and Liberals; and in the 2000s, it served as a platform for negotiating the “permitted” level of criticism toward Mubarak’s regime. The article thus shows that the Cairo International Book Fair constitutes a useful prism for examining developments in the Egyptian political field over the years.  相似文献   
Fifteen OECD countries, ten of which EU members, have regulation for fixing the price of printed books. At least eight of these have extended such regulation to e-books. This article investigates the cultural and economic arguments as well as the legal context concerning a fixed price for e-books and deals with the question of how the arguments for and against retail price maintenance for e-books should be weighted in the light of the evidence. It concludes that while the evidence in defence of a fixed price for printed books is slim at best, the case for a fixed price for e-books is weaker still while the legal acceptability within EU law is disputable. Against this background, introducing a fixed price for e-books is ill-advised.  相似文献   
none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(4):293-307

A part of a Nabataean bronze inscribed object has been found recently in Wādī Mūsā, near Petra, Jordan. The text, which is dated to the reign of the last Nabataean king, Rabbel II (ad 70–106), is of great interest since it contains words that occur for the first time in Nabataean. It mentions a dedication made by a priest and his son to ‘Obodas the God’ in Gaia. In sum, it adds significant new data to our knowledge of the Nabataean kingdom and its religion.  相似文献   
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