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Although the coats of arms in the great east window of Gloucester Cathedral are often associated with Edward III’s 1346–47 military campaign in France, the window’s function as a commemorative monument has never been thoroughly studied. The aim of this paper is to provide a political and social contextualisation to the heraldry of the east window, while considering its symbolic meaning (and possible intention) in the framework of the window’s iconography and spatial setting. In regarding the heraldry as thematically connected to the window’s overall theme, and by examining the window in correlation to contemporary discourse on England’s military victories, this paper demonstrates how the window’s composition evokes the exalted social position of Edward III’s military companions after the victories in the first phase of the Hundred Years War. Additionally, this paper argues that the window coincides with Edward III’s kingly ideals by celebrating his rule and lineage as divinely blessed, while affirming his right to the French throne.  相似文献   

In terms of approaches to warfare, the Spanish Civil War (1936–39) has traditionally been seen as a transition between the First and Second World Wars. The idea is based on several reports written by designated observers from Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union. Certainly, some of the tactics and equipment of these armies made their first appearance during this conflict.

However, this view raises several questions, as the experience and tactics observed in the Spanish battlefields often do not match those seen during the first phases of the Second World War. Were the innovations adopted by all sides and units? How did the new tactics influence the outcome of the conflict? Which tactics were tested and discarded for better ones?

It is difficult to address these questions using only textual sources, given the particularities of this war. To improve our understanding of the evolution of warfare, we need to combine textual sources with archaeological data and spatial analysis, and integrate the knowledge.

This study examines the assault on Republican positions at Fatarella Ridge during the last phase of the Battle of the Ebro (1938). In particular, the work explores, using spatial analysis of archaeological and textual sources, the level at which combined arms warfare was applied during the final months of the war. The use of an integrated methodology has allowed us to reconstruct the engagement and provides interesting insights into the evolution of tactics and fortification during this conflict.  相似文献   
夏商时期的戈与野战方式浅说   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
戈是车战的产物,二里头出土青铜戈说明车战最晚始于夏末。夏商时期是戈发展的早期,其使用范围随着野战方式的演变而扩展到步兵。  相似文献   
本文根据文献记载,记述了战国中晚期之际秦楚丹阳大战的情况,论证了丹阳的地望在丹淅会合处,进而认为,丹江口水库东岸的吉岗楚墓就是秦楚丹阳大战时楚国阵亡军士的墓地。  相似文献   
徐世昌就任中华民国大总统后积极采取措施推进南北和会的召开,以期巩固其总统地位和实现南北和平统一。在徐世昌的推动下,南北和会于1919年2月20日在上海召开,由于各军阀之间利益的矛盾和其本身利益的多重性,南北和会最终于同年5月13日以破裂而告终。  相似文献   
1927年4月19日,武汉国民政府为消灭奉系军阀张作霖在长江以北地区的反动统治,举行第二次北伐.贺龙作为国民革命军独立第十五师的师长,奉命率部北上.他沿途张贴布告,揭露奉系军阀的罪恶,宣传北伐的意义,保证了北伐的顺利进行,并在北伐中取得了骄人的战绩.  相似文献   
鲁迅旧体诗《(洞庭木落楚天高)》七绝,自鲁迅逝世70年以来,我国鲁迅研究学界对这首诗的诠释,一直争论不休,各执其辞,各圆其说,至今未能达到统一的认识,本文作者认为,多年争论的焦点不应在“诗本事”上,而应在对诗中关键词句——“眉黛猩红涴战袍”的正确理解上,只有读通了诗的词句,才能考证出“诗本事”。作者不厌其烦的以训诂的方式,从古今20多位著名诗人的诗词中,考证出他们所用“涴”字的确切意义,从而证实了与《无题》诗中所用“涴”字的意义完全相同。  相似文献   
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