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本文就日本近现代古文献学大师长泽规矩也的《支那学入门书略解》之得失略陈管见。文内先从三个方面论述该书之优点 ,再从四个方面指出该书的不足之处 ,然后得出结论 :瑕不掩瑜 ,从总体而言 ,该书仍是一部高质量的汉学入门书指出。  相似文献   
An analysis of terms, and keywords that have appeared over the last 50 years in the Anthropological Index (now AIO) challenges anthropology's purported universal coverage of regions and topics. Anthropological article production published in specialized periodicals leaves many areas uncovered, some topics marginalized, or absent. The article takes the presence or absence of keywords in articles in anthropological literature from all world regions to ask what may have generated these gaps. We argue that keyword use can reveal the role that geographical positioning, languages spoken, and national histories may have had in anthropological production. Shamanism and cognate concepts such as animism and spirit possession are taken to guide an analysis of the anthropological production in different languages through the use of keywords that appear in the coverage of AIO. The research demonstrates how far keywords use is shaped by contingent adjustments to predicaments and theoretical concerns with complex historical roots.  相似文献   

The atlas emerged as a cartographic and bibliographic response to early modern Europeans’ search for geographical order in a rapidly changing world. In particular, atlases were mediators in the restructuring of European ideas about political territory which culminated in the emergence (by the end of the eighteenth century) of the territorial state and its progeny, the nation‐state. For more than two centuries atlases defined political territories ever more precisely for their readers and expressed hierarchical relationships among those territories, while giving form to the political territoriality and geopolitical orientations of particular nations.  相似文献   
莫友芝《黔诗纪略》是收集保存明代贵州诗歌的第一部大型诗歌总集,汇两代之心血,历二十年之役,以内容之富赡,体例之特殊,考证之精审而名冠学林。今从其对版本目录学的贡献、校雠典藏的价值等为切入点,对《黔诗纪略》的文献学价值进行论析。  相似文献   

The twenty-one maps of Spain that comprise the Escorial atlas (El atlas de El Escorial) and the later notebook compiled by Pedro de Esquivel for another map of Spain have long been confused. Recently identified documents in the Royal Library, Stockholm, have allowed us to recognize the two works as completely separate and to shed new light on each. In this article we describe their respective histories, starting with the Escorial atlas, now known to have been commissioned by Emperor Charles V from the Sevillian cosmographer Alonso de Santa Cruz, who between c.1538 and 1545 produced an index map and 20 regional sheets drawn to the scale of 1:400 000. We then go on to show how, later in the century (between c.1552 and 1565), Pedro de Esquivel was using a version of the topographical methods described in Peter Apian’s Cosmographia to assemble data for the map of Spain commissioned by Philip II before and just after he became king in 1556. Esquivel died in 1565 before all the data had been collected, his map was never drawn, and his notebooks, with all his astronomical measurements and calculations of angles and distances, took a curious journey that ended in Stockholm in the archives of the Royal Library of Sweden.  相似文献   
The burial and pore fluid pressure history of fluorite ore deposits is reconstructed: (i) at Hammam Zriba–Djebel Guebli along the eastern margin of the Tunisian Atlas; and (ii) at Koh‐i‐Maran within the northern part of the Kirthar Range in Pakistan. Both the deposits are hosted by Late Jurassic carbonate reservoirs, unconformably overlain by Late Cretaceous seals. Microthermometric analyses on aqueous and petroleum fluid inclusions with pressure–volume–temperature–composition (PVTX) modeling of hydrocarbon fluid isochores are integrated with kinematics and thermal 2D basin modeling in order to determine the age of mineralization. The results suggest a Cenozoic age for the fluorite mineralization and a dual fluid migration model for both ore deposits. The PVTX modeling indicates that the initial stage of fluorite cementation at Hammam Zriba occurred under fluid pressures of 115 ± 5 bars and at a temperature close to 130°C. At Koh‐i‐Maran, the F3 geodic fluorite mineralization developed under hydrostatic pressures of 200 ± 10 bars, and at temperatures of 125–130°C. The late increase in temperature recorded in the F3 fluorites can be accounted for by rapid rise of hotter fluids (up to 190°C) along open fractures, resulting from hydraulic fracturing of overpressured sedimentary layers.  相似文献   
古代地理学作为一种观念体系,同时也可以看作是一种特殊的人文景观,因此对它的考察在相当的程度上可以采用历史地理学的方法。基于这样的认识,本文尝试着在两宋公私书目的基础上,复原这一时期的地理学"景观"。我们发现,宋人对地理学的观念性规定沿着疆域地理的路径前进。而与此相伴随的是,《山海经》所代表的古代地理学传统开始逐渐被有意识地淡化。最为引人注目的是,南宋初年,郑樵对地理学所做的分类,构成了一幅两宋之际,具有浓郁学科意识(专门之学)的地理学景观。此外,需要指出的是,"地理书"在两宋时期,作为一个学术概念并没有被独占,而是被相宅兆类著述以不同的形式所"分享"。  相似文献   
书画艺术文献是目前文献学研究领域中的薄弱环节。本文从古代艺术文献目录发生、发展角度,对出现在本世纪三十年代初中国目录学史上第一部书画专科目录学著作《书画书录解题》,从体例分类、著录思想等诸多方面加以比较分析,揭示了该书在艺术目录研究领域方面的创获与成就,并从一侧面反映了书画文献发展源流及目前所存在的问题。  相似文献   
本文从学术史的角度来审视《经义考》的问世原因,指出该书既是中国经学与目录学发展的结果,也是清初征实学风影响下的产物,同时还是朱彝尊生平经历与治学旨趣相互作用下的学术结晶。  相似文献   
We present two cases with first cervical (atlas) vertebral anomalies. The individuals exhibiting these anomalies were recovered as part of the United States Army Central Identification Laboratory, Hawaii's global mission to recover missing United States service personnel. Both of these anomalies were potentially clinically significant to the individuals in vivo but it appears that both managed to survive the hardships of military life until the incidents associated with their loss. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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