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《高丽史》为迄今为止较为全面系统记载10-14世纪高丽王朝政治、军事、外交和经济、社会、文化的纪传体史书,其历经五次修纂,先后有甲寅字本、乙亥字本和木刻本以及手抄本,但存世不多,流传不广。现存最早的《高丽史》版本,为韩国首尔大学奎章阁收藏的乙亥字铜铸字本,然已残缺不全。其所藏太白山史库本等和韩国东亚大学收藏的《高丽史》,则是以乙亥字本为蓝本雕版印刷的木刻本,并非活字本,但为现存较早的全本和善本。英国剑桥大学收藏的《高丽史》是流布海外抄本中唯一的全本。  相似文献   
Landes’ anthropological theorizing, highlighting the connections between race, gender, sexuality and class, expressed an Eastern European Jewish female praxis well-established by the late 1920s and early ‘30s when Landes began her research career. Landes’ changing Jewish identification through her life resulted from gendered aging and the reformulation of Jewish racialization processes in the U.S. Her late life reflections are evidence of what Susan Watkins calls ‘gendered late-style’ as well as Jewish conceptions of time as anti-linear and counter-normative. I investigate how her Jewish socialist Yiddish-speaking family background inflected her interpersonal and professional networks and her writings on anti-racist, class and gender-based themes.

Abbreviations: RLP: Ruth Landes Papers; NAA: National Anthropological Archives; SI: Smithsonian Institution; RBP: Ruth Benedict Papers; ASC: Archives and Special Collections Library; VCL: Vassar College Libraries  相似文献   
A noted Singapore-based cultural geographer and specialist on Asia analyzes the emergence and functioning of a unique artistic cluster in Hong Kong's Fotan light industrial district. The objective of the research is to understand how artistic work in the cluster, despite some challenges, has thus far proven sustainable in cultural, social, and economic terms. The findings of this case study permit further clarification of several dimensions of an emerging theory of cultural/creative clusters, which should be considered as distinct from business and industrial clusters. Selective comparisons between the Fotan cluster and the Moganshan Lu cluster in Shanghai demonstrate that cultural/creative clusters do not face uniform challenges in striking a balance between economic and cultural sustainability.  相似文献   
王少华 《神州》2013,(20):167-168
从20世纪70年代开始,研究二语习得的学者越来越多,这方面的著作也是硕果累累。作为从事大学英语教育工作的一份子。我充分感受到了研究大学英语学习的重要性。关于大学英语学习的研究能够帮助学生更好的习得英语,并且也能够帮助他们提高英语实际操作和应用的能力。关于大学英语学习的研究有很多的方面,本文主要是针对学习者的个体差异方面。例如语言潜能、认知风格和学习策略等,来谈大学英语学习。期望本文对大学英语学习者能有些许启示,以便更好地进行大学英语学习。  相似文献   
Jean Renoir's film La Règle du jeu (The Rules of the Game) was first shown in Paris, in 1939, and is now generally regarded as one of his masterpieces. But there is a strange side to the film. What most critics and reference books say concerning it—and they tend to say much the same thing—does not, to put it bluntly, square with the facts. What they say is that La Règle du jeu is about an aristocratic house-party that is a microcosm of the corruptness and exhaustion of French society on the eve of World War II. Far from perceiving in La Règle du jeu evidence of the “corruption” and “exhaustion” in French society that led to the country's defeat and occupation by the Germans during World War II, however, the author of this essay attempts to see the film for what it is—not for what historicist critics want it to be.  相似文献   
中国古代漆器款识风格的演变及其对漆器辨伪的重要意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对考古发掘出土和传世具款漆器的详尽梳理,根据漆器款识的发展规律,将中国古代漆器款识风格的演变划分为三大阶段,并对各阶段不同历史时期的款识特征进行了归纳和总结,同时对漆器的生产和管理制度等相关历史问题进行了探讨。此外,还就漆器款识风格的演变于漆器断代和辨伪的重要性发表了自己的看法。  相似文献   
以上海为例看晚清时期社会生活方式及观念的变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李长莉 《史学月刊》2004,(5):105-112
晚清时期,上海的商业化、城市化生活环境变化,引起了人们生活方式的变动,出现了如洋货流行、从商之风、尊卑失序、女子走上社会、追求享乐等新社会风尚,导致传统伦理衰坏,同时也孕育产生了近代市场意识、近代工商观念、社会平等观念、功利主义及肯定人欲、自由的近代伦理观念。反映出生活方式的变动是引起近代生活伦理观念变迁的中介和启动力量。  相似文献   
《楷书归荣诗》册,书法精湛,台阁书体明显,是马氏书法传世的孤本,可称为明代台阁体书法的殿军之作。其书法之师承、艺术风格,对我们全面了解明代台阁体书法的兴衰发展,有着典型意义——其字体的偏旁笔划虽有明显的宋克或钱溥的影响,甚至习气,但结态却不同于宋氏的方扁,而更接近虞世南的颀长蕴藉。此外,作品的史料价值也是不容忽视的。  相似文献   
创办于1904年、具有资产阶级革命性质的《警钟日报》,披露了一系列学堂腐败问题:学堂的办学宗旨未能脱离旧的窠臼,课程设置极不合理,学生思想受到禁锢;师资低劣,教学效果差,管理人员学问全无,管理无方,道德败坏;学生思想守旧,品行低下,不务正业,惹是生非。该报还分析了这些问题产生的根源。《警钟日报》对这些问题的揭露,既可以帮助我们全面地了解当时的学堂,也可以为今天的教育改革、学校建设提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   
清初诗论家叶燮,在《原诗》一书中建立了以“理、事、情”——“才、胆、识、力”为中心的美学体系。这一体系包含有艺术本源论和“正、变、盛、衰”的艺术发展观,以及由正变论而衍生的创新论。叶氏美学体系是中国古典美学的一种总结的形态。  相似文献   
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