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维摩诘经变是佛教美术中普遍而又独特的题材,对中国文化思想乃至艺术精神都产生了深刻影响。本文从审美的角度结合石窟、造像碑及壁画中有关考古材料,对我国维摩经变从西秦到宋代的嬗变过程进行系统的研究,反映出不同历史时期审美意识、审美理想对维摩诘经变的影响,充分挖掘该经变中所体现的中国艺术精神的丰厚内涵,从而揭示出中国古典美学的发展规律。  相似文献   
This article explores the relevance of acoustics as a factor for in the production and active use of Levantine rock art in Spain. The renowned rock art area of La Valltorta Gorge serves as a case study. Two experiments are described; the first assessed whether the sites with the most painted motifs had better acoustics than those with fewer motifs. The second tested which areas in La Valltorta Gorge had better acoustics and whether there was a difference between the acoustics of the decorated area and the contiguous sectors of the Gorge where no paintings have been found. In both experiments different sounds and pitches were used. The results suggest a strong relationship between the painted areas and the sonority of the place, with the major sites generally having provided the best results, with the exception of the sonority when facing the rock art panels. It is suggested that La Valltorta Gorge was chosen to be decorated with a view to increasing the perceptual impact of the rituals that may have been held at rock art sites due to the amplification caused by the echoing and resonance.  相似文献   
2011年济源市承留镇承留村发现了一座仿木结构砖雕墓,墓壁砌筑有门窗、铺作、檐枋等古代建筑构件以及桌椅家具类砖雕,出土了宋代铜钱,初步判断为北宋中晚期墓葬,为研究济源及豫西北地区古代建筑风格、丧葬风俗,提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   
陈丽琴 《神州》2011,(3X):153-153,155
多媒体的运用,为文言文教学开辟了广阔的天地。形象生动的画面,悦耳动听的音乐,充分调动学生参与学习活动的热情,充分有效地发挥教师的主导作用、学生的主体作用和多媒体的桥梁纽带作用,吸引学生参与到课堂学习活动中,使语文课更有魅力,让语文课堂教学更精彩。  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(2):235-251

This article will focus upon the relationship between humour, politics and theology. More precisely, it will inquire whether there is some kind of correlation between style of humour and political standpoint in two contemporary Marxist authors that also have an interest in theology, the British literary critic Terry Eagleton and the Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj ?i?ek. If Eagleton’s style is characterized by the strategic use of wit, influenced by the late Dominican friar and philosopher Herbert McCabe, ?i?ek’s use of humour in his philosophy is more about the telling of jokes that supposedly illustrate a political predicament, thus creating a humorous disidentification on behalf of the reader with her or his circumstances. The article ends with the suggestion that there is indeed a relationship between humour, politics and eschatology in Eagleton and ?i?ek, but that their different senses of humour also correspond to differing political agendas. But one should beware of generalizing this insight, as all authors might not be as stylistically gifted as those two.  相似文献   
王葳 《神州》2013,(34):155-155
在语言学中,针对理解他人和被他人理解,文体或语言表达的风格都扮演着一个非常重要的角色。合理正确的使用各种风格可以使我们的交流更加顺畅。为了能够使我们的写作和语言表达更加清楚,有效力及合理,学习不同的文体风格是非常必要的。  相似文献   
河姆渡艺术研究应结合其他文物的考证,将其置于特定的历史和文化背景之中,通过对艺术现象的考察,探索其形成的原因、艺术特色、风格特征。  相似文献   
Over the past decade or so, an increasing number of archaeologists have begun to show interest in employing Darwinian evolutionary theory to explain variations in the material record. Epistemological and methodological issues surrounding the implementation of Darwinian evolutionism in archaeology are numerous, the most basic of which is that Darwinism embodies a materialist perspective, whereas archaeology traditionally has maintained an essentialist outlook. Stemming from this dichotomy are fundamental differences in such things as how units are created and how they are used to measure change. As archaeologists grapple with these issues, specific examples of how Darwinian evolutionism can be used to build historical narratives and create historical explanations are appearing with more frequency, but with few exceptions, proponents have focused specifically on the prehistoric record. This gives the impression that Darwinian evolutionism is not applicable to the more-recent material record, which is decidedly not the case. The kind of evolutionism proposed here transcends the age of the record under investigation.  相似文献   
徐菊凤 《旅游科学》2008,22(6):43-48
东西方国家民众的主体旅游方式和旅游传统有着明显差异,长期以来,西方人喜欢一地停留式的“度假旅游”,以中国人为典型代表的东方人则喜欢周游式“观光旅游”。本文认为,东西方之间在旅游文化上的这种差异,不但体现在社会主体旅游方式上,也体现在各自语言文化中有关旅游的日常用语上,还体现在旅游机构的名称,以及旅游统计口径和划分标准上。本文进一步认为,是以下六大因素决定了社会主体旅游方式的形成——文化观念、社会环境、地理条件、经济条件、心理因素、科技水平,并分析了它们如何作用于人们旅游习惯的形成。  相似文献   
阳畔墓地是内蒙古中南部长城沿线地带发现的又一处东周时期游牧文化墓地,该墓地流行洞室墓、殉牲,并出土有青铜带扣、短剑、刀、管状饰、环等。与和林格尔县新店子墓地有相近之处,洞室墓与长城沿线西段的甘宁地区东周时期的墓葬存在文化、技术和人种上的交流关系。  相似文献   
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