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Anatomical features related to water deficiency were analyzed in archaeological plant charcoal as a paleoenvironmental indicator. The end of the Aguada settlements in the Valley of Ambato (Catamarca, Argentina), which took place towards the end of the first millennium of this era, was used as the case study. Tools from Ecological Anatomy were applied to recreate paleoenvironmental scenery for the studied processes. The results of the analyses showed that this area must have been undergoing a period of arid conditions during the studied period.  相似文献   
史文 《史学月刊》2005,(12):84-91
晚清国家观变化所呈现的强烈鲜明的爱国主义精神,恢廓的世界眼光以及各种国家观念纷然杂陈等时代特色,不仅是晚清国家观变化的重要内容和标志,更是当时“千古未有之变局”之纷繁复杂的社会现实在国家观念上的反映。上述特色非但使晚清国家观注入了新的内涵,也加速了晚清国家观由传统王朝观向近代国家观的转变;并对当时中国社会的历史发展及其走向产生了重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   
薛贞芳  鲁燕 《安徽史学》2005,(5):99-103
本文在检索唐代以来徽州地区所有人物年谱的基础上,就其谱主、编者、体例、分类、版本及流布等情况,进行了文献学分析.在此基础上,对梳理徽州学术史脉络的直接作用,对研究91位谱主所提供的全面系统的资料和资料线索以及在研究各时期政治、经济、军事、社会、文化诸方面的资料补充作用等,进行了价值分析.最后简要介绍了<清代徽人年谱合刊>的编写、内容和特色.  相似文献   
论《读杜心解》的阐释特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在系统理解中国古代传统阐释观念的基础上,从文学接受和阐释学的角度出发,分析了清代浦起龙《读杜心解》所呈现出的道德、历史和审美三个方面的阐释特色。  相似文献   
古代小说中具有大量关于棋戏的描写,其不仅具备娱乐的实用价值,而且被赋予独到的文学艺术功能,成为小说的一个有机组成部分。概而言之,不仅能够借以展开矛盾冲突,推动情节发展,并能刻画人物性格,塑造人物形象,还能展现社会风尚,创造典型环境,更能体现出作者的批判意识与价值取向。  相似文献   
论文以调查和访谈资料为依据,阐述了印尼棉兰华人社会发展与历史变迁的过程,并在此基础上总结出棉兰华人因受周边华人社会影响,兼及殖民种植经济传统与移居型城市特点而形成的独有社会特征:政治参与具有华人社会传统特性;坚守中华传统文化并吸收了西方文化、土著文化;闽南语或普通话日常使用较普遍;经济上居于印尼社会和华人群体的边缘,实力有限;与其他族群相处较为融洽;以横向分化为主的华人社会,各群体间互动频繁,边界较为模糊。  相似文献   
本文对莫友芝首次在《黔诗纪略》中关于明代黔诗发展史及其艺术成就的观点进行研究论析,认为明代黔诗为清代黔诗在中国诗歌史上取得辉煌成就打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
The sedimentary sequence at Diepkloof Rock Shelter formed through a complex interaction of depositional and post-depositional processes and was variously influenced by biogenic, geogenic, and anthropogenic agents. Here, we present the results of a micromorphological study of the sediments at Diepkloof, focusing in particular on the numerous anthropogenic inputs and modifications recorded within the sequence. By applying the microfacies concept, we were able to identify hearth burning and maintenance, bedding construction and burning, and surface modification by trampling as major processes that contributed to the formation of the site. The human activities recorded within the sediments show a marked change throughout the sequence, implying a shift in the use of the site over time. The present study also provides a context for evaluating other classes of artifacts and data collected from the site.  相似文献   
Recent thinking within arts philosophy has moved further and further away from the concept of autonomous art. Nowadays art is mostly seen as an intrinsic part of everyday human life. Artistic value is conceived of more and more as something that depends largely upon experiencing the works as they are encountered within general culture. This relational perspective on art has important implications for the future development of arts marketing as a discipline. This article argues that arts marketing should primarily aim to support and reinforce the artistic functioning of artworks. It proposes that art consumers should be seen as co‐producers in the total art process and advocates that arts marketing should focus on the artistic experience as the core customer value.  相似文献   
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