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谷崎润一郎是日本唯关派文学大师。当前国内学者对其研究主要集中于其长篇小说方面,对其短篇小说尤其是其艺术特色研究甚少。本文欲从细腻的心理描写、精巧的奇妙构思、新颖的题材选取和独特的艺术视角等方面,解读其短篇小说集所呈现的艺术特色。  相似文献   
Micromorphological analysis of sediments from the Middle Stone Age site of Sibudu Cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, provides a high-resolution sequence and evidence of site formation processes of predominantly anthropogenic deposits. This methodology allows for a detailed interpretation of individual anthropogenic activities, including the construction of hearths and bedding and the maintenance of occupational surfaces through the sweep out of hearths and the repeated burning of bedding. This analysis also provides a context for evaluating other studies at the site relating to magnetic susceptibility, paleobotany, paleozoology, anthracology, and studies of ochre.  相似文献   
维摩诘经变是佛教美术中普遍而又独特的题材,对中国文化思想乃至艺术精神都产生了深刻影响。本文从审美的角度结合石窟、造像碑及壁画中有关考古材料,对我国维摩经变从西秦到宋代的嬗变过程进行系统的研究,反映出不同历史时期审美意识、审美理想对维摩诘经变的影响,充分挖掘该经变中所体现的中国艺术精神的丰厚内涵,从而揭示出中国古典美学的发展规律。  相似文献   
Magnetometry has been little used on Arctic archaeological sites, but has great potential to help us understand site structure by identifying buried features and providing additional detail about the construction and use of visible surface features. In the Arctic environment, magnetometer surveys have to deal with the effects of permafrost activity on soils and the potential influence of glacial erratics of varying geological composition. Here, we present the results of magnetometer surveys of a non-cultural site with periglacial features and two archaeological sites located in the Canadian low Arctic. Despite considerable “noise” apparently caused by igneous erratics, the surveys successfully identified several frost features and a range of archaeological feature types. They also appear to have located buried archaeological features and identified activity areas within some dwellings. These preliminary results suggest that the technique is worth pursuing on northern sites.  相似文献   
杨红  李广华 《故宫博物院院刊》2022,237(1):72-88+133-134
故宫博物院养心殿正殿保留了明代嘉靖年间至清代末期多种类型的彩画遗迹,其中正殿东暖阁后檐东西明瓦窗罩和梅坞西窗罩绘制了海墁彩画,与整体区域的和玺彩画、旋子彩画风格迥异。作者通过实地勘察、科学检测分析并结合历史文献,考证了养心殿正殿外檐窗罩海墁彩画遗存的工艺和材料特征及其确切年代,揭示了彩画所折射出的皇帝、太后的审美喜好。  相似文献   
中国人理想景观模式与寺庙园林环境   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
李祥妹 《人文地理》2001,16(1):35-39
文章探讨中国人理想景观模式的形成及结构特征,认为中国人理想景观模式是中国文化生态经验对隐蔽和探索结构的强化,景观审美感受上以神秘隐幽为主;中国寺庙园林是这种景观理想的物化,其园林环境和建筑布局都表达了中国人对理想景观模式的追求;作为中国人文旅游资源的重要组成部分,寺庙园林在旅游开发中必须突出其文化内涵,营造氛围,使游客体味它的深层次的美。  相似文献   
本结合以往旅游经济学自学考试试卷题型的分析,介绍了题型要求和答题思路。  相似文献   
1992年以来的经济体制改革具有目标明确 ,整体、稳步、持续不断地推进和灵活应变三大特点。 1 992年以后 ,中国改革取得了惊人的成就 ,充分说明了邓小平理论是中国人民在新的历史时期从胜利走向胜利的伟大旗帜 ,特别是这一理论创造性地提出社会主义可以搞市场经济 ,从而开创了社会主义现代化建设的崭新局面 ;充分说明了党的第三代领导集体坚持和发展了邓小平理论 ,创造性地开展工作 ,使改革开放和现代化建设上了一个新的台阶 ,用事实证明了邓小平关于社会主义可以搞市场经济伟大设想的科学真理性。  相似文献   
长江三角洲和珠江三角洲城市群职能特征及其分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
城市群职能在很大程度上反映了城市群在区域发展中所起的作用、地位和分工状况,体现着城市群的辐射力和影响力。城市群的职能特征是对城市群职能的综合概括,有利于从整体上把握城市群的发展状态。笔者运用Morre回归分析法原理和因子分析方法,通过对长江三角洲城市群和珠江三角洲城市群职能主因子的解析,将它们的职能特征分别归结为:行政中枢和教育文化福利事业职能是长江三角洲城市群最主要的职能,科研技术和社会服务职能、交通运输和商业贸易金融职能是其比较突出的职能;制造业职能是珠江三角洲城市群的最主要职能,物流与交通枢纽职能,商业贸易职能、科教文化事业职能是其比较突出的职能。笔者围绕它们职能特征进行对比分析,以揭示它们的共同特征和主要差异,同时从它们的自然条件、地理区位、历史基础、文化传统、形成机制以及发展状况等方面展开成因分析。最后,讨论了它们的职能发展态势。  相似文献   
This article analyses how public funding enables artistic practices from the perspectives of both national cultural policy decision makers, and our three interviewed subjects in the visual arts. Funding from the Australia Council for the Arts is examined in terms of the extent to which it is perceived to dis/enable ongoing artistic practice. This examination is timely given Australia’s former Minister for the Arts George Brandis’s 2015 shock annexation of Australia Council funding: $104.7 million was originally to be transferred from the Australia Council to the newly established National Programme for Excellence in the Arts (NPEA). This body represented a move away from the ‘arms-length’, independent peer-reviewed funding decisions with the arts minister having the ultimate authority with regard to the NPEA. The NPEA has now been renamed Catalyst – Australian Arts and Culture Fund (Catalyst) as a result of consultations and feedback relating to the NPEA.  相似文献   
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