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This paper considers the epistemic career of visual media in ethology in the mid-20th century. Above all, ethologists claimed close contact with research animals and drew scientific evidence from these human-animal communities, particularly in public relations. However, if we look into the toolboxes of comparative behavioral biologists, it becomes evident that scientifically valid research results were primarily obtained by experimenting with model images. These visual specimens tell a technical story of the methodological requirements in behavioral science necessary to bridge everyday observations between the laboratory and the field. By neutralizing individual traces of animal bodies as well as their observers, they prompted the abstraction of ethological hypotheses. The case study of East-German biologist Günter Tembrock (1918–2011), who maintained his own collection of newspaper clippings, drawings, photographs, and films, offers a new perspective on the methodological development of this field. Furthermore, this article contributes to a scholarly discussion geared toward expanding the spaces of ethological research. My analysis of the image collections of the Forschungsstätte für Tierpsychologie presents the archive as a relevant site of study in the history of ethology.  相似文献   
This paper draws upon experiences of working in a personal archive in a domestic space in order to contribute to recent debates about archival formation, conduct and practice. By exploring the collaborative practices of working-with an archive owner in ordering and cataloguing a collection, we provide methodological insights into how historical geography research is carried out. Although such working-with in archives is, we argue, a common practice amongst researchers, these interactions with others are often absent from published work. This paper provides an explicit discussion of these often hidden collaborations and socialities, highlighting their importance for the conduct of archival research in three specific areas. First, we show how working-with actively (re)shapes and (re)makes archival materials and the stories that emerge from them. Second, we argue that working-with the owners of archives, but doing so without clearly defined research aims and going against the grain of productivist methods of working, can be rewarding both within and beyond academia. Third, in focussing on working-with, the paper extends conceptions of the archive and archival practice. We argue that the domestic setting of archival work produces particular patterns of archival conduct and disrupts the boundaries of collections themselves.  相似文献   
Archaeologists have known that an obsidian source exists in the Dasht-i-Nawur basin of central Afghanistan since at least the 1970s; however, regional political turmoil and instability have prevented in-depth study of this source. Data presented here from recent analyses of archival specimens of obsidian collected during a 1976 survey provide a preliminary geochemical profile for this obsidian source. These data suggest that the Dasht-i-Nawur source is easily distinguishable from other obsidian sources in the Near East and southwest Asia. Comparison of these data to an existing database of artifact compositional profiles suggests that initial hypotheses about restricted distribution of the Dasht obsidian may be correct. These data provide for the first time the characterization of a long-known but poorly studied obsidian source. Additionally, this study serves as one example of the benefits gained through working to maintain and preserve data archives of now-closed laboratories.  相似文献   
《清代官员履历档案全编》是研究有清一代中下级官员及职官制度,乃至清代历史极为重要的第一手资料,其中第30册《索引》按官员姓名笔画顺序排列,以方便读者检索。但《索引》存在不少讹误漏略之处,主要表现为姓名遗失、姓名书写错误、人物资讯遗漏、人物资讯误加、册次讹误、页码讹误、姓名排序错误等方面,本文分别加以纠正,期有裨于读者检索利用。  相似文献   
故宫博物院图书馆藏1704号圆明园地盘图是迄今仅见的唯一一张完整记录乾隆朝圆明园盛况的绝世孤本,也是现存圆明园图档中绘制年代最早、使用时间最长、表现内容最丰富、记载变化最全面的国宝级珍贵档案。该图极有可能是清代著名样式雷家族的第三代传人——雷声澂执掌清宫样式房楠木作事务之时,于乾隆四十四年(1779)前后绘制的圆明园本部平面。此后该图一直作为档案图纸使用达半个多世纪之久,几乎囊括了一部全盛时期圆明园的变迁史,是研究圆明园在乾隆、嘉庆、道光三朝发展变化的最权威、最完整的档案记录。  相似文献   
In Indochina, overseas Chinese were organized by dialect group into associations called congregations, which shared many of the functions of huiguan in China. The spread of overseas Chinese economic and social networks followed a Skinnerian model in which large urban con?régations wielded more political and economic authority than did smaller, rural con?régations. By examining the impacts of French colonialism upon overseas Chinese networks within Indochina and upon overseas connections with their Chinese native places, this paper proposes that the Skinnerian model of local-system hierarchy fits quite comfortably when applied to the world of French colonial Indochina and its overseas Chinese. Furthermore, it argues that French colonialism actually reinforced the Skinnerian hierarchy of politics and markets in ways that endured long after the collapse of Imperial China.  相似文献   
We have digitised a corpus of Italian newspapers published in 1873–1914 in Gorizia, the county town of an area in the North Adriatic at the crossroad of the Latin, Slavic and Germanic civilizations, then part of the Habsburg Empire and now divided between Italy and Slovenia. This new corpus (of 47,466 pages) is analysed along with a comparable set of local Slovenian newspapers, already digitised by the Slovenian National Library. This large and multilingual effort in digital humanities reveals the statistical traces of events and ideas that shaped a remarkable place and period. The emerging picture is one of rapid cultural, social and technological transformation, and of rising national awareness, combining the larger European pattern with uniquely local aspects.  相似文献   
This article is concerned with the phenomenon of convergence (institutional integration) of museums, libraries, archives and other cultural facilities. It investigates how such amalgamations impact the capacity of curatorial and collections staff to carry out interpretive practices, including object research, documentation and exhibition development. Through thematic content analysis of staff interviews conducted at five case studies of local government-run converged collecting institutions in Australia and New Zealand, the paper suggests that administrative restructuring – often predicated on the dual imperatives of financial efficiency and improved cultural provision – produces institutional frameworks that undermine the capacity of collections staff to interrogate the meanings of objects. In turn, impediments to interpretive practice limit the extent to which collections are rendered intellectually accessible to visitors.  相似文献   
This study analyses the development of the use of unpublished source material in Swedish doctoral theses in history, 1959–2015. The results show that the proportion of theses which rely on such materials has dropped in relation to the level that existed up to and including the year 2007. From having dropped below 90% only twice during the time period 1959–2007, the average for the years 2008–2015 is 77%. There are several explanations as to why this decline in use of unpublished source material has occurred. An initial explanation is that more doctoral theses are now published within the subdiscipline of historical science, in which, for example, history didactics and uses of history are included. History didactics and uses of history have gained more ground within the overall field of historical research during the last 10 years. The next-to-lowest figures are found in the category history of ideas, culture, and opinion history; a category which during the time period 2008–2015 remained at a fairly constant share of the total number of doctoral defences in history in Sweden in relation to the situation at the beginning of the 2000s.  相似文献   
Placing Christina Rossetti's ‘Goblin Market’ (1862) within the rich context of children's London guidebooks establishes a literary tradition in which readers are counseled to be wise urban consumers. During this period of rapid industrialization, exotic foods appeared on English tables amid public fears about food adulteration. Rossetti's poem and contemporary guidebooks transmit the anxiety surrounding food selection and consumption. From Aunt Busy-Bee's New London Cries (1852) to Aunt Louisa's London Alphabet (1872), London is depicted as an urban sounding board for commercial opportunities and moral choices. Removed from agrarian sites of production, urban readers are urged to select food according to the moral character of the vendor. In Rossetti's famous poem, Lizzie's and Laura's choices are immediately relevant to readers who hearkened to similar cries shouted daily in their neighborhoods. Rossetti herself would have heard them growing up in London, and these traditional cries bear semantic and metaphoric similarities to the goblins' cries. Apart from serving as inspirations for Rossetti's work, guides to the cries are also important documents in their own right, part of the corpus of near-forgotten work penned for children to amuse them in their idle hours as well as to instruct them in proper practices of commercial enterprise and moral consumption. The child reader is invited to know London and to absorb lessons by piecing together the letters and sounds of the metropolis.  相似文献   
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