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古建筑复原陈列的内容要素组合与展线布局探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
把古建筑复原陈列的精髓还原为一种人与物之间的共振结合体是非常必要的。一般情况下需对构成复原陈列的诸多内容因素进行归纳、合并处理,以找到各要素的交汇点为最佳,否则只能优先照顾最重要的影响要素,适度兼顾其它要素。古建筑复原陈列的展线布局必然受到古建筑物原始设计线路的制约,因此在实际设计中是一种叠加效应的结果。其最常见的展线布局方式有单一、顺向展线布局和块状串联的"中心辐射式"展线布局两种。  相似文献   
Lithic raw material constraints are widely assumed to be a determining factor of flaked stone tool morphology, but this assumption remains largely untested. We conducted a controlled experiment to determine whether a knapper’s growing replication skills would be hindered if the toolstone used was switched from large flakes of an easily worked chert to nodules of less tractable one. Two batches of Preferential Levallois cores were knapped, an earlier series made from standardised large flakes of sediments dominated by chalcedonic quartz followed by a more challenging one using variably-shaped, cortical nodules of microcrystaline quartz that varies in the completeness of quartz replacement of calcite and dolomite. Skill level markers were designed to measure the knapper’s ability to achieve a series of set goals. These were quantified and subjected to statistical testing. In all but one test, significant increases in skill could be detected from the earlier to the later batch of reductions, despite the drop in toolstone quality. Significant improvements in the consistency of the knapper’s output could also be detected. However, the switch to a more challenging, nodular chert did require extra shaping, which resulted in more waste. This masked visible progress towards producing a less costly core. Overall, our results do not support the assumed primacy of toolstone constraints over other factors in influencing the morphology of flaked stone tools.  相似文献   
2009~2010年,南京博物院、镇江博物馆对镇江市区双井路遗址进行考古勘探、发掘,发现并揭示出宋代漕河、清代关河河道,元末明初拖板桥,清代京口驿,宋、元粮仓仓基,宋代官署建筑基址等遗迹、遗址,出土宋代带官、昌字的建筑砖瓦及唐至清代遗物,为研究我国大运河漕运、宋元仓储建筑、镇江地域文化等提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
崔娜 《神州》2011,(3X):68-69
说课,是介于备课和上课之间的一种教学研究活动,现在已经成为了各大中小学校评价教师教学效果、教学质量的一种教学活动,是教师在备课的基础上,面对同行、专家,系统而概括地解说自己对某一门课程或者某一章节的理解,阐述自己的教学观点,表述自己执教的教学思想、方法、手段以及组织教学的形式等,然后由大家进行评说。说课,是一种新的教学研究活动,需要广大教师认真学〉-j,积极参与。  相似文献   
建筑意包括建筑的艺术形式和艺术内涵.嘉应观作为官式祭祀建筑,集宫、庙、衙为一体,其整体布局规整中富于变化,单体建筑风格多样,既体现了建筑的形式之美,又蕴涵了丰富的政治、文化、艺术等潜意识的元素.  相似文献   
Enclosure walls from late IV to II millennium are an important archeological feature in southeast Iberia and south Portugal. These enclosures were considered to be fortified settlements but have more recently been interpreted as the result of general processes of social complexity, symbolism, monumentality, interaction, and space demarcation, among others. Metric and geometric studies associated with architectural concepts are very important tools to analyze prehistoric communities and bring their own perspective to bear. The planning of monuments or even whole settlements includes a more general perception of space, determined by mythology, topography, taking of place, and social hierarchy, among others.  相似文献   
This article discusses the design methodology of the Benedictine monk-architect Dom Hans van der Laan (1904–91), famous for his manifesto De Architectonische Ruimte (Architectonic Space, 1977), in which he proposed his ideal elementary architecture. In the past, this ideal achitecture was linked to Van der Laan’s proportional system and to his general approach as an architect rather than to his Catholic background. Consequently, the changing conceptual landscape in which he developed his ideas on the relation between religion and design was neglected. Yet, as this article will argue, it is only by carefully exploring the relation between Van der Laan’s attempts to define a fundamental architecture and his ambition to understand the religious traditions they may have sprung from that one can understand how his religion and design methodology influenced each other. Based on unedited primary sources (letters, notes, design sketches, lectures), this article reveals forgotten interconnections between Van der Laan’s religious and architectural thinking. By analysing these motifs, it offers new insights on the interrelationships between religion and architecture that go beyond the traditionalist-modernist dichotomy.  相似文献   
The articles included in this special issue address the shifting relationship between traces of the past and photography in Latin America from the nineteenth century to the present day. Looking at different forms of materiality and trace in Latin America, from pre-Columbian remains to body art and industrial ruins, this issue also understands photographs as material objects that ‘act’ within particular visual economies. In this introduction, we offer some brief reflections on ruins and ruination in Latin America, and on the relationship between photography and the past.  相似文献   
At the end of 2018, the first season of excavation was carried out at the shell midden site of UAQ38. The site occupies the top of a sand dune not far from UAQ36 and UAQ2, two other recently investigated Neolithic shell middens. Several well-stratified anthropogenic levels were excavated at UAQ38, which can be dated mainly to the 5th millennium BC, although the recorded artefacts suggest a possible older date for the lowest levels. Food waste, post-holes, fireplaces, and burnt shell dumpings attest to human activities that took place at the site over a rather long period of time. Here the stratigraphic sequence will be presented, together with a first overview of the artefactual assemblage. The collected data will be concisely discussed in order to fit the site within the typology of Neolithic settlements that can be proposed for the area. UAQ38 is so far the only Neolithic site along the northeastern coast of the UAE for which stratified charcoal is available for dating.  相似文献   
In 1992, an archaeological survey of Marawah Island conducted by the Abu Dhabi Islands Archaeological Survey identified two significant Neolithic settlements known as MR1 and MR11. Both sites are constructed on prominent rocky platforms located towards the western end of the island. In 2000 and 2003, small-scale excavations took place at MR11, with the first full excavation taking place in 2004. Excavations continued at MR11 between 2014 up to 2019. Radiocarbon dating demonstrates that the site was occupied between the earliest part of the sixth millennium to the mid-fifth millennium BC. Three areas have been so far examined. Area A—a tripartite house (2004 and 2014–2017 excavation seasons); Area B—a partial structure (in 2003 and 2017–2018); and Area C—a series of at least five rooms (in 2017–2019). The results provide a valuable new insight into the architecture and planning of Arabian Neolithic settlements in the region, as well as the earliest known evidence for pearling.  相似文献   
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