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论中国古代治边思想的特点、演变和影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
古代治边思想大体形成于秦汉,发展和延续至清代,其内涵是动态变化的,经历了从肤浅到成熟的过程,各个时期的治边思想又有其特色。古代治达思想总体上有两个基本的特点:统治对开疆拓土多持相对保守的态度,认为理想的边疆治理是“守在四夷”;从“华夷有别”的治边观出发,在边疆地区施行相对宽松的羁縻统治,同时重视在边疆传播封建化的教化作用。章还以封建统治对边疆民族的治策和对边疆的经济开发为例,阐述了古代治达思想对边疆治策的广泛影响。  相似文献   
在东南亚殖民地时代,"虚拟血缘"的组织原则对于华人移民社会的重组重建及其运作,具有重要的意义.本文以19世纪的新加坡为个案,考察华人移民如何透过埋葬先人的坟山组织建构"社群共祖"以整合华人社会,讨论东南亚华人虚拟的"先人"或"祖先"概念,进而思考海外华人的亲属研究问题.本文也讨论与比较了"虚拟血缘"组织原则在明代华南宗族"联宗"形态、台湾汉人社会发展早期的"合约式"宗族和东南亚华人坟山组织的不同运用.  相似文献   
Metals present in the environment (soil, water and atmosphere) can affect food safety and human health through bio‐accumulation and bio‐magnification phenomena. Human exposure to the metals may take place through the environment and by ingesting contaminated food (including water), determining harmful effects usually detectable over the long term. Starting with the Industrial Revolution, local occurrence and concentration of metallic contaminants in the environment have been exponentially increasing: it has been assessed that, nowadays, daily absorption of lead, by North American people, is noticeably greater than that during prehistoric times. In this study, we measured concentrations of cadmium, lead and zinc in 153 bone samples (femurs) of Iron Age inhabitants of Central Italy (Abruzzo): the Samnites from the Alfedena Necropolis (2600–2400 bp ). The data found are in agreement with the results of similar published studies. Heavy metal concentrations varied widely among samples with the exception of zinc. A significant difference (p same Mann–Whitney test <0.05) in cadmium bone levels was found between male (0.08–1.8 mg/kg, median 0.31 mg/kg) and female samples (0.05–1.3 mg/kg, median 0.53 mg/kg). Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The study analysed pre-Hispanic gold objects found within a surprising archaeological finding of a structure that likely served as a funeral pyre in Medellín, Colombia. 14C analyses of the site's organic materials dated the structure to the fifth century ce . The metal objects were subjected to X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF), scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX), density measurement by the Archimedes method, and metallographic analysis. The measurements by EDXRF and SEM-EDX showed that the pieces were composed mostly gold and silver. The XRD results indicated that the microstructure of the objects corresponded to a single phase of gold and silver. The images obtained by the metallographic microscope showed equiaxial grains with some twins, a structure consistent with annealed metals. The different colours observed correspond to different grain orientations. Pre-Hispanic objects from a second archaeological site in the municipality of Amalfi (Department of Antioquia) were also analysed for comparative purposes. The results showed that the gold objects were not subjected to any alloying process, but were instead manipulated in their original form (native gold). The shape of the objects and their microstructural results suggested that the pieces were manufactured by casting, mechanical deformation and then annealing.  相似文献   
Historians’ interest in the history of human migrations is not limited to recent years. Migrations had already figured as explanatory factors in connection with cultural and historical change in the work of classical and ancient studies scholars of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In the writings of these scholars, migrations acted as historical landmarks or epochal thresholds and played a key role in the construction of geo-historical areas. This model has been called “migrationism” and cannot be explained simply on the basis of the history of individual disciplines, but must be seen in its complex interaction with scientific and historical contexts. However, “migrationism” does not relate to fixed political and scientific positions or movements. For this reason, it cannot be explained adequately by using a historically or ideologically based approach. Relying on narratological approaches, this article examines migration narratives that historians of this period used to explain the rise and fall of ancient civilizations. Referring to contemporary historiographical representations of the ancient Near East, it distinguishes three main narratives that are still common today: narratives of foundation, narratives of destruction, and narratives of mixtures. In this sense, analyzing older migration narratives helps us to sharpen the critical view on the genealogy of our own views on the history—and present—of human migrations.  相似文献   
中国服装史一直以来较为忽视服饰中的挎包装饰,本文利用新出土的中古壁画和唐代各种挎包女性陶塑,对中古艺术中的挎包女性形象进行了初步分析。作者认为,"挎包女人"图像赋予了女性非凡的人性精神。同时,作者还对外国该类形象的出现和流传进行了梳理,依据现存图像资料,指出中国古代女性挎包要比西方早出现几个世纪。挎包、拎包具有时尚和实用美观的意义,折射出古代女性鲜明的超前意识和服装审美。  相似文献   
张建华 《史学月刊》2020,(1):117-129
中俄交往始于蒙古西征和金帐汗国时代(1238-1480年),中国学人撰写俄国史自1878年刊印的鹭江奇迹人的《俄国志略》,到今天已经有整整140年的历史。中国的俄国史学科伴随民族命运、国家危机以及世界形势的变化而生,自诞生之日起即负有学人情怀、民族重任和学术职责三重使命。因此,俄国史学科在中国一直发挥着“知夷”和“盗火”的两大作用。中华人民共和国成立后,俄国史(包括苏联时期和俄罗斯联邦时期)研究获得了70年的巨大发展,主要成就有:1985年中国苏联东欧史研究会成立(1992年英文更名为中国俄罗斯东欧中亚史研究会),高等院校、社会科学院、党校、国家有关部委及党政机构纷纷设立俄国史或俄罗斯问题研究机构,建立了从历史学学士、俄国史硕士到俄国史博士的三级专业人才培养体系,俄国史和俄罗斯问题研究的专业期刊创立并连续出版,大量的俄国通史、中俄(中苏)关系史、专题著作、各类教科书、翻译著作(来自俄文、英法、法文、德文、波兰文等)出版,中国俄国史学者积极参与国际学术会议和国际合作研究,具有中国特色的中国“俄罗斯学”新学科正在建立过程中。  相似文献   
1904—1912年顾维钧留学美国期间,积极参与中国留美学生会的各种活动,担任过东美中国留学生会会长及其他多项职务,并主编过《中国留美学生月报》,对中国留美学生会的组织发展和各项事业做出了重要贡献。他参与中国留学生会及其他各种社会活动,锻炼和提高了自身能力,积累了广泛的人脉关系,为他的从政生涯奠定了良好的基础和起点。  相似文献   
耿显家 《史学月刊》2020,(3):109-117
东京审判作为与中国近代史、中国人民的民族感情和历史记忆息息相关的重要事件,引起中国学界的广泛关注和高度重视。无论与纽伦堡审判的对比研究,还是兼及盟国境内其他审判的综合性研究;无论东京审判相关史料收集、整理与出版,还是从历史学与国际法角度的学术探讨,都反映了不同时期国际关系、时代环境对东京审判研究的影响与制约。随着东京审判外文史料的公开与出版,如何充分利用这些丰富的外文史料,进一步拓宽研究思路和研究领域,不断汲取外国学者的既有研究成果,加强中外学者的对话和开展"共同研究",或将是东京审判研究的一个发展方向。  相似文献   
"古蜀文明"即"三星堆文明",形成的时间大致在公元前1600年~前1500年之间。三星堆文明形成时期的代表性文明因素主要有3种:一是以三星堆城址城墙为代表的本土文明因素,二是以具有二里头文化特征的文化遗存为代表的中原文明因素,三是以具有齐家文化特征的文化遗存为代表的甘青地区文明因素。后二者是通过早在公元前3500年前后就已经形成的岷江上游地区的文化通道,由陇西南进入成都平原地区,并促使成都平原本土文化发生巨变,产生了三星堆文明,开始了古蜀文明的历程。三星堆文明的形成过程反映了岷江上游地区在古蜀文明的形成这一重大历史事件中,发挥了无可替代的桥梁作用。  相似文献   
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