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阳信县位于山东省北部 ,北接无棣、庆云两县 ,南靠惠民县 ,东邻沾化、滨州两县市 ,西南为乐陵、商河。阳信县境内地貌为黄河下游冲积平原 ,在地质构造上近于渤海凹陷中心 ,成陆时间约在第四纪。境内地势自西向东逐渐倾斜 ,海拔约在 6米~ 11米之间。通过近年来文物普查 ,在该县境内新发现古文化遗址 3 0余处 ,有些遗存为鲁北地域的新发现。普查之后还得知 ,县境内商周时期及早于商周时期的古文化遗址相对集中地分布在该县的东南部。 (图一 ,见附表 )信阳县境内新发现的古文化遗址和所采集的文化遗物 ,为研究海岱地区北部的商周时期及之前的…  相似文献   
自明代嘉靖朝中后期,明人编辑汇刻女子诗歌逐渐成为一种时尚,不惟数量不菲,抑亦质量上乘,形成明前文学史上罕见的编纂女子诗歌的热潮,中国古代女性诗歌长期以来受冷落、处边缘化的状况得到消解与改观。明人所纂女子诗集在中国传统文献学与文艺学上具有多方面的创辟,具有自己个性鲜明的特质,它们有着特殊的价值。  相似文献   
通过对汉代的内向连弧纹镜的研究后发现,这种纹饰是古人用圆规分出的等分。进而对四神博局镜的背纹进行研究后发现,四神博局镜背纹中的几何纹饰也全部是采用圆规及直尺经过精心绘制而成。直至今日还可以看到,四神博局镜背纹中的几何纹饰,大都在某两条线的相交点上。从而说明,汉代的先民已具有了一定的机械制图水平。  相似文献   
中国古代朱砂的应用之调查   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
朱砂,化学成分为天然硫化汞(HgS)。古代有丹砂等多种名称,它是我国古代各族人民最喜爱 的红色颜料和涂料,距今6000多年,浙江余姚县河姆渡遗址中就有外涂朱砂的漆碗,此后,在江浙 一带的良渚文化、西北马家窑文化、四川广汉三星堆、河南殷虚等遗址都曾发现用朱砂涂染的装饰 品和尸骨。西周以来用途较广,秦汉时不仅大量用作颜料还用来炼制水银,北朝至清代全国各地的 壁画及其它彩绘艺术中都用朱砂做颜料。历代对朱砂做颜料的选择、加工制作也积累了不少经验。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了我国20世纪后半期《二十四史》系列古籍整理和出版情况。文章从《二十四史》原籍的重印;补充、订正;配套索引、书目等检索工具的编制;普及本的整理和数字化五方面进行了系统的叙述。最后,笔者对二十世纪50年代以来二十四史系列古籍整理出版工作进行了总结和思考。  相似文献   
The spine can provide a large amount of information about an individual's physical condition and possible lifestyle through palaeopathological investigations. The aim of this research was to study spinal diseases among Greco‐Roman ancient Egyptians from Bahriyah Oasis, and to compare them with those from Giza of the Old Kingdom. The material used in the study included 809 single vertebrae and 77 adult sacra of ancient Egyptians from the Greco‐Roman period (332–30 BC) that were excavated from Bahriyah Oasis. The spinal elements were examined for pathological conditions, degenerative diseases, trauma, congenital abnormalities, infectious diseases and neoplasms. The most common lesions of the spine were those due to degenerative processes. The articular facets were more affected than the vertebral bodies. Compression fractures of the bodies, mostly due to osteoporosis, were found in 1.44% and 5.07% of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae respectively. The percentage of spina bifida occulta among ancient Egyptians from Bahriyah Oasis was 62.33%, while among those from Giza was only 3.33%. Few cases of lumbar spondylolysis and one case of DISH were recorded. No cases of infectious or neoplastic diseases were found. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Trauma is among the most important sources of data providing information related to systematic violence, battles and massacres among ancient populations. In this study, a mass grave from Titriş Höyük in the Southeast Anatolia was examined in terms of cranial traumas. Skeletal remains of minimum 19 individuals were placed on a plaster basin as a secondary interment. The frequency of cranial trauma was 81.3% among 16 available adult crania. The fact that the perimortem traumas were observed on both sex groups and the presence of two children and an infant on the basin suggest the possibility of these individuals being subjected to an attack or a massacre. It has been determined that the frequency of traumas in the common burials increased more than twofold from Early‐Mid EBA (6.7%) to Late EBA (14.3%). While all of the injuries observed in Early‐Mid EBA were in the form of healed depressed trauma, penetrated traumas were also encountered in Late EBA. The increased frequency of cranial trauma with unusual interment on a plaster basin indicated that a social stress might have taken place in Titriş Höyük. It is concluded that the collapse of the Akkadian Empire, the deterioration of the trade‐based economy and resource stress might have been possible factors that played a role in the excessive violence, or a massacre in Titriş Höyük. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The political life of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, 4th baronet has traditionally been seen in line with Sir Lewis Namier's views of 18th‐century politics and this article seeks to reinterpret his political life, taking into consideration not only his activities within parliament, but also his role within local government and his cultural activities. It will particularly consider the importance of his role within the concerts for ancient music, his lord lieutenancy of Merioneth and the central part he played in the 1778 treasury warrant crisis as well as his vigorous attempts to defend his interest during the 1774 Montgomeryshire election. This article will also argue that the cultural activities of back‐bench country gentlemen within the 18th‐century house of commons can shed new light upon their political views and activities.  相似文献   
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