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考古发掘现场腐蚀微生物的鉴定与防治一直是考古学家和文物保护工作者面临的难点问题。截至目前,国内外对于文物出土现场微生物腐蚀信息和资料获取的研究还十分有限。本研究以山西翼城大河口西周墓地为例,探讨了考古发掘现场遗址表面腐蚀真菌的快速检测技术与可能的防治对策;通过现场直接镜检结合后期分子生物学检测技术,确定造成大河口西周墓地土遗址大量污染真菌的群落组成。研究发现,造成山西大河口墓地出土现场腐蚀的优势真菌类群主要隶属于假散囊菌属(Pseudeurotium)、链格孢属(Alternaria)和小不整球壳属(Plectosphaerella),它们分别占据了整个出土现场腐蚀真菌克隆文库中的23%、21%、和18%。竖直墓道发掘坑道内较高的温度和相对湿度以及较低的空气交换速率是造成发掘现场微生物大面积污染的主要环境因子。该研究为快速获取出土文物腐蚀微生物的群落信息提供了技术支撑,为后期腐蚀微生物的防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
2005年霍邱发掘的三座汉墓,形制相同,均为平面呈刀形的土坑竖穴墓,时代为西汉晚期以后至新莽时期,为研究这一地区汉代文化增添了新的资料。  相似文献   
韩信城遗址的平面布局及出土文物的研究表明:韩信城不是汉代建筑,城之所在应该是韩信出生的地方;韩信城在北宋时期为淮东转运枢纽,金元时期为军事重镇。  相似文献   
Violence was a reality of life in early medieval Ireland (AD 400–1200). Its omnipresence is indicated from numerous narratives of regicide, mortal conflicts, battles and warfare that survive in ancient myths, legends and annalistic accounts. The archaeological evidence of violence and conflict is mainly identified in the osteoarchaeological record, and approximately 13% of all skeletal populations from excavated early medieval cemeteries in Ireland have shown evidence of weapon trauma. This study considers the osteological representation of violent deaths in two contemporaneous Irish skeletal populations dating to this period: Mount Gamble in County Dublin and Owenbristy in County Galway. This analysis involves assessing the different anatomical regions of the body for evidence of lesions that can be attributed to weapon trauma. The results indicate that these populations are likely to have been exposed to violence under differing circumstances; the evidence suggests that the individuals from Mount Gamble may have been well equipped or skilled at interpersonal battle, in contrast to the majority of individuals from Owenbristy who may have been unprotected and unprepared. The presence of two adolescents and two adult females amongst the victims from the latter population gives insight into a wider social dimension of weapon trauma in early medieval Ireland. There is also evidence of postmortem mutilations and decapitations, which reflect ritualistic aspects of violence. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This article presents the methods employed and the results obtained in pollen studies of a prehistoric grave, identifying a fascinating and productive context for pollen analyses: prehistoric textiles. The methods involved direct sampling from the grave during excavation and various measures aimed at minimizing the risk of contamination, thereby maximising the information gained about various aspects of contemporary prehistoric life. The example used was an Iron Age grave from Hammerum, Denmark which was found to contain very well preserved clothing. The clothing and surrounding sediment were block excavated, providing a unique opportunity to collect samples for pollen analysis from both the textile material and from the underlying grave sediment. This allowed comparison of pollen assemblages from different components within the grave and an assessment of the method itself. The effort involved was rewarded with a set of results which permitted detailed interpretation. Large amounts of pollen of crops and associated anthropogenic plants in the textile sample suggest that agricultural work was the primary source of the pollen embedded in the clothing. In contrast, the pollen assemblages from the sediment samples very clearly reflected the surrounding local vegetation.  相似文献   
Excavation in Posidonia oceanica matte in the ancient harbor of Klazomenai/Liman Tepe, on the Aegean coast of Turkey, demonstrates the stratigraphic archaeological potential of underwater excavation. Among the finds is a fractured wooden anchor arm exposed in situ. The anchor arm dates to approximately 600 b.c. based on stratigraphically associated ceramics, a dating supported by radiocarbon. The arm was found embedded in this marine sediment, which preserved the arm in its set position within the ancient sea floor. This archaeological excavation through matte and silt harbor sediments overturns the misconception that stratigraphic excavation is impossible in a marine environment. The excavation further boosts optimism regarding the preservation of maritime heritage along the littoral of the eastern Aegean and the many other Mediterranean regions where Posidonia oceanica grows.  相似文献   
One hundred and thirty six well‐preserved medieval skeletons were excavated in advance of re‐development in Norwich. The right patella of a 13–15 year old skeleton (SK 65) displays a ‘fracture line’ running through the supero‐lateral pole. This represents the fusion of a secondary ossification centre, a condition known as bipartite patella. It should not be confused with other anatomical variants or with pathological processes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
大家园遗址位于孝感市政府东23公里处,隶属孝感市孝南区祝站镇祝站村段家田湾。2004年 4-5月,为配合汉孝高速公路建设,湖北省文物考古研究所委托孝感市博物馆对该遗址进行了局部发掘,获得了一批东周时期的实物资料,对进一步认识孝感地区东周时期考古学文化具有一定意义。  相似文献   
2003年5月,新乡市文物工作队发掘了新乡县后高庄遗址,发现了属于春秋早、中、晚期至战国时期的文化遗存,发现三座灰坑,出土了一批丰富的文化遗物。这是新乡市近年来首次对东周遗址进行科学发掘,为以后此类遗存的断代提供了重要的参考资料。  相似文献   
河南巩义市老城砖厂唐墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年1月,郑州市文物考古研究所等对位于巩义市站街镇老城砖厂的2座唐墓进行了发掘。其中M2年代较早,器物组合完整,器形丰富,以三彩器为多,对于研究唐三彩有一定意义。  相似文献   
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