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The study of the life cycle of pottery, from the selection of raw materials and the production stage through distribution and use to ultimate discard, can make a valuable contribution to archaeological research. The aim of the present paper is to provide a summary and critical assessment of the particular contribution of the physical sciences to the reconstruction and interpretation of this life cycle, in large part through the presentation of selected case studies. The topics covered include the reconstruction of the technology used in pottery production, through a combination of microscopy, radiography, and chemical analysis; the investigation of the extent of craft specialization and the organization of pottery production; the reconstruction of pottery distribution from its production center, using thin-section petrography and chemical analysis, and the interpretation of these data in terms of exchange and trade; the reconstruction of the consumption stage or uses to which pottery was put, from the study of surface wear, organic residues, and performance characteristics; and a discussion of the reasons for the introduction of pottery and for the different technological choices made in pottery production. Throughout, the importance of considering the overall environmental, technological, economic, sociopolitical, cultural–ideological and historical context in which the pottery was produced, distributed, and consumed is emphasized. The paper is concerned, almost-exclusively, with unglazed earthenware spanning prehistory through to circa 1500 AD.  相似文献   
L'information devient de plus en plus un enjeu crucial pour les institutions et acteurs engagés dans des processus territoriaux de développement. Comme la littérature sur les NTIC le démontre, l'accès a l'information concernant leur environnement global (sources de capitaux, tendances globales, débouchés, encadrement) ainsi qu'à celle concernant leurs atouts locaux et spécifiques (ressources humaines, physiques, financièrs et institutionnelles, identités, possibilités de mobilisation) fournit des indications indispensables pour faction des collectives locales engagées dans des projets de développement. Cependant, ce qui est souvent négligé c'est que le processus même par lequel cette information est produite et diffusée constitue en soi un facteur intervenant dans l'orientation que prend le développement. L'information marque les territoires concernés. Aussi est-il essentiel de construire des inforoutes permettant la participation des collectivités à la production de l'information qui les concerne. L'Atlas du Québec et de ses régions est une expérience qui vise cet objectif. Dans ce texte, nous présentons l'état d'avancement et les conclusions préliminaires de cette expérience. Information networking is a crucial issue for organizations and socio-economic actors. As the literature on development shows, information at the global level (financial perspectives, global tendencies, markets, and regulations), as well as at the local level (demographic and social characteristics; human, physical, economic, institutional, and organizational resources; specific assets; quality of life; etc.) is indispensable to local collectivities involved in development projects. Nevertheless, often overlooked is the fact that the very process by which this information is produced and disseminated has a significant effect on the direction of development. Information has an impact on the local community. There is a need for building territory information networks that allow local communities to produce the information that concerns them. This paper presents first a global survey of globalization and the effects of information highways on specific territories, and second, an experiment in progress about building a territory information network in the province of Québec, the Atlas of Québec and Its Regions.  相似文献   
建国初期,为落实中共中央的战略决策,陈云通过调查和实地考察,对如何发展橡胶事业,提出和实施了一系列重大措施:建立橡胶基地,组建橡胶垦殖队伍,解决橡胶种子问题,适时调整橡胶事业的失误。陈云关于橡胶事业的一系列重要指示和意见,对于搞好我国的橡胶事业,不仅起到了巨大的推动作用,而且也有着重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
A major dilemma in Gender and Development (GAD) work is why it is that sometimes women may feel better off colluding with gendered structures that ensure their continued subordination rather than seeking approaches that will allow them to break free of this. Kandiyoti (1988 Gender and Society 2 274–90) has identified this apparent collusion as 'patriarchal bargains', which offer women greater advantages than they perceive can be achieved by challenging the prevailing order. Such women are therefore reluctant to engage in empowering activities that may challenge their gendered bargain. This paper explains this dilemma in the context of GAD work undertaken with Bedouin women in Southern Egypt.  相似文献   
从《货殖列传》看司马迁的生产经营思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
司马迁的《货殖列传》中有着丰富的经济思想。司马迁以不同于历代封建统治的眼光为人们的逐利求富活动进行辩护,特别是他对生产经营过程中的一些问题进行了分析和探讨,提出了许多宝贵的生产经营思想。这些思想在当时是难能可贵的,在今天仍有着积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The white ash of Sibudu hearths sometimes became cemented and, when this was the case, some of these crusts were used as work surfaces or receptacles, particularly in occupations dating about 58,000 years ago. Substantial deposits of red and yellow ochre powder have been found on these crusts. This suggests that the ochre was not associated with hearths for heat treatment because yellow ochre readily transforms to red even at low temperatures. XRF readings suggest that the ochre used at the site derives from different geological sources. Micromorphological studies imply that phosphatization caused the cementation of the ashes in some hearths, while gypsum growth hardened one of the hearths described here.  相似文献   
Archeologists often rely heavily on stone monuments, architecture, settlement patterns, and written texts to reconstruct ancient political systems. In this paper we focus on the role of polychrome pottery as both a reflection of and critical component in the production of power relations. We present rare direct evidence of polychrome pottery production recovered from the Maya site of Motul de San José, the presumed Late Classic (ca. 600–900 AD) capital of the epigraphically-recognized Ik’ polity. Our contextual analysis of production debris and tools complement on-going polychrome vessel style and chemical analyses of Ik’ Style polychrome vessels to suggest that Motul de San José’s royal court was an important center in the manufacture of Ik’ Style polychrome pottery. These elaborate vessels indexed the political history, power, and networks of the Ik’ polity. By combining archeological, iconographic, and epigraphic data of polychrome pottery, we shed light on Motul de San José’s internal political-economic dynamics as well as its macro-political alliances and tensions with other polities.  相似文献   
One expectation of emergent complexity is that as ceramic craft specialization increases it is reflected by increasingly homogeneous products due to the modified organization of craft production by specialists. This question has most often been addressed by analysis of sub-sets of larger ceramic assemblages consisting of intact vessels from idiosyncratic contexts. However, excavations often do not yield appropriate whole vessel sub-sets. In order to evaluate the changing context of the organization of ceramic production, we engage a robust methodological approach to the analysis of ceramic sherd assemblages, rather than intact vessels, rooted in cluster analysis but which we rigorously evaluate by other means. We successfully employ this method to assess changes in the organization of ceramic production through a 1000 year sequence leading to the emergence of the Tarascan state, and conclude in this case that no significant reorganization of ceramic production occurred with Tarascan state formation.  相似文献   
郭文  黄震方 《人文地理》2013,28(2):117-124
本文以皮埃尔点布迪厄的"场域理论"和列斐伏尔"空间的生产理论"为视角,以深度访谈和参与观察为基础,对周庄古镇从"一元同心并置结构"到"多元同心嵌套结构"转变过程中的多维空间生产进行了分析,结果表明:旅游场域形成之前的空间属于"内源性自生式本体空间",以"物理属性"为主;旅游场域形成后的空间属于"外源性嵌入式构建空间",倾向于"社会属性";旅游开发使物质空间景观化、文化空间多元化和社会空间复杂化,空间的分异和碎化趋向表明古镇社区正由"差序格局"转向"团体格局",进而表现为一种混合性"属地格局"。空间生产的动力机制主要是全球化背景下的地方怀旧情结、空间生产背后的政治力量博弈和空间生产中社区精英示范效应三种原因所致。本文指出在旅游快速发展背景下,古镇空间不是空洞的空间,空间的生产方向应该成为关注的焦点,这对理解古镇旅游空间场域的形成、生产及包容性发展具有重要导向。  相似文献   
鄢慧丽  罗静 《人文地理》2012,27(3):115-117,155
现行的风景区空间日容量的计算方法往往大大高估了景区容量。本文以游客在景区中的移动行为为出发点,将景区旅游线路类比为旅游生产线,其中游客为工件、景点为工序。利用旅游生产线的平行移动特征,推导出在景区日开放时间内能够完成景区游玩的游客批数。然后,以景区线路中的瓶颈景点容量为批量,该批量与批数相乘即得到了景区容量。旅游生产线理论填补了景区容量计算理论支撑的空白,并使景区容量计算真正的科学化、合理化。  相似文献   
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