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20世纪末,我国的物保护科学技术基本形成了具有中国特色的完整的科学体系。在石质物、金属物、纸张物、竹木漆器物、壁画物、石窟物等的保护技术方面取得了多项科研成果,并且达到或接近世界先进水平,使我国许多珍贵的化遗产得到了抢救和有效地保护。  相似文献   
近几十年来,我国考古工作曾先后在一些西汉遗址和墓葬中发现了若干纸状残片,于是引起国内外许多学和广大人民的关注和提出疑问。是否蔡伦前约二百年就有了纸?造纸术还是不是蔡伦发明的?新发掘的纸状物到底是个什么样?经对历次的发掘作了详细的调查研究和分析化验,结论认为:20世纪有关纸的考古发现不能否定蔡伦发明造纸术。  相似文献   
During the Neolithic period, the Chengdu Plain was a key region where two important crops, rice and millet, were cultivated together. Millet was probably introduced from north-western China c.3500–3300 cal. bce , and rice came from the Middle Yangtze River c.2600 cal. bce . In this study, human and faunal remains, as well as charred crop grains, were collected from the Yingpanshan (3300–2600 cal. bce ) and Gaoshan (2500–2000 cal. bce ) sites where the dominant crop was millet and rice, respectively. Carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted on human bones and the ecofact samples in order to reconstruct the subsistence at the sites. The results indicate that the diets of two individuals recovered from the Yingpanshan site consisted of both C3- and C4-based foods, predominantly the former. By contrast, Yingpanshan pigs consumed a large quantity of C4 fodder. This result, combined with the ecofact evidence, suggests that millet was the main crop at the Yingpanshan site. It also highlights the fact that the two Yingpanshan individuals might be non-locals and/or belonged to later periods. On the other hand, the diet of the Gaoshan community was dominated by C3-based foods. When considering the archaeobotanical evidence at Baodun, a site contemporaneous with and near to the Gaoshan site, it can be stated that rice was an important food resource for the Gaoshan community. This study also suggests how crops were managed at the two sites. The Yingpanshan people might have used manure for growing millet. Both manuring and irrigation might have also been practised by Gaoshan's rice farmers. However, more studies are required to understand the extent of manuring and irrigation in their agricultural economies.  相似文献   
基于面板数据,从综合系统-子系统-要素等三方面定量测度省域人口、土地与产业城镇化对农业农村发展的影响程度,深入剖析城镇化不同要素对农业与农村系统发展的作用机理。研究结果表明:①人口城镇化与产业城镇化对农业农村的影响更加明显,对农村生活系统影响的弹性系数大于1的地区比重分别为58.06%和64.52%;土地与产业城镇化对农业生产系统产生负向影响较为明显,弹性系数小于0的地区比重分别为29.03%和38.71%;②城镇化率、产业结构和建成区比重对人均耕地面积、乡村劳动力比重和人均粮食产量呈显著负相关,与农民人均纯收入、人均农业产值和单位面积机械动力呈显著正相关;③通过深入分析近30年省域城镇化对各地区农业农村发展的作用机理,对于新时期新型城镇化、农业农村转型发展等战略的贯彻落实具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
朱寰 《史学集刊》2005,1(3):97-100
人类进入文明社会以来,经历了农业文明和工业文明两大时代。期间贯穿了三次社会变革:第一次社会变革是在公元前4000年代末,由于社会生产力的发展和农业的进步,最终导致原始公社制的解体和奴隶制国家的建立。随之而来的是贯穿整个文明时代始终的脑力劳动和体力劳动的对立、农民和手工业劳动者的对立、城市与乡村的对立。第二次社会变革是由奴隶制向封建制过渡,马克思认为这两个社会阶段都是以人身依附关系为特征的。前者是完全处于人身依附状态,后者是部分处于人身依附状态,两者的差别不大。第三次社会变革是实现经济和社会的现代化。这是一次规模最大的经济和社会大转变,概括地说,就是要实现市场化、工业化和民主化,三者相辅相成,缺一不可。中国的现代化只能走有中国特色的社会主义道路。  相似文献   
现代显微技术在纸质文物的研究和修复中,是不可或缺的研究手段,因此应用显微镜对几件纸质文物进行了显微观察和分析。结果获得了纤维表面形态、纸张工艺和纤维特性等信息,同时获取了表面图像、分散纤维图像,纤维长、宽、配比等数据。所获信息对文物鉴定与修复工作有明显的参考意义,说明现代显微技术可以对纸质文物进行分析、鉴别,并为选配修复用纸和断代等提供参考依据。  相似文献   
文化遗产保护是我国可持续发展战略的一项重要组成部分,为做好这方面的工作,发挥科学技术对这一领域的支撑和带动作用,国家文物局通过对科研机构的遴选,建立起一批文物保护重点科研基地,搭建开放、共享的创新平台。笔者认为首要的是建立一套科学合理的评估指标体系,通过科学选取评估指标、确定指标权重、采用适当的计算方法,遴选出合适的科研机构,进入到文物保护重点科研基地。  相似文献   
西周至南北自制玻璃概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国玻璃起步较晚,大体始于西周初或先周(殷末),主要是蓝色、浅蓝色或绿色玻璃珠管,与玉、玛瑙配合制成“杂佩”。其时玻璃的主要成分为二氧化硅,并含有少量铅、钡,故称为铅钡玻璃,与西方钠钙玻璃不同而独树一帜。春秋战国时期,西方蜻蜓眼玻璃珠输入我国,从此,以仿羊脂白玉美若明月的“隋侯珠”为代表的自制玻璃与外来玻璃并存。西方(大月氏)吹制玻璃术于汉魏传入我国之后,也出现了自制的空心玻璃器皿。  相似文献   
Despite its worldwide use as a stone tool raw material, quartz is known to be a difficult material for archaeologists. The main reason for this is the tendency of quartz flakes to fragment during detachment, which complicates the use of traditional lithic analyses. In this article we present an experimental study of quartz flake fragmentation. We evaluate the method called fracture analysis that has been developed and used explicitly for the study of quartz assemblages. The method assumes high predictability of quartz flake fragmentation, but our experiments show that there is significant variation in fragmentation that fracture analysis does not take into account. Our results indicate that this variation is partly explained by indenter hardness, the relative thickness of the detached flake, as well as individual knapper-related factors. These results undermine the applicability of quartz fracture analysis in its current form. In addition, we discuss the effects of flake fragmentation on the technological organisation of prehistoric quartz users and suggest that it has affected reduction strategies as well as blank and tool dimensions. We also suggest that there should be mobility-related differences in archaeological assemblages in terms of the quality of the quartz raw material and that the curation of quartz should be low in relation to better quality raw materials used parallel with it.  相似文献   
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