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1949年以来中国城市现代化与城市化关系探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
作为同一历史进程的两个方面 ,城市现代化与城市化本应相互促进、共同发展 ,但由于现代化启动并发生于特殊的历史时代 ,194 9年以来 ,中国的城市现代化与城市化经历长期的曲折反复 ,两者之间的关系错综复杂 ,并呈现出不同的特征 ,直至改革开放以后 ,城市现代化与城市化才最终走上相互协调的良性发展轨道。  相似文献   
In Gausdal, a mountainous community in southern Norway, a conflict involving dogsledding has dominated local politics during the past two decades. In order to understand local protests against this activity, in this article we apply discourse analysis within the evolving approach of political ecology. In this way, we also aim at contributing to the emerging trend of bringing political ecology “home”. To many people, dogsledding appears as an environmentally friendly outdoor recreation activity as well as a type of adventure tourism that may provide new income opportunities to marginal agricultural communities. Hence, at a first glance, the protests against this activity may be puzzling. Looking for explanations for these protests, this empirical study demonstrates how the opposition to dogsledding may be understood as grounded in four elements of a narrative: (1) environmental values are threatened; (2) traditional economic activities are threatened; (3) outsiders take over the mountain; and (4) local people are powerless. Furthermore, we argue that the narrative is part of what we see as a broader Norwegian “rural traditionalist discourse”. This discourse is related to a continued marginalization of rural communities caused by increasing pressure on agriculture to improve its efficiency as well as an “environmentalization” of rural affairs. Thus, the empirical study shows how opposition to dogsledding in a local community is articulated as a narrative that fits into a more general pattern of opposition to rural modernization in Norway as well as internationally.  相似文献   
中共中央三代领导集体与中国工业化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
50多年来,在以毛泽东、邓小平和江泽民为核心的三代中央领导集体领导下,我国的工业化和现代化建设取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。毛泽东在探索“中国工业化的道路”的过程中,从本国的国情出发,“以苏为鉴”,实事求是地总结经验和教训,提出了“以农业为基础,以工业为主导”的建设方针;邓小平继承和发展了毛泽东关于中国社会主义工业化的重要思想,从社会主义初级阶段的国情出发,认真总结历史的经验和教训,并借鉴世界上其他国家工业化、现代化得失成败,成功地探索出有中国特色的社会主义工业化、现代化道路;以江泽民为代表的第三代中央领导集体,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,结合新的实践,与时俱进,勇于创新,进一步完善了邓小平有中国特色的社会主义工业化、现代化建设理论,走出了一条速度较快、效益较好、整体素质不断提高的新型工业化道路。  相似文献   
董经胜 《安徽史学》2003,8(6):70-74
在巴西军政权中,存在着军人和技术专家的联盟。军人在政治决策中起着关键的作用,技术专家在制定经济发展政策时扮演着关键的角色。技术专家的兴起主要是由于巴西政府基本政策优先顺序的转变、平行官僚机构的迅速增长、以及实现行政改革的长期努力使得精英集团内部发生的变化。在经济观点上,技术专家主张注重积累,抑制分配的“生产主义”。  相似文献   
Prior to the modern welfare state, many large companies provided extensive welfare programmes for their employees. In this article, such welfare programmes – or corporate welfarism – in Finnish manufacturing firms in the early 20th century are the focus of attention. I analyse the content of these programmes and how they changed over time as part of the modernization and professionalization of management and industrial and societal change. I also discuss how company managers perceived the role of welfare provisions in corporate development and what happened with these programmes when the first steps towards the modern welfare state were taken. I show that these programmes started as a necessity and part of industrial paternalism, but gradually became part of labour management, in particular for the creation of a loyal workforce and productivity improvements. These programmes often developed in collaboration with local municipalities, which led to intertwined relationships at the local level, marked by both trust and tension in local communities. Once general welfare reforms emerged, companies often abandoned their voluntary programmes, while some services were taken over by the municipalities. I also ask to what extent these programmes were managerial strategies to counteract growing state involvement in their affairs.  相似文献   
董四代  杨静娴 《攀登》2007,26(5):14-18
西方资本主义对中国的侵略,既包含了资本主义文明的冲击,又是现代性在世界范围内分裂的表现。这样,就形成了中国人在现代化追求中的乌托邦情结。对资本主义进行判断,消除现代性成长中的社会分裂,赋予传统理想现代精神,就成为中国现代化制度选择的根据。现代性追求与乌托邦精神构成了科学社会主义中国化的内在张力。  相似文献   
把英国19世纪的租地农场视为资本主义农场,认为租地农场主和工厂主一样是资本家,进而认为19世纪英国的农业是典型的资本主义农业,这一观点是马克思在《资本论》中提出的。它成为迄今我国史学界对英国农业史的一个基本认识。这种认识有违学界对经济制度的分析。从农业史来看,租佃农场不仅在英国近代存在过,在英国封建社会也长期存在。租佃制是各国封建社会常见的农业经济组织形式。英国19世纪的大土地经营不是直接雇佣劳动者耕作,而是分级出租。相当一部分租地农场面积不大,属于家庭农场,不使用或只是部分使用雇佣劳动力生产。一些地区庄园制仍然残存,通过租佃制持有土地的公簿持有农还受到封建领有制残余的束缚。因此,19世纪英国的租佃农场制夹杂着封建残余。19世纪英国农业的性质是资本主义与后封建主义的混合。  相似文献   
赵耀 《攀登》2011,(6):26-31
政党现代化是一个不断制度化、规范化、科学化的过程。选人用人是政党的重要功能。选人用人的合法性和科学性,是政党现代化的题中应有之义遥。只有在厘清公共权力、执政党和民众政治参与的逻辑关系的前提下,才能科学把握政党现代化的一般规律,并遵循这个规律来选人用人。  相似文献   
中国传统教育向近代转型,经历了一个从理论到实践的过程。在理论转型中最核心的是严复资产阶级自由国民的近代教育目标的确立,围绕这一目标,从教育对象、教育原则到教育内容和方法,严复提出了一系列的适应近代社会发展的理论,形成了一个较为完整的近代教育体系,开启了中国教育近代化的大门。  相似文献   
1957~1958年,毛泽东对山东省厉家寨村和河南省长葛县深翻土地增产经验的总结报告充分肯定,号召全国学习,通过深翻土地达到增产目的。1958年8月,中共中央发出指示,要求全国在两三年内,将一切可能深耕的土地全部深耕一尺以上。全国掀起了轰轰烈烈的深耕土地热潮。在运动中,各地积极组织学习长葛县的深翻土地方法和经验,开展群众性深翻土地大会战。科研人员也积极研制和改造深翻农机具,总结和论证深翻措施及效果,开展深翻土地创高产试验。尽管通过深耕土地达到增产在一定的科学范围内是可行的,但1958年全国性的深耕土地运动,在翻土深度、进度和数量上层层加码,出现了许多盲目蛮干的事例,未能取得预期的增产效果。  相似文献   
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