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以日本江户时代的教育发展为基础,明治时代以来的日本最终树立了自身的国家主义教育体制,在这样一个近代化的过程之中,日本始终保持了自身的主体性的、连续性的发展轨迹。而且,这一近代化的发展历程也充分地反映了日本文化的复合性与创造性的根本特征。  相似文献   
Over the past few years a considerable body of research has illuminated the changing geographies of service provision in rural Australia. Mostly, this work has emphasised the quantitative aspects of restructuring, by way of documenting numerical reductions in service delivery points and their implications for local employment and service access. In this paper, an examination of recent restructuring within the dealership system for high‐horsepower tractors underlines that these quantitative changes also intersect with qualitative shifts to the character of service delivery. Interviews with 31 participants in the tractor dealership system of Central‐West New South Wales reveal the recent evolution of a producer‐driven supply chain in which two dominant, multinational, tractor‐machinery companies have sought to exercise tighter control over customer relations through the restructuring of franchise agreements with dealers. There has been a resultant demise of the independent dealership, and its replacement by a system of standardised, company‐affiliated outlets operated by franchise holders. Hence, the spatial restructuring of this industry represents the surface manifestations of corporate strategies in which large economic entities are re‐organising their interests in light of globalised theatres of competition and profit. In this sense, the tractor‐dealership system is emblematic of changes to power and control in rural service provision as the franchise models propagated by large corporate interests increasingly subsume the small‐business sector activities of Australia's rural towns.  相似文献   
近代慈善事业与中国东南社会变迁(1895-1949)   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
周秋光  曾桂林 《史学月刊》2002,11(11):84-94
1895-1949年,近代慈善事业的兴起与发展促使了中国东南社会的沧桑变迁及其慈善事业的近代化,其历程大致可以分为两个时期:清末十余年是初步兴起时期,近代色彩的慈善理念得以萌生,慈善公益活动有了初步扩展,传统的善堂善会纷纷向近代慈善团体转变。民国是兴盛发展时期,东南地区出现了众多的慈善团体和慈善家群体,对于民国社会的维系有着举足轻重的作用。近代慈善事业实际上扮演着调节社会的重要角色,成为推动近代社会前进的一种不可缺少的动力。  相似文献   
贾晓慧 《史学月刊》2002,30(8):81-88
《大公报》与西方无党派报纸不同,又与中国党派报纸不同。《大公报》在力所能及的范围内为中国政界带来一些不同声音。它重视知识分子的意见,力图通过推动国民党政府,争取一个相对稳定的政治环境,自上而下地实现经济层面的现代化。  相似文献   
在五四文化论争中,章士钊抛出“农国论”,认为西方国家因工业文明和物质文明之害已经陷入绝境,中国亦深受工业化之害,趋于沦亡;中国必须以农业立国,摒弃工业化和物质文明,恢复知足、节欲、不争的农国精神和传统道德,才能免于亡国之祸,并担负起拯救西方世界的责任。“农国论”是五四时期文化保守主义的又一种形式,是精神文明论的变种,本质上是道德复古主义。  相似文献   
周恩来是新中国的缔造者之一。为中国现代化奠定坚硕基础,他睿智地选择承继,按实际环境及形势,针对时代难题,逐一实现现代化政策,以务实承容态度,吸收外来文化精华而不失自我本质,吸收外来现代化策略创造性地转化为本土现代化策略,在探索中国现代化道路的过程中,提出了许多真知灼见——中国现代化必须坚持既反保守又反冒进、在综合平衡中稳步前进的思想;中国现代化必须正确处理独立自主、自力更生与学习外国的互动平衡的思想;关于尊重知识分子在经济建设中的重要作用的思想;关于中国现代化是全盘现代化的思想等,为中国21世纪现代化奠定不可动摇之基础。这些思想对于迈入21世纪的中国现代化建设仍然具有深远的影响和前瞻性的现实意义。  相似文献   
本文主要探讨农村工业化的概念及战前日本在理论上的认识,并根据战前农村工业的调查资料,对战前日本农村工业的总量,地区和行业分布特征进行了分析归纳,为战前农村工业化发展研究提供线索。  相似文献   
忻平 《史学月刊》2002,(10):58-63
20世纪二三十年代,帮会这种传统社会的怪胎,在处于社会转型时期的上海得到全面的复苏和全方位的发育。上海帮会的大发展,是与上海新旧并存的社会环境、人口失控与社会失调、以及帮会与政权相互需求等因素有密切的关系。“适时而变”是这一时期上海帮会最为显的特点。“适时而变”使其获得了,特殊的生存空间,成为一支不可小觑的社会力量。但某些资本主义色彩并未改变其反社会、反现代理性与法则的破坏性本质。  相似文献   
按照"三步走"实现现代化的战略部署,我国已经实现了前两步,进入21世纪开始走第三步,2001~2020年的发展目标是全面建设小康社会.我国对全面建设小康社会的规划是:2020年国内生产总值比2000年翻两番;经济发展的基本走向为工业化、城市化、开放型经济;增进全体人民的福利;推进制度创新.中国的现代化要实现三个根本性的转交:经济体制的根本性转变,经济增长方式的根本性转变,从二元经济结构到现代社会经济结构的根本性转变.中国的现代化不仅是发展社会生产力,还包括精神文明建设和政治文明建设等各方面制度的改革和健全.中国经济具备持续增长的诸多有利条件,2020年以后,中国将按照适合国情的发展道路,逐步地从小康社会走向现代化.  相似文献   
Late nineteenth and early twentieth century China faced a grave national crisis resulting from intense foreign pressure and a rigid political system that was incapable of adapting to the challenges of the modern world. China’s decline did, however, lead to a wave of nationalism that swept across Chinese society. Set against this backdrop, a new generation of patriotically minded intellectuals, one with relatively broad exposure to Western thinking and academic methods, turned its focus to enlightening the oppressed masses as a means of bringing about national salvation. These intellectuals pursued this forward-looking aim by looking to the past for inspiration. More specifically, they looked to folk culture as a means of connecting with the common people and weaving together a new discourse that promoted national unity. Under these circumstances, a group of professors at Peking University, including Zhou Zuoren, Liu Fu, and Gu Jiegang, began to search for vernacular works in folk culture. This article examines folklore studies at Peking University expanding from folksongs to folk customs and other forms of folk literature. It focuses on early folklorists’ activities, folklore organizations, and primary publications. Under the university’s influence, folklore studies appeared in various newspapers and other research institutions in Beijing and Shanghai in rapid succession.  相似文献   
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