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晚清时期,受聘来华洋员对中国的早期现代化事业起了重要的推动作用。他们积极地为洋务大员创办新式事业出谋划策,并亲自参与新式事业基础设施建设;努力促进新式事业的发展壮大,推动技术进步;充当新式事业的教练、工师、监工、匠目以及学堂教习、留学生监督等,培养了为数不少的掌握了科学技术知识的人才。当然,其中也有不能尽力、不遵约束。  相似文献   
近代欧洲早期农业革命考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘景华 《史学集刊》2006,3(2):60-66
在17、18世纪之际的“农业革命”发生之前,欧洲农业生产就已出现了许多关键性的技术进步,可把16、17世纪的这种进步称为“早期农业革命”,而14、15世纪则可视为早期农业革命的准备阶段。通过对中世纪欧洲农业的低技术起点,14、15世纪的农业技术进步,16、17世纪的早期农业革命等三方面的考察,我们发现欧洲农业技术进步中的连续性特点远超过其突变性。  相似文献   
Although the opening of Tianjin was forced, it actually accelerated the connection of Tianjin and its hinterland with the international market. The opening brought great changes to the structure of agriculture, animal husbandry, and industry and commerce in the hinterland; encouraged the development of market orientation and international orientation in the hinterland’s economy; and greatly improved the occupational organization and income of most farmers and herdsmen. The opening resulted in great progress for the whole modern economy of the hinterland and thereby provided an exemplary case for the study of problems related to the economic modernization process of China. __________ Translated from: Shixue Yuekan 史学月刊 (Journal of Historical Science), No. 1, 2004  相似文献   
Agricultural land‐cover changes in Eastern Ontario from 1826 to 2006: environmental effects. Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG) counties, Eastern Ontario, are among the first areas in Ontario to welcome settlers. In 1784, they established themselves in a forested land where wetlands are very important. Today, a large part of the wetlands has disappeared, but the landscape is wooded, masking the radical changes that took place over the course of the last two centuries. Analysis of census data from 1826 to 2006 allows the reconstruction of the history of land‐cover changes. It reveals the nature and rates of change for which a first analysis is presented. Four periods are identified. First, agriculture conquers the land and establishes its dominance. A plateau is reached in 1891 as agriculture maintains its supremacy until 1941. Then, as fast as agriculture invaded land, it fades away until 1986 when agricultural land‐cover stops shrinking. The opening of forest for cultivation was relatively slow in SDG because of biophysical and socio‐economical conditions associated with an absence of growth of agricultural population. Deforestation and wetland drainage led to a degradation of agricultural life but resulted in consideration of the environment in agriculture. Today, wooded and agricultural land covers are more balanced and environmental effects less acute.  相似文献   
现代农业与小农制衔接的两个理论问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新光 《攀登》2009,28(2):65-71
走中国特色农业现代化道路需要解决两大实践难题:一是如何实现小农制与现代农业的有效衔接;二是如何培育资本农业的生成机制。归结起来就是“钱从哪里来”和“人往哪里去”的问题。这里涉及到两个理论问题:如何认识现代小农制的历史地位,如何解决资本与劳动的矛盾对立。本文围绕上述问题,对19世纪末以来马克思主义经典作家的相关讨论做一回顾性阐释。  相似文献   
近代以来,农科留学生引进了西方先进的农业科学知识,促进了我国的农业科技近代化进程.近代农科留学生为了促进中国农业科技的发展,实现"科学救国"的愿望,在农业科技体制化方面进行了积极而有意义的探索和实践,组织、创办中华农学会等全国性农业学术团体,创办<中华农学会报>、<林学>、<畜牧兽医>等农业科学刊物;组建中央农业实验所等全国性农业科研机构,推进农业科研工作;创建新系科,编写新教材,积极投身到近代中国农业新学科的开拓之中,在中国近代农业科技体制化建设过程中发挥了重要的作用.  相似文献   
Academic and popular accounts of the Opium War have gone through nearly two centuries of change in focus, view, and scope. My study probes this extensive historiography by tracing the evolvement of our understanding of the war through various phases among which we saw the rise of the “China-centered approach” and the beginning of a new trend towards combining government archives with personal records such as memoirs, personal correspondence, and private journals in research. Based on the observation, I will indicate, despite their undeniable achievements, most of the existing scholarships have paid little attention to the ordinary people in China whose lives were deeply affected by the war. It is high time that we pay more attention to human experience of the Chinese people in order to understand not only the war itself but also the history it helped shape.  相似文献   
港口-腹地与中国现代化进程学术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樊如森 《史学月刊》2004,(12):108-111
随着改革开放的深入进行,中国的现代化进程问题日益引起人们的关注。相关研究成果很多,意义也相当重大,但是,令人满意的阐释至今并不多见。近年来,学术界从港口-腹地角度进行的探讨,取得了较大的成功。这一课题的继续,无疑会为中国现代化进程的研究,增添浓重的光彩。  相似文献   
留日士官生与晚清军事现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚清以降,积弱不振的清王朝在内忧外患的冲击下,被动地迈开了富国强兵的步子,接连向日本派遣了大批留学生,专习陆军,这些留日士官生在学成归国后,被充实到各个军事部门。他们无论在主持军事教育,还是在充任现役军官方面,均做出了不同程度的贡献,极大地推动了中国军事现代化进程。  相似文献   
邓小平是中国社会主义现代化事业卓越的思想家和设计师。在中国共产党领导人民接续近代以来中国人的梦想、为国家实现现代化而艰苦奋斗的进程中,邓小平坚持将中国实际与现代化一般规律相结合的原则,强调全民族整体动员、奋起直追的现代化政治观念和社会意识,提出社会主义现代化是决定国家民族命运的千秋大业的观点,回答了中国为什么必须实现社会主义现代化的问题;他确定中国式的百年发展战略,设计了从温饱、小康到基本实现现代化的发展道路,回答了什么是中国式现代化的问题;他强调以经济发展为中心,大力发展生产力,重视知识和人才,通过改革开放推进中国现代化进程,回答了怎么样建设中国社会主义现代化的问题,从而为我国现代化建设提供了一整套思想理论、发展战略和步骤方法,领导中国人民走出了一条加快现代化步伐、实现民族复兴的崭新道路。  相似文献   
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