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雷戈所著《秦汉之际的政治思想与皇权主义》一书,认为从秦朝到汉初的思想史发展阶段是中国思想史上皇权主义意识形态的生成和确立时期,并将其概括为"后战国时代";采用独特的"历史-思想"研究法,从政治制度、官场规则和官吏的政治生活中,挖掘特定时期的政治思想共识,为政治思想史研究开辟了新的路径,并扩大了思想史的资料范围;认为秦汉时期生成的皇权主义秩序,把"天高皇帝远"的制度现实变为"天高皇帝近"的观念实存,实现了对人们思想的可控性,从此,思想成为皇权可以控制和规范的领域,达到了有效的思想专制。这是秦汉以降中国思想史发展的基本特征。该书在研究方法的创新和思想深度的开掘上,都做出了独到的贡献。  相似文献   
姜萌 《史学月刊》2007,(3):79-85
《陈寅恪的最后二十年》、《顾颉刚和他的弟子们》、《束星北档案》等著作,代表了当前历史传记写作的一种趋势。《陈寅恪的最后二十年》的文本近似历史叙事散文;《顾颉刚和他的弟子们》的文本更接近史学论文;而《束星北档案》则类同电视记录片的文稿。这些著作共有的特点是:在修撰方式上,大量运用了第一手材料;在文本风格上,力求作品深入浅出、雅俗共赏;在写作理念上,坚持真实第一,尊重历史。这一趋势非常值得重视。  相似文献   
Gender research archaeology has made significant contributions, but its dissociation from the resources of feminist scholarship and feminist activism is a significantly limiting factor in its development. The essays that make up this special issue illustrate what is to be gained by making systematic use of these resources. Their distinctively feminist contributions are characterized in terms of the recommendations for “doing science as a feminist” that have taken shape in the context of the long running “feminist method debate” in the social sciences.  相似文献   
城市发展指数指引下的我国收缩区域初步评判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨振山  杨定 《人文地理》2019,34(4):63-72
城市收缩在全球范围内蔓延,致使以增长为假设前提的区域经济增长模型受到极大挑战。本文以县域单元为研究对象,利用2000年与2010年各县域单元的社会经济数据构建城市发展指数,在其指引下对我国城市收缩状况做初步分析。研究表明:①在城市化的快速进程中,我国县域单元出现收缩现象,特别是县、自治县、自治旗、旗出现较多数量的收缩。②发生收缩的县域单元共261个,大多数为人口较少的中小城镇;西部地区分布较多,且收缩面积较大。③收缩的县级行政区表现出一些共性特征:人口数量和密度下降、老龄化加深、医疗卫生条件较差、经济发展缓慢,财政赤字严重。这一结果有助于初步了解我国收缩区域整体格局,并呼吁研究者和政策制定者尽快针对这一问题展开研究,促进区域可持续发展。  相似文献   
大数据背景下国内人文地理研究进展与方法审视   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过梳理人文地理领域杂志近年大数据文章解释其与大数据应用的关系,强调其应用给人文地理学研究带来机遇和挑战:①大数据作为研究方法,不能代替传统人文地理研究范式,而是对现研究方法的补充。大数据和小数据需对话交流;②大数据本身是一种话语权,嵌入人文地理研究系统。保证人文地理学多样性,避免过度依赖大数据,需在批判角度审视和运用;③需关注大数据对于人文地理学研究方法和思想的影响;④运用大数据解读地理和空间过程复杂性的同时,应看到大数据应用对公共服务的潜力,思考其结果如何更好的服务社会。  相似文献   
黄雅雯 《清史研究》2020,118(2):13-25
清康熙年间,山东寿光县为缓解"大差"负担,将"大差"由轮当制改为下放给各社自理,但这进一步加重了民间劈社的窘境。乾隆年间知县王椿在缺少土地记录的情况下,采用"顺庄法"重整地方组织,缓解赋税征收的困境。以百姓实际居住的"庄",取代官方登记的里甲组织"社",作为税收登记与征收的基本单位。同时,这也形成了山东以"村庄"为基层组织的地方社会。因南北土地分布状况的差异,顺庄法在山东与江南显示出不同的形态与结果。  相似文献   
X. Zhou  T. J. Burbey 《Geofluids》2014,14(2):174-188
The initiation of hydraulic fractures during fluid injection in deep formations can be either engineered or induced unintentionally. Upon injection of CO2, the pore fluids in deep formations can be changed from oil/saline water to CO2 or CO2 dominated. The type of fluid is important not only because the fluid must fracture the rock, but also because rocks saturated with different pore fluids behave differently. We investigated the influence of fluid properties on fracture propagation behavior by using the cohesive zone model in conjunction with a poroelasticity model. Simulation results indicate that the pore pressure fields are very different for different pore fluids even when the initial field conditions and injection schemes (rate and time) are kept the same. Low viscosity fluids with properties of supercritical CO2 will create relatively thin and much shorter fractures in comparison with fluids exhibiting properties of water under similar injection schemes. Two significant times are recognized during fracture propagation: the time at which a crack ceases opening and the later time point at which a crack ceases propagating. These times are very different for different fluids. Both fluid compressibility and viscosity influence fracture propagation, with viscosity being the more important property. Viscosity can greatly affect hydraulic conductivity and the leak‐off coefficient. This analysis assumes the in‐situ pore fluid and injected fluid are the same and the pore space is 100% saturated by that fluid at the beginning of the simulation.  相似文献   
In the 1970s and 1980s, regional analysis was an influential part of archaeological research, providing a discrete set of geographical tools inspired by a processual epistemological and interpretive perspective. With the advent of new technologies, new methods, and new paradigms, archaeological research on regional space has undergone significant changes. This article reviews the state of regional archaeology, beginning with a consideration of its history and a discussion of the fundamental issues facing regional investigations before focusing on developments over the last several years. On one hand, the diversification of archaeological theory has created new paradigms for thinking about human relationships with one another and with the physical environment across regional space; in this regard, historical ecology, landscape archaeology, and evolutionary theory have been particularly influential in recent years. This has led to a corresponding diversification of the traditional methods of regional analysis. Most notably, the advent of powerful digital technologies has introduced new tools, especially those from the geographic information sciences, that build on the quantitative methods of past approaches. The investigation of regional data is no longer based on a discrete toolkit of simple mathematical and graphical procedures for representing spatial relationships. Instead, regional archaeology has matured into a diversity of multiscalar spatial and geostatistical techniques that inform many areas of archaeological inquiry.  相似文献   
改革运动(Reform Movement)是指1882~1904期间主要在欧洲掀起的外语教学改革。回顾改革运动前后语法翻译法与自然法的变迁,时间跨度在一百年以上,为现在语言教育研究人员提供一些外语教育研究的理论基础,希望语言教学和研究者可以从中找出更多的教学发现从而提高现代语言教学质量。  相似文献   
Edmond Halley made two scientific voyages in the Atlantic Ocean as captain of the HMS Paramore between 1698 and 1700. Following these voyages he published the first map showing lines of equal magnetic declination in 1701. Halley did not reveal how he constructed the map, however, and it remains unknown. In this study, a construction procedure is hypothesized that uses mathematical tools that were available in his day, namely arithmetical averages and Isaac Newton’s method of divided difference for fitting a polynomial curve to data. To enable his map construction, a method is suggested whereby Halley could have created new data to augment the situations where insufficient data were collected.  相似文献   
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