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在全球经济一体化的背景下,城市群网络化是城乡之间多种物质的动态流的最高表现形式,也是城市群形成发展过程中理想的城市化模式。本文根据城市流强度值确定长株潭城市群三级网络节点,构建城市网络联系模型来确定城市与城市之间的网络联系,从而构建长株潭城市群网络的基本形式。研究表明,长株潭城市群处于单核心集聚的城市群演化初级阶段的特征,与发展成为功能互补、水平联系和交互增长的网络城市差距很大,必须通过调整网络各节点产业结构、加强交通运输网络建设、发展信息网络化、建立政府合作新机制等措施增强城市网络联系,加快长株潭城市群网络化发展。  相似文献   
近年来金融服务业发展成为我国经济与地理领域学者关注的新热点。本文通过GIS空间分析和电信黄页统计模拟,对潍坊市中心城区奎文区金融服务业的集聚现状、空间演变趋势进行了实证研究,重点探讨了金融服务业集聚格局的形成过程及演变机制。结论指出:金融服务业空间高度集聚于中心城区CBD内(单核心),集聚主要受城市等级规模和政策推动的影响;较之非银行业(保险业、证券业和其他金融活动),银行业时空演变规律性更强,但总体都呈现"轴向扩散"、"楼宇主导"态势;演变过程和城市主导发展方向、城市功能转型相契合,空间表现为由非均衡向相对均衡发展的格局过渡。  相似文献   
河南高新技术产业集聚分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
覃成林 《人文地理》2003,18(3):47-51
本文的研究表明,河南高新技术产业表现出十分明显的集聚特征,并依据其技术的先进性分化出3个空间层次。同时,在集聚主导下,河南高新技术产业布局还存在着分散化趋势。这种格局主要受区位效应、先行效应、企业扩张与衍生的本地化、地方政府的学习机制和发展产业的路径依赖等4个机制的共同作用。河南高新技术产业的集聚产生了明显的集聚效益,集聚效益与各高新区的集聚程度成正比。在此基础上,本文提出了优化高新技术产业布局,加快河南高新技术产业发展的建议。  相似文献   
采用区位商、相对专业化指数和相对多样化指数等指标定量分析了关中、中原、山东半岛三城市群的产业结构、专门化和多样化,并考察了它们与城市群发展之间的关系。通过指标计算与回归分析发现,目前三城市群总体上,相对全国而言的偏高的产业专门化和偏低的多样化,不利于城市群的发育;沿海和内地城市群的产业在发展动力方面存在着差异,沿海对产业多样化较敏感,而内陆则不显著;产业专门化不利于城市群发展,而多样化对城市群发展有一定的正向作用,但短期内作用并不明显。  相似文献   
城市群作为国家战略:效率与公平的双赢   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
苗长虹 《人文地理》2005,20(5):13-19
改革开放以来我国的区域战略和城镇化战略是根据不同的目的和需要而提出的,二者之间并没有建立内在有机的联系。以"科学发展观"和"五个统筹"思想为指导,以效率与公平的双赢为原则,提出了以大城市群为依托,将这两大战略有机结合起来作为国家战略的意义与构想。  相似文献   
Since Professor Sp. Marinatos linked the eruption of Thera with the destruction of Cretan sites, difficulties have been met in reconciling the dates of the two incidents which, based on pottery, were c. 1520 BC and 1450 BC, respectively, giving a “time gap” of 70 years. None of the mechanisms proposed for the Cretan site destructions-tsunamis, ash fallout, earthquakes, civil disturbances or invasion can be reconciled with the magnitude of the simultaneous site destructions. Therefore, an alternative theory is proposed that the Cretan holocaust was caused by “nuées ardentes” emanating from Thera. It is postulated that these were released through a “split” in the cone wall, of limited area, generating a high velocity jet of tephra fluidized in a red hot gas stream. Such a jet is immensely destructive and lethal, causing death by pulmonary oedema. The shape (like a blowtorch) and course of the ash fallout, as measured by deep sea cores, shows that these nuées ardentes passed over the eastern part of Crete, causing severe destruction and depopulation. The geological record confirms that tephra deposits from such Peléan eruptions have travelled for 160km, or more, and that normally the main eruption is preceded by a preliminary one of lesser intensity, with a time gap ranging from 51 to 203 years. Settlements on or at the base of the volcano would have been abandoned at the time of the preliminary eruption/earthquakes (c. 1520 BC). A time gap of 70 years would be reasonable, fitting with the Cretan catastrophe around 1450 BC. In the meantime, reoccupation had commenced, but was terminated by the final eruption. Apparently, Knossos on the periphery of the blast was severely damaged by fire (possibly again in LM II) and rebuilt, being finally destroyed in late LM IIIB. During this time span some “blurring” of pottery dating may be attributed to recovery and use of pottery “heirlooms”. The nuée ardente theory explains the simultaneous destruction of sites by fire and blast, the Cretan depopulation, as well as the time gap. In general 14C results confirm the dates proposed. So far tephra deposits have not been identified on Crete itself, but grains of it have been found at Pyrgos. It is suggested that cores from lake bottoms should be examined for the area, and that Cretan soil samples should be checked for tephra particles by employing the flotation technique, used in mining, for separating them.  相似文献   
We document the geographic concentration patterns of Russian manufacturing using detailed microgeographic data. About 80% of three-digit industries are significantly agglomerated, and a similar share of three-digit industry pairs is significantly coagglomerated. Industry pairs with stronger buyer–supplier links—as measured using Russian input–output tables—tend to be slightly more coagglomerated. This result is robust to instrumental variable estimation using either Canadian or US instruments. Using Canadian ad valorem transport costs as a proxy for transport costs in Russia, we further find that industries with higher transport costs are more dispersed, and industry pairs with higher transport costs are less coagglomerated.  相似文献   
苏海洋  陈朝隆 《人文地理》2022,37(4):122-131
首次从旅游领域将共生理论分析框架应用到城市间空间相互作用中,对城市群旅游共生进行理论分析。通过引力模型、欧氏距离模型和共生系统分类法,探讨粤港澳大湾区城市群旅游共生空间的若干问题。研究表明:城市群旅游共生组织模式基本处于由间歇共生向连续共生的正向演化阶段,空间呈现“2+3+4+2”城市群旅游共生层级体系,形成了三大旅游共生城市组团。城市群旅游共生行为模式大都处于由竞争共生向互惠共生的正向演化阶段,港澳广莞和佛惠中分别为主要互补与竞争节点,出现正向、稳定、逆向、往复、随机无序等五种演化路径分异。城市群旅游共生系统表现为初级旅游共生关系单一且稳定,中级旅游共生关系混沌且随机,高级旅游共生关系分异且稳定的规律。  相似文献   
曾鹏  魏旭  胡月  段至诚 《人文地理》2022,37(3):88-98
以中国19个城市群及全国296个地级以上城市为研究对象,通过收集2010—2019年中3个年份的相关数据,基于辐射场强模型,在识别城市群发育格局的基础上,将城市群发育情况与政府部门出台的城市群规划进行比较,归纳城市群发育与规划之间适配性的现状及时空演变规律。结果表明:2010—2019年,城市结节性指数具有与行政级别关系密切的梯度特征,少数国家级、区域级城市群在规划期内辐射扩散效果一般;总体来看,城市群发育与规划的适配性呈“东—中—西”依次减弱的空间格局,城市群发育范围虽呈扩张态势,但规划的城市群中仅有9个城市群被识别出来,其余规划的城市群仍不足以成为城市群;具体来看,区域差异明显的问题仍旧突出,识别出的城市群适配性虽逐年增强,但城市群核心城市发展、城市群发育等级、范围内城市数量等方面与城市群规划的适配性较差,具有参差不齐的特征。  相似文献   
雒占福  高旭  张永锋  李兰 《人文地理》2020,35(6):95-105
影子教育作为普遍而又特殊的人文社会现象尚未引起空间科学的关注。本文基于POI数据,融合GIS空间分析及地理探测器等方法,探究了兰州市影子教育机构空间分布特征及影响因素。结果表明:①兰州市影子教育机构总体表现出“西疏东密”的河谷带状分布,并呈现“一主多次”的组团式空间结构;②内部差异较大且不同类型机构的分布特征不同,区位选择的尺度差异明显且集聚形态各异;③不同类型机构的专业化水平差异显著,形成了不同功能型的专业化空间单元;④城市居住小区、商服环境、主流教育机构及交通可达性是影响影子教育空间布局的重要因素,由此驱动形成了不同类型的空间布局模式。  相似文献   
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