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《题毛晃〈禹贡指南〉六韵》及其自注,表达了乾隆帝的新的史地学观念,引起清朝史地学一次科学性跨越,主要表现在纂修“四库全书”期间的多种官修史书之中,摈弃了传统的分野旧说,批判其空虚揣测、附会难征,而以实测的晷度来确定地理方位。西方先进的天文、地理知识得到官方明确的肯定和采纳,并且用以反思儒学认识体系内的相关内容。此种科学观念虽然未能充分地弘扬光大,但仍然对后来的史地学产生了影响,这是学术思想史上值得关注与研究的问题。  相似文献   
中国古代士人的群体自觉意识,萌芽于春秋战国时期,全面兴起于东汉中后期。其兴起之原因,一是土地私有化的完成,地主庄园经济的出现,尤其是东汉士人对劳动态度的改变,使士人生存方式发生重大变化,使其在经济上有了独立性,为其人格独立打下了物质基础;二是东汉统治者对士人尤其是对归隐士人的相对宽容,为士人自觉意识的培养提供了宽松的环境;三是士人队伍的扩大,尤其是中央官学规模的扩大和校舍的扩充,为士人个体自觉意识转化为群体意识提供了中心场所;四是东汉中后期宦官外戚专权,又为士人群体自觉意识的激发和张扬提供了外部条件。  相似文献   
从战争对平民伤害的角度来认识战争的本质,有助于理解国际间友好关系对于平民百姓所具有的社会意义。抗战时期,作为普通劳动者的旅日闽侨,因其“敌对国民”身份顿然成为特殊的群体,陷入极端困境,其生命、财产难以保全,身心遭受了双重伤害。他们传统的“一家两地”的生存模式因为战争而被扭曲、中断,承受了巨大的生存压力。本文运用日本警保局编撰的《外事月报》记载的战时旅日闽侨真实生活的若干史料,本着人道主义精神,考察战时旅日闽侨的生存状况,分析其特定条件下的行为与心态,从而为相关的华侨研究提供一些资讯。  相似文献   
The attempted extirpation of Indigenous populations has been an enduring condition of the ‘idyllic proceedings’ of primitive accumulation. For Marx, such acts of evisceration characterised the dawn of the era of capitalist production. Cormac McCarthy's novel Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness of the West, is read here as one such ‘annal of mankind’ written in ‘letters of blood and fire’. More pointedly, by contributing to an interdisciplinary approach to world literature covering literary studies, geographical studies and political economy, it is argued that Blood Meridian should be considered a quintessential novel of the racial and historical geography of the frontier economy and its spatial expansion within the uneven conditions of capitalist development. This is evidenced through the real spaces and historical occurrences that shaped capitalist expansion recounted in the novel. The latter include the racialised acts of scalping Native Americans licensed by the state between the 1840s and 1850s in Mexico through the actions of the Glanton Gang; the slaughtering of the buffalo that reached its peak in the 1870s marked in the novel by bonepickers that trawl the calcined architecture for skeletons to turn into commodities for the West; and the systematic mapping and simplifying practices conducted through outposts of appropriation on the frontier, such as Fort Griffin, which signal the barbed-wire fencing of rangeland into ranches. The meridian of bloodiness marked by these racialised acts is therefore revealed as an intrinsic aspect of the literary economy of primitive accumulation.  相似文献   
青海都兰位于古丝绸之路南道上,都兰吐蕃墓葬群出土了为数不少的隋唐时期金银器及饰物,其中一件"粟特银包金神袛人物连珠牌饰银丝腰带"牌饰上的人物具有典型的粟特特征,这对于研究中西方文化交流,有着极为重要的价值。但很多包金银饰片出土时腐蚀严重需要进行保护处理和相关的科学研究。为此,通过电子扫描电镜、X-射线衍射等分析方法,对工艺类似腰带牌饰的样品进行科学分析。结果表明,样品为包金银器饰物,包金层为金银合金,而银本体腐蚀严重,腐蚀产物主要是氯化银,这与环境的高含盐量有关,分析结果可为吐蕃墓出土文物的研究和保护提供理论依据。  相似文献   
摘要:作者拟从表演者、学者、行者三个角度分析大陆研究及传播国学的利弊,认为中国文化最核心是怎么面对你的生命;怎么面对你的生活;怎么面对你生命里面所有的喜、怒、哀、乐。真正的中国学问一定要具体,一定要面对真实的状态。  相似文献   
Methane soil flux measurements have been made in 38 sites at the geothermal system of Sousaki (Greece) with the closed chamber method. Fluxes range from ?47.6 to 29 150 mg m?2 day?1, and the diffuse CH4 output of the system has been estimated at 19 t a?1. Contemporaneous CO2 flux measurements showed a moderate positive correlation between CO2 and CH4 fluxes. Comparison of the CO2/CH4 soil flux ratios with the CO2/CH4 ratio of the gases of the main gas manifestations provided evidence for methanotrophic activity within the soil. Laboratory CH4 consumption experiments confirmed the presence of methanotrophic microorganisms in soil samples collected at Sousaki. Consumption was generally in the range from ?4.9 to ?38.9 pmolCH4 h?1 g?1 but could sometimes reach extremely high values (?33 000 pmolCH4 h?1 g?1). These results are consistent with recent studies on other geothermal systems that revealed the existence of thermoacidophilic bacteria exerting methanotrophic activity in hot, acid soils, thereby reducing methane emissions to the atmosphere.  相似文献   
18世纪中期,英国的“中国热”达到了高潮。中国文化受到了英国社会各阶层的极力赞誉和追捧。然而,1748年,英国海军上将安逊出版了他的环球行纪——《安逊环球航海记》。该著详细记述了安逊航至中国东南沿海时的所见所闻,对中国社会生活和科技文化进行了严厉的批判和否定,在英国社会中产生了很大的反响,致使一些人开始质疑此前英国社会流行的乌托邦式中国观的真实性,并最终成为“中国热”退却的导火索。  相似文献   
回眸中国古代地方政治的贪腐与黑暗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以马克思主义对等级授职制批判为指导,分五个方面对古代地方政治的主流予以回顾和总结。强调历朝历代地方政治的贪腐与黑暗,简直就是在一个模子里刻出来的。这个模子非它,就是专制主义中央集权的等级授职制,各种贪腐与黑暗的遗传密码正是在这个模子里得到了世世代代的传承和发扬。研究中国古代地方政治,正是为了将古代地方政治制度史,写成活的地方政治制度史。在一般情况下,信息传递对地方政治的好坏,其作用是相当次要的。  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料法、调查访问法、社会实践等方法,寻求体育舞蹈项目对中老年人健身、健心的重要性。经研究证明体育舞蹈项目集社交、娱乐、体育健身于一体,属于运动强度适中的一种有氧代谢运动,适合中老年人生理、心理的特点,完全符合中老年人的健身动机。  相似文献   
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