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In 2001, the Yana RHS archaeological site was discovered in the lower Yana river valley, Arctic Siberia. Its radiocarbon age is about 28 000 BP. While enormous amount of Pleistocene mammal bones was excavated from the site, the mammoth bones occurred at an unexpectedly low frequency. That was interpreted as an indication of the limited role of mammoths in the subsistence economy of the Pleistocene Yana people. In 2008, next to the excavation local ivory miners opened a mass accumulation of mammoth accompanied by the artifacts. About one thousand mammoth bones from at least 26 individuals, and few wooly rhinoceros, bison, horse, reindeer, and bear bones have been unearthed there. Stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating provide evidence for cultural layer of Yana RHS and the mass accumulation of mammoth to be coeval. The geology and taphonomy of Yana mass accumulation of mammoth indicate its anthropogenic nature. Discovery of the anthropogenic mass accumulation of mammoth next to the Yana site suggests a greater role of mammoth in the subsistence practices of the Pleistocene Yana people than previously thought.  相似文献   
杨介人烈士系河南沁阳市崇义村人,1920年1月赴法国勤工俭学,成为河南第一批赴法留学生。在法国期间他写给母亲的一封书信,反映了杨介人烈士追求真理、立志救国的爱国主义思想。  相似文献   
Abstract: The ongoing economic crisis, which originated in the USA and has since spread rapidly to capital markets worldwide, is massive, complex, and many times contradictory. One could say the same for responses to the crisis as governments, firms and multi‐national institutions struggle to grasp the full magnitude of the event. This article interrogates the key commodities involved—land, labor and money—and the always‐uneasy relations between spaces of social reproduction and capital. Such ambivalence is critical to understanding how new economic realities are formed in light of retreating neoliberalism as markets become destabilized. The analysis provided suggests the commodities involved in the housing crisis are the basis for a countermovement against dispossession.  相似文献   
本文就当前历史文化名城保护问题,从现实存在问题出发,提出了有关保护利用的四个突出问题发表建设性意见。  相似文献   
东汉末年的党锢之祸是中国历史上第一次大规模的党争,历来受到研究者的关注,然题中仍不乏剩义。本文主要考察党锢的缘起及党人集团失败的原因。笔者认为党人集团的失败绝非偶然,至少有三方面的原因值得总结。其一,把宦官作为败坏东汉政权唯一的罪魁祸首有失公允;其二,清流官员欲尽除宦官的计划得不到最高统治者的支持,且他们的过激言论招致皇帝的震怒;其三,党人集团中缺少雄才大略的领袖,在关键时刻优柔寡断,致使功败垂成。  相似文献   
This paper examines the debates over the decision to build the Three Gorges Dam, the subsequent flows of income to the firms involved in its construction, and the continuing implications of the dam for the Chinese space economy. The paper makes and justifies three claims. First, the construction project has been responsible for both dispossession and the formation of capital (primitive accumulation). But it is too simple to interpret the project as merely the face of modernity or development: proponents were reflecting traditional attitudes to bureaucracy and environmental management, whereas opponents sought liberalisation, marketisation, and opening up. It turns out that the concept of modernity, as a western programme introduced into China after the formation of the People's Republic, is of remarkably little value in understanding the construction of this dam. Secondly, the decision to build the dam reflects both structure and happenstance – particular political events and individuals were critical. Notably, the project shows few signs of having come into being to absorb over‐accumulated capital: mega‐projects like this do not have to satisfy any capitalist logic. Finally, I emphasise that such huge projects have long run effects on the structure of power in China – indeed, events at Three Gorges underpinned much of the later debate and struggle over dams on the Mekong, Salween, and Changjiang above Three Gorges.  相似文献   
德国学者阿尔伯特·莫塞(Albert Mosse1846—1925)1886年至1890年受日、本聘请,担任阁法律顾问。在此期间,他为日本近代法制,特别是地方自治法制的建设起到了举足轻重的作用,其地方自治理论对近代日本产生了深远的影响。通过读解其各个时期的有关地方自治的讲义及意见,我们发现,以法治国为目标,强调地方自治之于国家与社会的调和的重作用,是其地方自治理论的核心。  相似文献   
伪满洲国建立后,日本便不失时机地向中国东北大规模推行日本人农业移民.以达到土地和人口的占领,进而实现长期霸占的目的。为此日本关东军等有关侵略机构便煞费苦心炮制了一系列日本农业移民用地取得的方针、政策,并以军事为后盾,对中国东北的土地进行疯狂的强行“征用”、“收买”和掠夺,给中国人民带来了深重的灾难。  相似文献   
郑慧生 《史学月刊》2006,(8):111-120
《宋书·天文志》是中国古代继《汉书·天文志》之后的又一篇天文学著作,它记叙了魏晋至刘宋的天象变化及当时天文研究的成果。问世之后很少有学者对其进行研究和校勘,本来就有的和多年传抄过程中续加的错误都未能得到清理和纠正。中华书局1972年出版的校点本《宋书·天文志》使用范围最广,但失校、误点之处甚多,甚至有使人不能卒读的感觉。在今日深入研究的基础上,只就学力逮及,将其一一正之,凡158条,并加简要辨析。  相似文献   
鲁迅旧体诗《(洞庭木落楚天高)》七绝,自鲁迅逝世70年以来,我国鲁迅研究学界对这首诗的诠释,一直争论不休,各执其辞,各圆其说,至今未能达到统一的认识,本文作者认为,多年争论的焦点不应在“诗本事”上,而应在对诗中关键词句——“眉黛猩红涴战袍”的正确理解上,只有读通了诗的词句,才能考证出“诗本事”。作者不厌其烦的以训诂的方式,从古今20多位著名诗人的诗词中,考证出他们所用“涴”字的确切意义,从而证实了与《无题》诗中所用“涴”字的意义完全相同。  相似文献   
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