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荀悦在前人的基础上 ,对历史认识的目的、方法、思维方式、检验标准等提出了许多有价值的见解。他阐明以史为鉴的必要性 ,将历史认识与取鉴资治有机结合起来 ;强调认识历史要透过现象看本质 ,通过区分类例 ,由此及彼 ,知微察著 ,去伪存真 ,获得对历史的理性认识 ;指出应以发展变易的观点审视历史 ,不能墨守成规 ,应当因时立制 ,分析事物时应看到其内部相互对立而又相互联系的不同方面 ;要求以儒家思想作为考察历史的理论原则 ,将主观认识与客观事实相参验 ,以真实作为检验历史认识的标准。荀悦的历史认识论值得认真加以总结  相似文献   
龚留柱 《史学月刊》2005,(10):87-96
朱绍侯先生是我国当代著名的历史学家,半个世纪来笔耕不辍,在中国古代史的诸多领域都取得了突出的学术成就。在对他的访谈中,内容涉及到了其治学经历、主要学术成果、学术风格及他长期形成的史学观和方法论等诸多方面。最后,朱先生还对当前学术研究的环境和风气提出了自己的评判,并对21世纪的中国古代史研究做出了乐观的展望。  相似文献   
依法治国基本方略实施考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,中共中央在确立了依法治国基本方略之后,采取了加强和完善立法工作、全面推进依法行政、着重提高领导干部的法律素质以及在全民中深入开展普法教育等有力举措,在以下几个方面取得了显著成效:以宪法为核心的中国特色社会主义法律体系已初步形成;法制队伍素质不断增强;法律服务工作发展迅速;广大干部群众的法律素质显著提高。当前,依法治国基本方略在实施过程中存在的问题主要有:立法质量有待于进一步提高;执法方式有待于进一步改进;司法体制有待于进一步改革;法律意识有待于进一步增强等。  相似文献   
以朝鲜殖民地时期华侨制造业中最具代表性的铸造业作为研究对象,对华侨铸造工厂诞生的背景、同乡网络及其生产体制进行了阐述;分析了华侨制造业在朝鲜烧锅制造领域里取得垄断性地位的原因,一是华侨铸造工厂里中国劳动者较低的工资及技术开发的进行;二是全国的华侨铸造工厂形成了以河北省交河县为中心的同乡网络并进行协力合作。中日战争爆发后,日本政府谋求战时经济的强化,朝鲜总督府也加强了战时统治经济,生铁原料的配给发生困难,华侨铸造工厂因而纷纷倒闭,走向衰退。  相似文献   
公元前658年与655年晋两次"假道于虞以伐虢"道路和战场,与"鄍邑"、与"茅津"均无涉。晋第一次"假虞伐虢",其战场在虢之下阳,所假"虞道"与虢之下阳均在黄河以北。第二次晋"假虞伐虢"灭虢都上阳,师还灭虞,其战场分置于黄河南、北。其行军路线:第一次伐虢邑克下阳,是从晋都绛发兵,经虞坂——虞城——颠軨——傅岩——盘南——下阳;第二次伐虢灭上阳,重走第一次"虞道"经傅岩、盘南至下阳,再从"太阳渡"过河取虢都上阳。原路师还,顺道灭虞,返晋都绛。晋"假虞伐虢"所假"虞道",主指"虞坂——虞城——颠軨"路段。虞坂即盐坂、即青石槽。颠軨即軨桥。宋代以前平陆所设县治均在"大阳故城",即今茅津渡以东约两公里"下滩"一带。春秋时期,傅岩、茅津既不属虞,也不归虢,而是"戎人"与"夷人"的杂居区。古代"鄍"通"冥",所谓"虞邑",此乃暗城也。  相似文献   
袁枚针对清诗目益学问化所露出的弊端,抗声提出诗主性灵,非关学问,于是有人误认为以袁枚为代表的“性灵”诗派轻学浅薄,游学无根。事实上袁枚很重视诗歌与学问的关系,他对“诗”与“学”的关系有三个基本主张:一是诗须有学,二是反对在诗中填书塞典,三是主张化学入诗。他的诗歌没有脱离清诗质厚重学的时代特征,不是清诗的变异,而恰好是这个茂盛园圃里敢于争春怒放的花朵。  相似文献   
在近代中国仁人志士探索国家出路的大背景下,李四光作为一位新式知识分子,在时代的号召下亦曾投入到革命洪流之中,参与辛亥革命。这充分体现了时代与个人的互动关系。在时代的号召下,他接触革命党人,接触革命思想,实现思想转变,走上革命救国道路,而革命党人的思想也对李四光的一生产生了深远影响:在辛亥革命后,面对辛亥革命的失败,他积极参与实业建设,力图实业救国,走上了科学救国之路。  相似文献   
Among the various types of industrial solutions used to store goods and products, the light duty hand loaded shelving rack (SR) typology represents a very popular solution for domestic applications, libraries and for superstores/markets open to the public. Despite the limited cost, an eventual collapse could result in significant damage of stored goods, injuries, and potentially the loss of human life, with the possible consequence of a long suspension of commercial activities. This reflects directly on the great importance of a correct design that, despite the large use of SRs, is nowadays developed with approaches characterized by inadequate levels of reliability.

A research program on SRs is currently in progress in Italy, with the aim of improving the rules for both static and seismic design and this article presents a combined experimental-numerical study. Both component and pushover tests have been carried out, that are shortly summarized. Overall frame response has been simulated by means of advanced finite element software able to capture key features of the nonlinear response of slender frames with mono-symmetric cross-section members.  相似文献   
Abstract: Climate change is already exerting significant pressure on humanity, but some people have the resources to cope, while others do not. What, then, determines vulnerability to climate change? This article presents a case study of one site of vulnerability in Egypt, known as the Mubarak Project villages on the shores of the Mediterranean. The soil of these villages is now undergoing rapid salinization, forcing farmers to apply sand to “elevate” their fields above the rising salty water table—but not all farmers can afford to buy the requisite sand. Accumulation by dispossession under the Mubarak regime has pushed some people towards the frontline of climate change, while at the same time denying them the resources to stay there. Using our case, we explore the connection between accumulation by dispossession and vulnerability to climate change and ask if an end to the former could reduce the latter in Egypt.  相似文献   
Sian Sullivan 《对极》2013,45(1):198-217
Abstract: In this paper I emphasise the financialisation of environmental conservation as 1. the turning of financiers to conservation parameters as a new frontier for investment, and 2. the rewriting of conservation practice and nonhuman worlds in terms of banking and financial categories. I introduce financialisation as a broadly controlling impetus with relevance for environmental conservation. I then note ways in which a spectacular investment frontier in conservation is being opened. I highlight the draw of assertions of lucrative gains, combined with notions of geographical substitutability, in creating tradable indicators of environmental health and harm. I disaggregate financialisation strategies into four categories—nature finance, nature work, nature banking and nature derivatives—and assess their implications. The concluding section embraces Marx and Foucault as complementary thinkers in understanding the transforming intensifications of late capitalism in environmental conservation, and diagnosing their associated effects and costs.  相似文献   
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