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党军  冯宗宪 《人文地理》2007,22(5):66-68,93
近来对华贸易摩擦数量更是呈现上升趋势。我国应该从贸易摩擦的国内原因着手,提升本国的国际竞争力。当前对华贸易摩擦与我国偏向性的对外贸易地理方向表现出重合性。要从根本上解决当前困境,就应该利用需求偏好相似理论逐步调整对外贸易方向,把原有的欧、美、日为主要导向出口贸易调整到各大洲并重的全球贸易战略。我国应特别注重拓展非洲、拉美市场,在缓解贸易摩擦危害的同时使中国走向贸易强国。  相似文献   
The skeletal remains of unidentifiable persons, recovered in recent years from the churchyard adjoining the House of Correction in Oslo, included 91 instances in which the maxillae and/or mandibles had been preserved, and these were examined. The length of the apical translucent zone in unsectioned teeth and the amount of secondary dentine deposit have been regarded as two of the most reliable factors in odontological age estimation. This study has used two methods, each using one of these factors, on single-rooted teeth from, respectively, 78 and 76 individuals. The distribution of age at death, as estimated from the two dental methods and from anthropological criteria, was then compared with the distribution of age at death of 380 individuals recorded in the church register for the House of Correction. Age calculations from secondary dentine, measured indirectly on dental radiographs of premolars, and estimates based on anthropological criteria both seemed to approximate to the chronological age distribution better than age estimates based on the length of the apical translucent zone. Statistical analyses indicated that all three methods of age estimation were significantly different (p<0.05). When compared with the church register, each method assigned a lower percentage of individuals to the younger and older age-groups and a higher percentage to those in the middle. No statistical difference could be found between the age distribution from the church register and estimates from either anthropological criteria or dental radiographs; but when age estimates based on these two latter methods were compared, 39.5 per cent differed by more than 10 years.  相似文献   
陈翔 《江汉考古》2020,(1):81-87
西司马墓地中部偏西的82座墓葬,从出土器物、葬制葬俗来看,年代应为西周早期,最早可到武王时期,最晚不出成王时期,墓主应是殷遗民。其中西向墓和南向墓应分属两族,二者在墓葬形态和财富上有着较为明显的差异。西司马殷遗民墓地很可能就是武王时期迁徙殷遗民政策的结果。  相似文献   
The common view of Irish electoral politics for the 1916 to 1918 period is one of major decline for the traditional nationalist representatives, the Irish Parliamentary Party (IPP), and the meteoric rise of the newly reconstituted Sinn Féin party; culminating in the latter's overwhelming victory at the December 1918 general election. By examining the February 1918 South Armagh by‐election campaign, this article argues that the Irish Parliamentary Party, which won the contest, was much more resilient than is often acknowledged. Through detailed analysis of election pamphlets, newspaper articles, private correspondence and committee minutes, it considers the significance of the grass‐roots strength of both in the form of their local organisations, the role of the Roman catholic church, and the election strategies of the two parties; in particular Sinn Féin's vilification of the IPP member, T.P. O'Connor, who was in America at the time of the contest.  相似文献   
<新唐书>、<旧五代史>、<宋史>、<金史>、<元史>、<明史>、<清史稿>七部史书,皆有<选举志>,对于研究我国从隋朝以后确立的科举制度以及相应的学校教育、选官制度等,参考价值颇高.笔者做<七史选举志校注>,均以中华书局整理本为底本,并参考今人诸多成果,受益匪浅,但也发现中华整理本存在标点与校勘方面的一些问题,特列出商斠,以就正于专家学者.  相似文献   
本文通过对今本《墨子》前七篇的分析和研究,推断《亲士》、《修身》二篇当属墨子早年自著,而《所染》至《三辩》五篇则应为其早期门人弟子所记;并进一步探讨与之相关的两个重要问题,即墨子自著为何偏少、“兼爱”在墨子整个学说思想体系中的地位究竟又是怎样的。  相似文献   
为保护壁画文物,以四川省广元市剑阁县大雄宝殿为例,对汶川地震作用下殿内壁画的震害进行了研究.根据震后勘查结果,讨论了大雄宝殿壁画的典型震害症状,分析了古建筑侧脚构造对壁画抗震的有利影响.根据大雄宝殿壁画加固工艺作法及古建筑榫卯连接特点,建立了大雄宗殿的震前有限元模型.为研究汶川地震作用下壁画的震害特征,首先对其进行了模态分析,然后将模拟汶川地震波进行调幅,然后作用于大雄宝殿进行地震反应分析.通过采用时程分析法,获得了地震作用下不同时刻壁画整体的内力与变形响应峰值,并获得了典型节点的地震响应曲线.结果表明:大雄宝殿壁画开裂与空鼓的主要原因是面层与墙体粘结不牢导致的受拉破坏;地震作用下壁画保持稳定的振动状态;为提高壁画的抗震性能,壁画木框与外墙板间应加强连接,并在空隙处填塞隔震材料,同时应加强壁画本身保养工作.  相似文献   
汪增相 《安徽史学》2010,(6):16-21,124
佛教对北朝史家历史撰述有很大影响。首先,佛教兴盛促使北朝一些史家意识到官修史书记载佛教的必要性。其次,佛教兴盛促使北朝一些史家撰述了一些专门的佛教史籍。最后,佛教影响了北朝一些史家历史撰述的体例和体裁。  相似文献   
在日本文学史上,有一批为法西斯军国主义侵略战争高唱赞歌、涂脂打气;为日本国民战争狂热鼓噪喧嚣、推波助澜;为天皇笔战、为天皇献身的法西斯作家——“笔部队”。他们包括长期在军队服役并直接参与作战的“军人作家”;受日本内阁情报派遣到侵华前线体验战争的“从军作家”及受报社、杂志社派遣或自愿赶赴前线的“民兵”。“笔部队”的这些作家受军国主义思想的影响,在扭曲的“大亚洲主义”和狭隘的“文学报国”思想支配下,本着“吾为君书,吾为君亡”的精神,心甘情愿地投身于侵略战争。  相似文献   
Using a case study from the Philippines, this article applies David Harvey's theory of accumulation by dispossession to show how neoliberal policies enable mining corporations to locate, lay claim to, and develop mineral resources in formerly inaccessible areas, which for centuries have provided safe haven for indigenous peoples and their cultures. It explains why these factors are leading to an increase in armed conflict between military forces and guerrilla groups, which recruit their members from displaced indigenous people. The article concludes that the theory of accumulation by dispossession offers an appropriate analytical tool for understanding these processes.  相似文献   
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