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先秦马车在构造技术上力求解决车辆重心的平衡与协调,尤其是为促进牵引力与重心力之间的平衡及保持重心的稳定而发展起来的构造与组装技术,进一步提高了车辆的各项性能,技术的进步使得马车各部分构件及整体形制渐趋合理。  相似文献   
东京美术俱乐部藏南宋牧溪《布袋和尚》,表面絮化严重且有断裂、霉斑,画面局部缺失,裱褙脱落,作品珍稀。本工作首先从古代书画用纸类别和纸张特性等方面探讨了修补该画作纸品的选择标准,运用傅里叶红外光谱、pH测量仪、显微镜等现代设备分析了《布袋和尚》原作纸张的理化特性,并从纤维成分、理化性能等方面对制备的红星宣纸、民国宣纸、麻纸、清代宣纸、现代桑皮纸这5种修补用纸进行对比分析。分析表明,现代桑皮纸与《布袋和尚》原作适配度最好,因此选用现代桑皮纸对原作品进行修复。该修补用纸制备与作品修复为后续保护修复提供了科学依据与参考。  相似文献   
全球化背景下城市文化地理研究的新趋势   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
朱竑  封丹  王彬 《人文地理》2008,23(2):6-10
文化全球化背景下,在城市的快速转型过程中,城市文化发展和演进面临更多新要素的触动:"异质文化"日渐冲击或渗透着城市本底文化,影响城市文化发展的主要因子也更多从自然环境要素始向人文因素转变,即城市本底文化生存的"土壤"正在发生革命性改变,从而使城市文化表现出更多时代内涵、时尚意韵和新景观。本文基于国内外相关研究进展,讨论全球化背景下城市文化地理研究的新态势,以期对新时期国内文化地理学的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   
20世纪60年代初期,为解决城市就业问题,河南省开封市开展了街道生产自救工作,基本解决了街道居民的生活和就业问题,保障了正常的社会秩序,进一步增强了民众对人民政府的认同。同时,在生产自救工作中出现的干部政策认知偏差、相关政策和制度支持缺位等问题,也在实践中得以纠正和改进。  相似文献   
This study seeks to explain the origins of two types of violence occurring on the Palestinian landscape, the erasure of Palestinian farms and the demolition of Palestinian homes. Such violence has two sources. One source derives from an enduring practice of meaning-making about geographical places that has inspired groups with territorial ambitions to seize control of the landscapes they covet and is referred to by Edward Said as the crafting of “imaginative geographies.” The second source focuses on changes in property rights that follow when groups with territorial ambitions succeed in seizing control of coveted land. It is the imagined geography of Palestine as a homeland for the Jewish people, first framed by Zionists of the late 19th century and absorbed into the practices of Israeli state-building, and the changes in property rights inscribed into the Palestinian landscape following Zionist and Israeli military conquests in 1948 and 1967, that lie at the core of violence directed against the Palestinian farm and home today. This process of imagination, legal transformation, and violence is part of a longstanding lineage of dispossession that includes the English enclosures and the taking of land from Amerindians on the Anglo-American colonial frontier.  相似文献   
Tom Perreault 《对极》2013,45(5):1050-1069
Abstract: This paper examines processes of primitive accumulation and livelihood dispossession on the Bolivian Altiplano. Through empirical examination of the social and environmental effects of mining waste, the paper demonstrates that indigenous campesino community members are experiencing livelihood dispossession by way of three interrelated forms of accumulation: accumulation of toxic sediments on agricultural fields; accumulation of water and water rights by mining firms; and accumulation of territory by mining operations. In the case under examination, full proletarianization is not taking place, and processes of dispossession are not a “fix” for an overaccumulation crisis. The paper argues for greater attention to the contingent role of nature's materiality in processes of dispossession and accumulation.  相似文献   
Rebecca Hall 《对极》2013,45(2):376-393
Abstract: The Canadian diamond industry has been lauded as a new approach to resource extraction, one whose institutions are characterized by a greater attention to Indigenous rights and the environment. However, an institutional analysis obfuscates the terrain of unequal relations that is the context for the Canadian diamond boom; an analysis of the effectiveness of social and environmental policies in relation to the extraction of diamonds in the Canadian North suggests that there is an intent on the part of those instigating this extraction (that is, the Canadian state, Canadian capitalist interests and international capitalist interests) to protect the Northern environment and to provide economic benefits to Northern Indigenous communities. This piece argues, instead, that this assumption is erroneous and that the Northern mining industry is part of Canada's project of internal colonization of Indigenous communities, a project that has intensified and expanded in the neoliberal era.  相似文献   
今年3月,纽约邦瀚斯拍卖公司拍出一批与西安事变相关的原始文献及其他资料共8种数1 0件,其中最为珍贵而引人关注的是彭德怀、毛泽东以中国工农红军第一方面军司令员、政治委员的名义写给张学良的信函,毛泽东、洛甫(张闻天)、周恩来、博古(秦邦宪)等中共中央领导人写给张学良的信函、红军与东北军的《抗日救国协定》以及张学良关于处理后事的手记等几个文件.兹根据拍卖公司在网上公布的照片和介绍,对前三个文件作如下初步考证和评估.  相似文献   
生产救灾是1949—1950年新中国受灾地区党和政府的中心工作。党和政府强调恢复和发展农业生产是救灾的根本办法。为此,山东省五莲县在冬季因地制宜,重点开展固定代耕和积肥运动,进行了充分的春耕准备;春季则推广良种,及时发放救济粮和贷放贸易粮,保障了农业生产顺利进行。在1949—1950年的生产救灾工作中,党和政府发挥着组织领导作用,采取了积极的救灾方式,既有力地解决了劳动力、畜力不足等问题,又有效地防治了病虫害,从而最终保证了土地适时耕种,迎来了农业丰收。  相似文献   
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