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Changing working conditions at many universities over the past decade have meant longer hours, intensified record-keeping, and more precarious employment. Despite these changes, many academics still insist that we enjoy our jobs. Our inquiry is oriented toward spaces and practices that bring us joy in our daily work and help us withstand the negative effects of working in academia. This article reports on our exploration of some moments of joy at work as part of our own academic practice. Through a feminist methodology known and developed as collective biography, we wrote individual memories of joy in our teaching, publishing, and collaborating, together at a writing retreat. As we analyzed these recalled moments, we came to realize that joy emerges through a turbulent process fueled by a cocktail of emotions. In fact, we came to understand joy as affect, with affect seen as a certain sort of excess, generated around and through sensations that might contribute to feelings such as celebration, happiness, or surprise as well as fear, anger, or embarrassment. We conclude that joy does things, that it can be transformative, and that cultivating joy in academia is part of a radical praxis.  相似文献   
The recent facsimile edition of Henricus Glareanus's Chronology of Livy, prepared by Anthony T. Grafton and Urs B. Leu, provides access to a primary source that is unique from the point of view of the history of science and scholarship and of the book and reading. The basis of the edition, a copy of Chronologia annotated by Glareanus's disciple Gabriel Hummelberg II, now preserved at the Princeton University Library, serves scholars both as a point of departure for outlining hypotheses on the teaching methods of early modern humanists as well as the role of chronology in the humanist curriculum. My reading of their edition is based on three points. First, I put the primary source of their choice in a context that includes provincial early modern educational centers as I believe that their enterprise could clear the way for future narratives on forgotten scholars who dealt with the issues of technical chronology. Second, I show the importance of Grafton and Leu's thesis on the procedures of transmission of teachers’ commentary, which, according to them, is documented by the Princeton copy of Chronologia. Third, I argue that the seemingly conservative decision to publish a paper edition of an annotated volume at the moment when state‐of‐the‐art digital tools for such editions are being tailored through the alliance of scholars and IT specialists should open a discussion among historians of the book and reading, science, and education that would lead to the determination of standards for scholarly editions of libri annotati.  相似文献   
学术规范建设关系到中国学术的发展和繁荣,对于世界史研究具有同样重要的意义。开展学术规范的建设,既要考虑学术规范自身的系统性,又要照顾不同学科的特点;既要引进欧美学术界的成功经验,又要结合中国学术的传统和实际。世界史作为中国学术的一个分支,其发展需要学术整体进步的带动,同时在学术规范建设中也能发挥某些独特的作用。世界史学科的特点是具有跨文化了解的性质,需要大量使用外文文献,其研究的难度较大,因此,在研究取向、资料运用、引用方式、标注形式、防止抄袭和剽窃各个环节,均有特别的要求。学术规范建设只有顾及世界史的这些特点,才能对其研究水平的不断提高产生有力的推动。  相似文献   
1951:唯物史观派主流地位的确立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋海升 《史学月刊》2004,(12):96-102
1951年,唯物史观派对于学术机构领导权和学术期刊经营权的掌握和控制以及自身社会地位的提升,使他们成为在学术界确立新意识形态的主导地位、推动学术变革和话语转换的中坚力量;唯物史观派聚拢传统学人进行史料整理、古籍校订,为学术史留下一笔财富。1951年前后唯物史观派主流地位的确立和当时学术格局的变动直接影响了20世纪后半期学术界的走向。  相似文献   
华侨华人学的学科定位与研究对象   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文力图从国际学术界传统学科体系的分解与整合这一角度来分析建立华侨华人学的现实性 ,并从局限性、可行性、研究对象的定位及辨识标准、研究范围、挑战与机遇等五个方面进行了分析。由于其特定的研究对象和无法进行科学抽象的特征 ,从传统的学术分类来看 ,华侨华人研究不可能成为独立的学科。然而 ,学术史的演变表明 ,一些多学科或跨学科的研究领域日益独立出来 ,这为华侨华人学的建立提供了条件。作者对“华侨华人学”下了定义 ,并提出了建立作为学科分支的华侨华人学的两种可能途径。  相似文献   
从史学的视角为切入点,通过史料、方法、理论三个层面对马新中文源流“华人学”主体性建构可能性的探讨,得出结论,由于在研究方法和理论上的严重不足和匮乏,马新“华人学”的未来,只有在史料的发掘和解读的基础上,方能进一步发展自身的方法和理论。  相似文献   
陈寅恪先生的学术成就使几代学人受益,缪钺先生是其中的一位。通过阅读陈著和信函,可感受到缪钺先生所受陈寅恪先生学风的影响。  相似文献   
评蒋介石研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋介石是民国政治舞台上的一个关键人物,是中国国民党历史上的中心人物。中国大陆对蒋介石的研究缘起于20世纪60年代,自80年代以来,拓宽了研究领域,在多方面取得了令人欣慰的成果。同时,由于多种原因,在蒋介石研究领域里也出现了一些偏差与不足。  相似文献   
朱彝尊编纂的《词综》是清代影响最大的词选本。朱彝尊《词综·发凡》以及汪森等人的序文,详细介绍了《词综》的版本来源、编纂体例和校勘考订内容,具有词籍版本目录学价值,成为清人整理词籍的重要参考文献,从而在词籍整理成为专门学术的过程中占有重要地位。  相似文献   
李柏文 《旅游科学》2009,23(4):72-77
20多年来,旅游管理课程体系建设取得很大成绩,但依然存在课程老化固化、缺乏对社会需求响应能力等问题。通过往届毕业生、网络、新业态和旅游组织机构等多端口的职业需求信息的监测与评估,在理论和技术上可以构建一个既能响应社会需求,又能满足学生个人兴趣,还能符合国家专业要求的“三位一体”的响应社会需求的旅游动态课程体系。通过该课程体系的建设可以加强现有专业对社会需求的响应能力,减少一些短周期新专业的应急性增设,从而节约教育资源、积累教育资本、避免学生同业竞争、缓解就业压力。基于以上理论和实证研究,云南民族大学旅游管理专业未来至少可以增设美食与营养、旅游技术与工程两门课程以响应社会需求,并形成其核心竞争能力.  相似文献   
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