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通过汉代各家《论语》异文资料的详尽比勘,在文献记载基础上,我们认为郑注是杂糅三《论》而成的,而不属于单纯的某一《论》。郑注注重经典义理的阐发,注重礼仪制度的诠释,注重交代孔子言行发生的具体背景,同其他《论语》注相比,更有助于我们再现历史的孔子形象。  相似文献   
孔子语子贡曰:“予一以贯之”的含义,大体有两种意见:一是孔子强调其学说是由一个最根本的道理贯穿着的。宋儒多主此说。二是孔子强调其学知都体现在行事之中。清儒多主此说。二说之误皆在混此句与孔子语曾子“吾道一以贯之”为同义,因此,前说明显不合此句语境;后说虽揭出“行事”之义,但仍拘牵于孔子语曾子句的语义,弃“贯”本义(贯穿)而用借义(行事),有滥用通假,顾此失彼之嫌。正确解释当为:我(孔子)用躬行(道德实践)来贯穿获得学识才干的过程。  相似文献   
殿试制度是科举制度研究中一个非常重要的问题,而关于殿试制度的起始时间学界一直说法不一。本文以三级考试为参照系,以此前一直被忽略的覆试制度为切入点,通过对与殿试起源相关诸问题的详细辨析,彻底澄清了殿试与覆试的联系与区别,否定了武则天载初元年、南唐乾德二年及宋开宝六年为殿试之始诸说,从而最终确定殿试制度正式开始的时间是宋太祖开宝八年。  相似文献   
杨介人烈士系河南沁阳市崇义村人,1920年1月赴法国勤工俭学,成为河南第一批赴法留学生。在法国期间他写给母亲的一封书信,反映了杨介人烈士追求真理、立志救国的爱国主义思想。  相似文献   
Abstract: The ongoing economic crisis, which originated in the USA and has since spread rapidly to capital markets worldwide, is massive, complex, and many times contradictory. One could say the same for responses to the crisis as governments, firms and multi‐national institutions struggle to grasp the full magnitude of the event. This article interrogates the key commodities involved—land, labor and money—and the always‐uneasy relations between spaces of social reproduction and capital. Such ambivalence is critical to understanding how new economic realities are formed in light of retreating neoliberalism as markets become destabilized. The analysis provided suggests the commodities involved in the housing crisis are the basis for a countermovement against dispossession.  相似文献   
In the last thirty years historians of republicanism have offered us the image of Harrington as the true hero of Machiavellism. This paper suggests instead that Harrington adopted Machiavelli's method in political science, but shared only few of his master's values, often referring to those cherished in anti-Machiavellian circles, as in the case of the agrarian laws. Indebted to the anti-Machiavellian Petrus Cunaeus's analysis of the Jewish Jubilee laws, Harrington transformed Cunaeus's specific observations into a general law of his own political science. This paper emphasizes the originality and modernity of such science, based on the inextricable interconnectedness between politics and economics. Further, it argues that this science entails a new, post-Machiavellian theory of liberty and property.  相似文献   
本文就当前历史文化名城保护问题,从现实存在问题出发,提出了有关保护利用的四个突出问题发表建设性意见。  相似文献   
The use of general and universal laws in historiography has been the subject of debate ever since the end of the nineteenth century. Since the 1970s there has been a growing consensus that general laws such as those in the natural sciences are not applicable in the scientific writing of history. We will argue against this consensus view, not by claiming that the underlying conception of what historiography is—or should be—is wrong, but by contending that it is based on a misconception of what general laws such as those of the natural sciences are. We will show that a revised notion of law, one inspired by the work of Sandra D. Mitchell, in tandem with Jim Woodward's notion of “invariance,” is indeed applicable to historiography, much in the same way as it is to most other scientific disciplines. Having developed a more adequate account of general laws, we then show, by means of three examples, that what are called “pragmatic laws” and “invariance” do in fact play a role in history in several interesting ways. These examples—from cultural history, economic history, and the history of religion—have been selected on the basis of their diversity in order to illustrate the widespread use of pragmatic laws in history.  相似文献   
东汉末年的党锢之祸是中国历史上第一次大规模的党争,历来受到研究者的关注,然题中仍不乏剩义。本文主要考察党锢的缘起及党人集团失败的原因。笔者认为党人集团的失败绝非偶然,至少有三方面的原因值得总结。其一,把宦官作为败坏东汉政权唯一的罪魁祸首有失公允;其二,清流官员欲尽除宦官的计划得不到最高统治者的支持,且他们的过激言论招致皇帝的震怒;其三,党人集团中缺少雄才大略的领袖,在关键时刻优柔寡断,致使功败垂成。  相似文献   
吴海涛 《安徽史学》2012,(4):111-116,128
元明清时期,京杭大运河的开通,便利了北方政治中心与南方经济中心之间的联系。特别是在明清时期,大运河漕运事关国计。当时政府的诸多治河措施是为确保漕运畅通,加之明代保陵的需要,更使黄河、淮河、运河之间的关系复杂化。封建政府的决策行为使本自独流入海的淮河改道主要由长江入海,使淮河流域成为十年九灾之区。  相似文献   
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