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Anthropologists working on native title cases in Australia are commonly asked to identify the Aboriginal ‘society’ that holds the body of laws and customs that confer land ownership rights on certain groups of people. In this paper I investigate how the early documentation of bora initiation ceremonies is relevant to understanding contemporary Aboriginal societies and the normative laws and customs that give rise to rights and interests in land. The vast ethnographic oeuvre of R.H. Mathews (1841–1918) includes detailed documentation of bora gatherings, which allows the reconstruction of the wider social reaches of people's networks in the lower Darling Downs of eastern Australia, and can in turn be understood as the ‘society’ so often sought in current native title case law.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process by which objective‐question tests, using an OMR, were introduced into a number of first‐year geography modules at the University of Plymouth. It discusses the rationale for such a move and some of the issues which have arisen. The paper goes on to present the results of various statistical tests, including a comparison of student performance in the objective‐question exams and in the traditional examination essays. A key aim was to determine whether individual students perform consistently across the two forms of assessment.  相似文献   
In this article, we argue that policy punctuations differ from each other in ways that reflect distinct types of political change. We identify three main kinds. The first are procedural changes that have unique unrelated policies within the same issue area. Within the remaining large policy changes, high‐salience punctuations are associated with increased attention in the media, whereas low‐salience punctuations do not attract such scrutiny. The analysis applies the typology to data from the UK Policy Agendas Project, identifying punctuations from the content of Acts of the UK Parliament between 1911 and 2008. Using evidence from the historical record and the data series, the analysis places each observation within the typology. We claim that the typology has a more general application and could be replicated in other jurisdictions and time periods. We conclude that attention to the historical record and qualitative studies of punctuations can complement and inform the analysis of aggregate data series.  相似文献   
In South America, various state organizations have an investment in producing some kind of ‘national’ cinema. Although different countries around the world have varied levels of government involvement, the four countries I would like to examine – Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru – can be drawn upon for their similarities and the shared regional context in which their policies operate. Particularly important is the fact that an increase in government involvement and support has been taking place in the twenty‐first century against predictions that enhanced global capital would weaken the function of the state. Furthermore, it is frequently the case that policy, in the form of government regulation and funding, provides the only means for cinema’s continued existence, visibility and access to the public and thus cannot be underestimated. Complicating these factors is the fact that while legislation is in place, government bodies often struggle to implement the policies in a practical manner. This article examines these issues and suggests the effect they are having on the cinematic culture of the region.  相似文献   
今年3月,纽约邦瀚斯拍卖公司拍出一批与西安事变相关的原始文献及其他资料共8种数1 0件,其中最为珍贵而引人关注的是彭德怀、毛泽东以中国工农红军第一方面军司令员、政治委员的名义写给张学良的信函,毛泽东、洛甫(张闻天)、周恩来、博古(秦邦宪)等中共中央领导人写给张学良的信函、红军与东北军的《抗日救国协定》以及张学良关于处理后事的手记等几个文件.兹根据拍卖公司在网上公布的照片和介绍,对前三个文件作如下初步考证和评估.  相似文献   

The soldier's body is the most important subject of violence and destruction in war. Humans live primarily through their body in the material world, and when the body is destroyed, their whole existence is affected, both physically and non-physically. Therefore, the first locus on which we can observe the effects of war and violence is the human body, mainly soldiers. In modern wars, the soldier’s body is combined with weapons and machines of war, but is also the first target of killing whether in attack or defence. On the one hand it is targeted and killed, but on the other hand the body itself targets and kills. In warfare, bodies are trained to be the mechanism of killing and they are employed on battlefields according to the political objectives of their sovereign power. Thus, the soldier’s body becomes a weapon separated from the individual human body by the political authority.  相似文献   
在康德的"目的王国"里,尊严是最高价值的存在。人的尊严既是一种合目的性的存在,同时也是一种道德的存在。道德是人的尊严存在的价值依据,这种价值依据主要体现在四个方面:一、尊严以独立性为前提;二、尊严以责任为载体;三、尊严通过权利体现出来;四、尊严导向的是道德与幸福的统一。而尊严最终只有在道德王国与自然王国的统一中才能实现。  相似文献   
南宋宫廷绘画中的“谍画”之谜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据宋代的文献材料,从大量的宋人册页中甄别出一些在军事上具有特殊功用的绘画。据考,在南宋出使金国的使团人员中,潜藏有擅长山水画、人马画的画院画家,他们奉命描绘金国的山川地形和女真人的军事活动,笔者称此类带有间谍用途的南宋宫廷绘画为“谍画”。本文阐述了“谍画”的发展历史,特别是南宋出现”谍画“的政治、军事等方面的历史原因,对此类“谍画“进行了详细的剖析,发现宇文虚中、萧照和陈居中等是可知的南宋”谍画“的作者。此种从军事角度认识某些宫廷绘画,尚属尝试。  相似文献   
清代宫廷绘画稿本述考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清朝的宫廷绘画存世颇多,其中尤以记录当时事件和人物的纪实作品最具价值,而此类画幅一般均在正图之前画有稿本。本文叙述了所见清代宫廷绘画之稿本,进而说明这些稿本的相关情况并考证其内容。  相似文献   
稻盛和夫的经营哲学主要是由“敬天爱人”与“以心为本”、“利他经营”构架而成。关于“敬天爱人”在另文已有论述,本文拟就“以心为本”与“利他经营”做一阐析。“以心为本”、“利他经营”是稻盛经营哲学的重要组成部分,也是稻盛和夫在40余年的经营实践中始终不渝地加以贯彻、实行的基本原则。如果把稻盛的经营哲学比作飞行器的话,那么“敬天爱人”就相当于它的导航系统,而“以心为本”、“利他经营”则是它的推进器。在稻盛的整个经营活动当中,“敬天爱人”总是能出人意料地发现常人难以发现的目标,而“以心为本”、“利他经营”又总是能令人称奇地将其送至别人无法接近的目标。其结果使稻盛的经营创造出一个又一个的奇迹,跃上一个又一个的台阶,直至步入世界的殿堂。  相似文献   
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