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汉代廷尉考述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈刚 《史学集刊》2004,(1):15-20
廷尉是汉代掌管刑狱的最高职官。其主要职掌有决狱 ,包括行政和军政系统中二千石以上的官吏 ,宗室犯罪 ,及谋反等重罪 ;部分法令的制订 ;决天下疑狱等。但在皇权至上的政治格局下 ,廷尉的权力受到其他职官的制衡。作为司法官员 ,廷尉需要具备一定的专业法律素质 ,西汉武帝之后 ,这一职官也要有相应的经学修养 ,这同汉代政治文化背景的变迁有着密切关系。另外 ,廷尉还以众多的僚属为支撑 ,使其能正常行使职能。  相似文献   
诗、乐同源,合而不同;诗与乐府,并存不悖。汉乐府曲辞分为二途,一者采诗被乐,率多闾巷风谣;一者文人之辞,其中郊庙之辞,大半《诗》颂四言,故称诗而已矣。而文人五言虽杂乐府之中,然与民谣殊类,又异郊庙之辞,后世遂称古诗,姑且以为分别;魏晋以下文士所拟,大率其辞之流,于是概称古诗,且与乐府对举,以专后者之名,竟以汉世为宗。究之古诗、乐府,初则其义相即,并无截然分界,唯以后人所见,方有判然之别,而其对举互异,要归民间采诗与文人所作,二者分途,卒成两体。  相似文献   
周妮 《历史地理研究》2020,40(2):91-103
营汛体系是清朝地方治理的基层军事系统,对地方治理具有十分重要的意义。一般而言,营汛体系形成之后相对稳定,但在湘西苗疆,受自然地理环境、历史民族人口、社会环境等的影响,该体系经历了多次进入、退出,它的建立、完善与调整过程表现出明显的不稳定性,反映出其“因势而变”的特征,这种特征凸显了湘西苗疆在国家一体化进程中的特殊性与差异性。  相似文献   
根据《包山楚简》所记文书的有关材料可知,《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书(五).竞建内之》篇的所谓篇名“竞建内之”四字,其意是指楚人景建献纳简书。根据《大戴礼记》、《逸周书.官人》等材料可证,《上博(五).鲍叔牙与隰朋之谏》篇中的“”,可能当读为“考度”。  相似文献   
The changes in regulation of mineral development on Indigenous people's lands, wrought by the advent of native title in Australia, created an impression that the political economy of mining on Indigenous people's lands would be fundamentally transformed. In this paper we argue, in reality, a deeply seated settler‐colonial mentality endures in Australia within the institutions presiding over mineral governance, particularly in those States that are heavily dependent upon resource extraction. Focusing on the governance of mineral development in Queensland, Australia, we offer an analysis of the rationalities that inform the endurance of an inequitable architecture of extractive governance in that State. Our conceptual framework draws on a synthesis of the concepts of “accumulation by dispossession”, “settler colonialism”, and Indigenous critiques of the politics of recognition, to argue that liberal states remain deeply committed to the facilitation of mineral development on Indigenous people's lands in direct contravention to international norms.  相似文献   
雍正帝在大学士选任制度上进行了一系列新尝试。其举措出现了外任大学士、协办大学士、额外大学士等多种形式,他一方面通过提高大学士品级巩固大学士文臣首领的地位;另一方面,也通过"名实分离"的方式虚化和拆解阁权,使原本单一的"阁权"发生变异。  相似文献   
Whereas the rare existing comparative studies of Chinese and Indian diaspora policies have focused on recent periods following economic restructuring in both countries, this article, using a historical perspective, looks at diaspora policies in both countries from the angle of conceptions of the nation. Comparing three specific periods – the early twentieth century, the period between the 1950s and the 1970s, and the period since the 1970s – the article argues that there was a similarity between China and India in terms of how conceptions of the nation expanded and contracted together with both domestic and international changes during these periods, in spite of differences in nationality laws. As such, it demonstrates that countries with nationality laws based on jus sanguinis are not necessarily always more inclusive towards diaspora populations than those with nationality laws based on jus soli. In both cases, there is a tension at work between a state-led paradigm that is territorial in nature and ethnic and cultural notions of nationhood.  相似文献   
先秦马车在构造技术上力求解决车辆重心的平衡与协调,尤其是为促进牵引力与重心力之间的平衡及保持重心的稳定而发展起来的构造与组装技术,进一步提高了车辆的各项性能,技术的进步使得马车各部分构件及整体形制渐趋合理。  相似文献   
This prosopographical article demonstrates that the traditional British landed interest suffered very little by the terms of the 1832 Reform Act. They maintained their customary dominance of the house of commons, although voting records show that they had lost some of their ability to push legislation through the House that spoke to their more parochial interests. By contrast, the 1867 Reform Act caused serious erosion of their legislative power in the Commons. The 1874 election, especially in Ireland, saw great landowners losing their county seats to tenant farmers. Democracy was coming to Britain; just not as soon as some would have it.  相似文献   
20世纪60年代初期,为解决城市就业问题,河南省开封市开展了街道生产自救工作,基本解决了街道居民的生活和就业问题,保障了正常的社会秩序,进一步增强了民众对人民政府的认同。同时,在生产自救工作中出现的干部政策认知偏差、相关政策和制度支持缺位等问题,也在实践中得以纠正和改进。  相似文献   
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