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In order to identify the fibre material of the pall imprint excavated from the Peng‐state cemetery in Shanxi, biomass spectrometry was applied to determine the amino acid sequences of the residual protein extracted from the soil underneath the imprint. The sequences were searched against a standard protein sequence database. A well‐preserved silk pall sample from the Warring States Period was used as a comparative template. The protein extracted is identified as silk fibroin (Bombyx mori). This finding indicates that the extremely degraded pall was made of silk and that the deceased in the Peng‐state cemetery enjoyed high social status. In this way, a novel methodology, which is very promising in uncovering the origin of silk, could be initiated.  相似文献   
Lichenometric dating is a cheap, relatively rapid means of dating rock surfaces, which has generally been overlooked in Australia. While lichenometry finds its greatest application in arctic and alpine geomorphological studies, there has been limited application to archaeological studies. This project set out to test the technique in south‐eastern Australia, and assess its usefulness for dating post‐settlement artefacts. The diameters of Buellia albula lichens growing on well‐dated memorials in the Bendigo cemetery were measured, and the relationship between age and lichen diameter established. The results indicate that B. albula can be used to determine the age of exposed cement surfaces from the 1890s to the present. The positive results suggest the technique should be investigated in other applications and environments in Australia, particularly where alternative dating techniques cannot be used.  相似文献   
河南永城保安山三号西汉早期墓出土的残镜,经过复原,在彩绘镜中是最大的。与之近似的连弧纹彩绘镜,有西安红庙村、广州南越王墓所出各一面,其年代也彼此接近。镜上彩绘花纹系受漆器艺术影响,可参看长沙马王堆三号墓的一些漆器,后者年代也相距不远。  相似文献   
一、地理位置及环境金陂墓群位于丹江口市钧县镇丹江口市水产局金陂养殖场。墓地东距丹江口市约35公里,北距均县镇约10公里,地理坐标  相似文献   
河南南阳市程庄墓地东周墓葬发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程庄隶属于河南省南阳市镇平县安子营乡,北距县城约12公里,南距安子营乡政府约0.5公里。墓地分布在程庄与安子营两村之间的农田中,东西长约300米,南北宽  相似文献   
2007年5月,在对荥阳苜蓿洼墓地中部其中的三座墓葬清理中,出土六枚新莽时期布币,这批新莽货币,品相极佳,堪称是王莽币制改革的代表作,具有较高的历史研究价值和收藏价值.  相似文献   
2006年,内蒙古通辽市在国道304线改扩建工程配套专线施工时,在南宝力皋吐村发现一处鲜卑墓地。2007年,内蒙古文物考古研究所对该墓地进行了抢救发掘。发掘面积1000平方米,清理同时期鲜卑墓葬34座。出土少量陶器。根据发掘情况分析,认为该墓地经过迁葬。  相似文献   
百戏俑的保护修复与早期秦始皇陵园出土陶俑的修复既有相同之处又有不同之处.随着保护研究的深入,修复过程中引进了一些新思路、新材料、新工艺,对原有保护修复方法进行改进与完善,取得良好的保护修复效果.  相似文献   
本报道了湖北襄阳法龙村付岗墓地的9座墓葬及出土的32件陶器和7件铜器。该墓地的时代为战国晚期至西汉早期。发掘认为,付岗墓地可能是邹湾遗址的公共平民墓地。  相似文献   
甘肃临潭县磨沟齐家文化墓地   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在磨沟齐家文化墓地共发掘墓葬346座,以竖穴偏室墓居多,也有部分竖穴土坑墓。竖穴土坑墓多为单人葬。竖穴偏室墓以单偏室居多,多为合葬,也有少量单人葬。随葬品多为陶器,还有部分工具和装饰品,随葬陶器明显可分为两组。此墓地的发掘,为齐家文化及其埋葬习俗的研究提供了十分重要的新资料。  相似文献   
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