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与王韬、康有为、梁启超等人主要基于日本学者的二手著作而形成的法国大革命观不同,严复的法国大革命观与斯宾塞、柏克、托克维尔、雨果等人密切相关,呈现出直接的地道的西方渊源,他对法国大革命的研究是广泛和深入的,所关注的问题也颇有价值和意义,学理色彩浓重。  相似文献   
国家"夏商周断代工程"初步确定商周断代在公元前1046年,他们依据的前提是"当年岁星是在鹑火星次",比实际情况--"当年岁星是在天鼋星次",多了6个星次.所以,他们的推算方法虽然是正确的,但是因为所依据的前提错误,结果不对.依据对月象词、星象词和西周时期历法的认识,以岁星(木星)的运行规律可知,牧野之战发生于公元前1039年夏历的三月四日.我们判断,武王伐商是当年的二月一日壬辰,二日癸巳早晨从周地出发,二月戊午师逾孟津,二月晦日越五日甲子在牧野与商纣王战斗.  相似文献   
北周独孤宾墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年11月,陕西省考古研究院在配合西安北郊至咸阳国际机场的专用高速公路建设中,发现墓葬100余座,并对其进行发掘清理。其中北周独孤宾墓较为重要。该墓位于西安咸阳国际机场高速公路专线西端,此处原属咸阳市渭城区底张镇龙枣村。工地编号2007XJGM10,东距M9约30米,西距M11约20米(图一)。  相似文献   
咸阳“周王陵”考古调查、勘探简报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周王陵位于陕西省咸阳市渭城区周陵镇北侧,陵园平面为长方形,方向170°,由南北两陵、内外双重围墙、双重壕沟、外藏坑、建筑遗址、小型墓葬等部分组成。内陵园中除南、北两陵外,还有少量的建筑遗址及外藏坑。外陵园内则有较多的外藏坑及建筑遗址。外陵园的西北角、东北角及东侧外围墙、外壕沟之间的北段发现小型墓葬三组。据陵园形制、布局特点及出土遗物分析,周王陵的时代为战国晚期,为秦悼武王及其夫人的陵墓——永陵的可能性较大。  相似文献   
张剑点校的晚清莫友芝所著《郘亭书画经眼录》一书,作为中华书局列为"书目题跋丛书"之一,于2008年1月正式出版。笔者因研究所涉,曾于贵州省博物馆访见莫氏"书画经眼录"残稿一轴,此稿于张氏校本中未曾见录。兹将二种相核,见所异处,略检其要,按目列叙,姑补版本之阙,以裨校正之用。  相似文献   
唐调露元年设六胡州,长安四年并为匡、长二州。神龙三年于此二州地设兰池都督府,分六州为县。过去学界多认为,此兰池都督府即《新唐书.地理志七》所记灵州都督府所属党项羁縻府州"兰池都督府"。本文考辨以为两兰池都督府非同一,原六胡州所设应为"兰池州"或"兰池州都督府";并考释兰池州所辖六县中,可知的有长泉县和塞门县。  相似文献   
斯宾塞学说构成清末种群进化和竞争论述的主要外在资源。斯宾塞以进化的哲学思维来缀合威廉·卡彭特、查尔斯·赖尔所代表的动物生理学和生物历史知识,回应马尔萨斯的人口论。19世纪50年代以来在中国译介和流行的正是卡彭特所代表的生理学著述片段或与其相似的种群差别认知。知识界对斯宾塞的翻译,意味着中国在戊戌时期发生了类似的理论缀合过程。清末知识人以种分贵贱、黄白同为贵种调整了斯宾塞的种群进化位阶表述,抵制欧洲人歧视东亚黄种之心。同时,他们却强化了贵贱种之间的等级关系,营造"退化""灭种"的焦虑意识和压迫感,警告需积极参与生存竞争来提升种群的心智和自律性,从而为政治变革酝酿社会气氛。  相似文献   
Contributing to the surging interest in rhetorical uses of anecdotal narratives in ancient China, the present article investigates sources about a purported follower of Confucius going by the name of Yan Zhuoju, or variants thereof. The main advantage of focusing on such an obscure figure is that extant sources can be exhaustively analysed – an approach intractable for more fully documented personalities – in order to gauge the mechanisms which created the textual record historians utilise to reconstruct events of the ancient past. The article demonstrates how the same figure can be appropriated across different discourses, to wit, in attacks on Confucius's alleged improprieties; in attempts to counter such attacks; and in arguments for the increasingly meritocratic social order of the Warring States period. Rarely adding up to a complete story, such appropriations are constituted by fragmentary narratives, summary statements, and intertextual references.  相似文献   
This article shows that over the course of the Warring States period (479–221 BCE) authors began to organize and categorize music in a manner that helped define and reinforce their conceptions of themselves as a distinct cultural or ethnic group: variously referred to as the Huaxia, Zhuxia, and Zhou. By examining how Ruist (Confucian) authors articulated distinctions among various types of music, and by showing how such identifications denigrated nefarious forms not associated with the Zhou court and its culture, I show how authors endeavored in a process of musical canonization while also consolidating a sense of an ethno-cultural self. The fact that these writings distinguished among and evaluated musical types not primarily through a discussion of musical form or theory but via a morally-laden language rooted in the civilizing rhetoric of the day suggests that music was a primary site for formulating, expressing, and promoting cultural identity.  相似文献   
郑州洼刘西周贵族墓出土青铜器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洼刘西周贵族墓葬位于郑州市洼刘遗址内,墓内随葬有一批珍贵文物.其中青铜礼器10余件,还有一批车马饰、蚌饰、贝币等.尤其是青铜礼器制作精美,造型奇特,在考古发掘中极少见到,是郑州地区近几年来西周考古的重要发现.  相似文献   
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