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Using data on Italian cities, we document that over the period of 2001–2011, the number of establishments and employment in some key service industries are positively related to the inflow of tourists. We then build a general equilibrium model of small open cities encompassing these empirical features to study the impact of tourism on endogenous consumption amenities, factors’ allocation across sectors, prices, and welfare. We also study the interplay of exogenous historical amenities, tourism, and residents welfare in a system of two cities. When residents are immobile, they are unambiguously better off when they live in a city with richer historical amenities, and thus more tourists, than the other city. When residents are mobile and their welfare is equalized between cities, the strength of consumption amenities becomes crucial to determine whether they are better off living in an urban system where cities are heterogeneous or similar in terms of historical amenities.  相似文献   
A fundamental observation of 21st century cities is that they have become great centers of consumption. In this paper, we seek to understand the geographic variation in consumer behavior. Using Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE), we analyze how consumption differs across 21 major U.S. metropolitan areas, and the association between urban characteristics and consumption. We extend previous geographic analysis of consumption to include luxury goods that are socially visible (conspicuous consumption) and luxury goods that are relatively less visible (inconspicuous consumption). Our analysis shows that conspicuous consumption is more sensitive to an urban context than is inconspicuous consumption.  相似文献   
The paper raises the problem of the impact of unregulated property and ownership rights on the development of the city centre. It applies to Warsaw as a post-socialist city that has recorded fast economic growth since the country’s communist regime collapsed in 1989. We follow the course of changes in the city centre of Warsaw, in particular, those pertaining to land use and high-rise buildings for office use as investments that encounter difficulties under the unregulated status of construction sites and lack of clear regulations for private property restitution that was nationalized under socialism. To describe and explain the difficulties, we provide data showing the location of large companies and office buildings, and examples of conflicts as well. Unregulated ownership issues and property rights weigh on Warsaw’s city centre, now vastly dispersing and gravitating westwards, and prevent the district from rational and effective development.  相似文献   
许韶立 《东南文化》2007,(3):45-48,49
“河洛文明”是“黄河文明”的核心,是华夏文明的源头,她的产生与特殊的地理环境密切相关,从自然方面来讲,影响河洛文明产生的主要有气候、河流、地形、地貌、黄土、动植物、矿藏等因素,这些自然因素对河洛文明的产生有着重要的影响,给“河洛文明”打上了深深的地理环境的烙印。自然环境并不决定河洛文明的产生,但它可以延缓和促进文明的到来。  相似文献   
清代城镇书院已比较普遍地发展起来,但城镇书院在各地的发展却经历了不同的时空演变过程。本文通过对黄土高原地区不同级别城镇书院的考察,详细地揭示了不同级别城镇书院的时空演变过程及其特征。府县级城镇仿效省会设立书院的实践主要在乾隆年间才出现,城镇书院的发展总体上由区域东南部向西北部推广,乾隆时期出现发展高峰,发展重心向黄河以西转移。城镇书院时空变化特征显著。书院选址以城内为主,空间上体现了偏重东部和东南部的观念。  相似文献   
陈元甫 《华夏考古》2007,(1):131-139
对作为吴越文化主要遗存的土墩墓的研究成果累累,对其埋葬特点、文化内涵、文化性质、时代等,学术界已墓本达成共识,但对是否存在一墩多墓的问题,意见不一。本文根据对南岗山、连山等地的考古材料分析,认为一墩多墓现象在土墩墓中的确存在。  相似文献   
以西安为中心的关中城市群的结构优化及其方略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
任保平 《人文地理》2007,22(5):38-42
城市群是城市化发展的新形态,也是区域经济发展中的"发展极"。以西安为中心的关中城市群已经形成了西部经济"发展极"的初始条件,成为了西部经济发展的核心地带。以西安为中心的关中城市群的基本现状是:城市群总规模较小,中等城市数量少,小城镇发展滞后。从目前提高竞争力和带动西部经济发展的目标来看,面临着完善空间结构、功能结构和时序结构的任务。在空间结构优化方面,要强化西安中心城市的作用,培育二级中心城市,完善小城镇建设体系,以西安为中心构筑四大城镇群。在功能结构完善方面,要强化城市群区的联系,进行城市群中各个城市功能和性质的重新定位;从时序结构的完善来看,要以增强中心城市的吸引力和辐射力为目标,从近期、远期和远景三个方面安排时序结构。  相似文献   
依据相关考古资料和文献记载,河南省正阳县固城寺古城遗址应即两汉时期的安成故址。隋大业初,安成废省入汝阳。  相似文献   
乡村旅游对社会主义新农村建设、构建和谐社会、统筹城乡发展等意义巨大。乡村旅游循环开发模式是基于循环经济理论的一种乡村旅游开发新模式,即以乡村旅游业为核心,带动乡村种植业、养殖业和加工业的发展,具有企业经营的综合性、资源利用的循环可再生性、发展的可持续性、强抗风险性、整体效益优化性等特征。  相似文献   
巩义涉村唐墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑州市文物考古研究院在巩义涉村镇发掘一座唐墓,这座唐墓出土器物以三彩器居多,其中镇墓兽、武士俑等形体高大,对研究盛唐时期郑州地区的唐墓有一定帮助.  相似文献   
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