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The aim of the present research is to investigate the intellectual structure of creative economy research (CER) with a bibliometric analysis based on co-citation. Firstly, we try to reconstruct the evolution of academic research on creative economy with particular attention to the themes of regional and local economic development. Secondly, we investigate the community of contributions/actors that contributed to its generation throughout social network analysis. We analyse publications collected from ISI Web of Science, which includes all academic works starting from the seminal contribution of Department of Culture Media and Sport in 1998. Through the analysis of 941 publications produced over 16 years, we investigate the evolution of CER. Then we apply a relational analysis exploring co-citations of ‘disseminators’ and founders’ work’ of CER. Results underline that creative economy may be considered as a successful multidisciplinary paradigm born and developed in English-speaking countries, developed even on a global level, and still in a developmental phase. The internal structure of research appears fragmented in many sub-communities concentrated around some key concepts. Whereas creative class and creative city contribute to the foundation of the field, cultural and creative industries are the most important and recent topic.  相似文献   
Single and double flat-jack tests are presently used widely for assessing the mechanical characteristics of stone masonry. This technique remains as one of the most versatile in situ test procedure for the estimation of the main mechanical properties of masonry walls. Nevertheless their application is still controversial due to the difficulty of accepting in some cases the results as reliable. This article presents and discusses the results of an experimental campaign resorting to flat-jack technique carried out with the scope of the rehabilitation process of the historical city center of Coimbra.  相似文献   
Due to the global increases in urbanisation rates, urban sprawl has become a worldwide issue. In China, the development of rural areas has been affected by urban expansion and adjustments of metropolitan areas by administrative divisions that have led to losses in agricultural lands and ecosystem services. There is the ‘paradoxical’ desire for governments to promote rural development and protect land resources. Urban fringe sprawl is a prominent issue in the process of rural development. Identifying and measuring sprawl at the urban fringe could assist policymakers to either encourage or discourage this phenomenon. This paper demonstrates use of multidimensional indicators to effectively measure urban fringe sprawl by remote sensing, in addition to demographic and socio‐economic data. Using integrated indicators observed in the recent Chinese development context, urban fringe sprawl was measured comprehensively for Jiangning, a district in the city of Nanjing, China. This study indicates that Jiangning is sprawling rapidly. The results also show that the multidimensional indicator approach could provide decision support to create effective long‐term land‐use planning policies for controlling urban sprawl patterns.  相似文献   
欧钰斌  薛德升 《人文地理》2022,37(6):98-108
2020 年东京奥运会引发了又一轮体育全球化的讨论热潮,而相关领域内仍缺乏对同区域内奥运会引发城市联系差异性的探讨。本研究以 2008年北京奥运会和 2020年东京奥运会为研究对象,探究其引发的城市间联系特征,研究结果表明:①两届奥运会的城市节点和城市联系均具有等级层次性;②区域性城市组团普遍存在,其中,东京奥运会时形成了以主办城市为核心的比 2008 年更大范围的洲际联系组团,体现了东京作为世界城市的巨大文化影响力。③疫情影响下,主办城市仍能通过探讨增设项目、获取区域转播权等手段提升奥运会及自身的影响力。该研究补充了现有的体育赛事型世界城市网络研究,为疫情影响下大型赛事的举办提出了建议,具有理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
晚清郑工借款考论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张徐乐 《史学月刊》2003,247(12):42-47
郑工借款是清政府早期实业性借款之一。1887年,清政府为修堵黄河决口,在户部财用匮乏、各省协款不济的情况下,为应急需向英国汇丰银行筹借行平银100万两,是为第一次郑工借款;次年因用款不敷,再向汇丰银行筹借库平银100万两,即第二次郑工借款。两次郑工借款的举借过程,反映了清政府对外债作用的认识逐渐由军事领域向非军事领域延伸,表明其外债观念正发生着与前不同的变化。  相似文献   
西山古城与中原地区早期城市的起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市起源是中国古代文明起源研究中的重要课题。随着近年来史前城址考古发掘资料的不断增多,中国早期城市的面貌正逐渐清晰起来。迄今的考古发现与研究已揭示了中原地区早期城市较完整的发展脉络。在中原地区既发现有从龙山时代到战国时期  相似文献   
This article revisits the debate over whether and to what extent the cities of the United States and Canada can be understood as a common ‘North American city’ by reconsidering the role of the their common federal system of government. Drawing on a Marxist theory of the capitalist state and the municipal histories of New York State and the Province of Ontario, the article traces the institutions and patterns of urbanization in the two countries to a dialectic of political conflict between the sub-national states and the industrializing cities, conditioned by federal divisions of sovereignty and grounded in the expanding social property relations of capital. The final section connects this dialectic to historically new conditions for the expanded reproduction of capital, specifically in the constitution of land as a commodity form. It also speculates briefly on the implications of this analysis for a more spatially informed theory of the capitalist state.  相似文献   
刘昌兵 《江汉考古》2008,(1):104-109
景德镇经历了宋元明清瓷业持续发展和繁荣,同时景德镇经历了由村市向集镇、由集镇再向城市发展进程。景德镇以瓷器而著名,围绕着这些精美绝伦瓷器的生产技术、作坊、行业分工、风土民俗、商贸流通和对外贸易.构成了庞大复杂、相辅相成的瓷业生产及流通体系,庞大复杂、分工细致的瓷业体系,成就了景德镇瓷业的辉煌,同时它渗透于景德镇城市的方方面面,时时处处造就和伴随着城市发展。从沿河建窑、沿窑成市到陶舍重重与窑砖里弄,瓷业不断发展最终成就了瓷业型城市的特有形态和建筑。  相似文献   
荆门后港城河城址位于江汉平原西北部,地处平原向荆山余脉过渡的丘陵岗地地带,是长江中游地区发现的又一处新石器时代的古城址,也是汉水流域荆门境内继马家垸城址后发现的第二座新石器时代古城址。该城址的发现不仅丰富了长江中游早期古城址的内容,同时对研究长江中游地区这些早期城址之间的关系、探讨长江中游史前聚落考古文化提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   
关于统万城历史的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对十六国时期匈奴夏国都统万城建造的起讫时间、统万城与汉奢延城、大城的关系、统万城的城制形态等相关的传统观点提出质疑。在重新解读文献的基础上,结合实地考察认为:一、统万城建设的起讫时间并不是一般认为的公元413年和419年,而是公元413年和424年;二、统万城既不是在十六国时期大城基础上兴建的,也不是在西汉上郡奢延县城的基础上兴建的,而是在汉朔方县所在地基础上兴建的;三、将统万城划分为宫城、皇城(内城)、外郭城三大块的做法显然是与中国古代都城制度发展史相违背,统万城筑造外郭城也不适宜于从事游牧的匈奴民族,至于现在东、西城外存在的不规则分布的夯土遗迹,东城之外的部分可能是在修筑统万城时未被加以利用的汉朔方城的残留遗迹,西城之外的部分疑为一处类似皇家园林的游猎场,或是战备马匹的圈养场。  相似文献   
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