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哈大产业带产业结构调整优化及重点产业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈大产业带是东北区的人口和产业密集带,是东北区的核心地带。文章分析了该产业带的产业发展优势,指出了产业发展存在的问题。根据产业结构调整优化原则与重点产业选择原则,结合定量分析,制定了产业结构调整优化方案,选出了重点产业。哈大产业带重点产业是农业及农产品加工业、机械工业、石化工业、高新技术产业、第三产业,本文探讨了各重点产业的发展思路与发展重点。  相似文献   
北洋政府维护和收复中东路主权的交涉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡玉海 《史学集刊》2004,8(4):35-42
第一次世界大战结束后 ,协约国出兵西伯利亚干涉俄国革命 ,日本、美国等列强乘机扩大在中国东北和西伯利亚的势力。这种形势既对中国国家主权和边疆稳定造成严重威胁 ,也为中国维护主权和收回权益提供了机会。北洋政府利用各种有利条件 ,实施维护中东路主权的方针。采取有效措施 ,阻止了日本武力夺取中东路的企图 ,驱逐帝俄中东铁路督办霍尔瓦特 ,收回了护路权和路区主权。经过交涉 ,最终解决了路区主权问题。  相似文献   
This study analyzes medical practitioners’ adaptation to a dynamic cultural and political scene and examines the impact of medical refugees on a local community. In the early 1920s, there was an influential Russian medical community in Harbin that established medical societies and medical schools. The organization of medical societies was a part of the active formation of a professional community and represented a thoughtful measure for countering the control of Chinese officials. The high degree of cooperation between Russian and Chinese medical personnel in the medical-sanitary department of the Chinese Eastern Railway and in Harbin municipal medical facilities was a part of Harbin physicians’ activities.  相似文献   
基于加权平均旅行时间的浙江省交通可达性时空格局研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以浙江省69个县(市)为研究对象,利用1996、2004、2012年路网数据,借助ArcGIS网络分析功能,采用基于城镇综合发展水平的加权平均旅行时间指标,探讨浙江省综合交通网络中节点城镇可达性及其时空演变特征。研究结果表明:①1996-2012年,各城镇可达性均出现不同程度提高,彼此间联系趋于紧密;②城镇可达性存在空间分异,且提升幅度各异,均衡化趋势明显;③城镇可达性空间格局变化大,逐渐向以"四大都市区"为中心向四周递增的"∏型"多级空间结构转变。总体上来看,城镇可达性变化及空间格局演变体现了区域统筹发展的战略要求。  相似文献   
张天源 《攀登》2006,25(5):69-71
关联交易是指关联方之间的交易。青海数码网络投资(集团)股份有限公司受到深圳证券交易所公开谴责这一事件表明,关联交易一旦偏离市场公平交易准则,就会成为为某些特殊目的服务的操作工具,严重损害广大中小投资者的利益。为保证资本市场及青海地方经济的健康发展,需进一步完善上市公司关联交易监管体制,有关部门应加大对关联交易的监管。  相似文献   
李晖达 《东南文化》2011,(3):112-117
浙江汉代土墩遗存与先秦江南土墩墓有着紧密的内在关系,它同时也是两汉时期浙江北部地区一种以汉墓为埋葬主体的考古学文化遗存。其文化特征既包含了大一统王朝所共有的诸多文化要素,又充分体现了古会稽郡文化圈内不同于中原王朝主流文化的地方性特征。  相似文献   
Combining the literature on ‘city systems’ and its intermediary spatial categories with the discourse on ‘socio-technical’ hybrids, this article examines whether the early rural–urban condition in Belgium was the planned spatial outcome of infrastructure policy. More specifically, it analyzes the dialectic between the conception of light railways and the geographies of power, tracing its impact on the spatial organization of the territory. In 1911 the British sociologist Seebohm Rowntree stated that Belgium had gone further than any country in supplying its working class with gardens. The dense Belgian railway network encouraged workers to commute between land and labour, travelling from their homes in the healthy countryside to work in urban factories and mines. Despite the agricultural crisis and accelerating industrialization in nineteenth-century Belgium, infrastructure policy had resulted in a peculiar territorial balance between city and countryside by transforming agricultural labourers and farmers into industrial workers without forcing them to leave their ancestral villages. Rather than nostalgically clinging to a disappearing countryside, the government harnessed the modern technology par excellence, combining rails, steam and state management, to safeguard the country as well as to facilitate modern dynamic. Countryside preservation and accelerating industrialization were reconciled in a reshaped configuration that rendered the countryside and its inhabitants simultaneously rural and urban, traditional and modern. As most literature situates the genesis of rural–urban landscapes after the First and Second World War, this article on late-nineteenth-century Belgium adds a further facet to the recently growing international research on hybrid territories within the fields of urbanism and geography.  相似文献   
历史上,广信与浙江在政治空间层面一直有着牵扯不断的联系,明初更曾为浙江行省的组成部分。其政区隶属关系发生由浙改赣的变化,是牵涉到浙、赣省界形成的重要问题。通过对历史时期广信与浙江空间关系的考察,还原出两地在交通往来、文化认同、政治统合等方面存在着固有的矛盾,进而揭示出广信政区隶属变迁乃至浙、赣省界形成的背后,实际上受到了信、浙之间自然地理条件的深刻影响。  相似文献   
北洋政府时期的股份公司在股息分配方面,依旧普遍执行"官利"制度,显示了这项受"非正式约束"支配的"正式制度"的强大惯性.官利之制虽然是创业者向投资者的妥协,但毕竟不合世界实业通例,企业家等有识人士在对其予以评判的同时,也力求进行改革.不同的变革方案与实施措施,汇聚成北洋时期官利制度变迁的动态过程,显示了制度变迁的渐进性.  相似文献   
日俄战争后日本殖民者以“满铁”为主体,在中国东北进行政治、经济、贸易、交通、文化等侵略。同时利用“满铁”以满铁大连图书馆和国立奉天图书馆为集源中心与附属地各图书馆,形成纵横交错的东北文化调查研究资料收集场所。最终以文事的形式来管理达到实以武备统治东北的目的。  相似文献   
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