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中国农民千百年来的生存之道是"安全第一"。抗战前浙江农民以种粮为主业,收入有限而支出庞大,必须寻求副业收入加以平衡。显然副业已成为浙江农民生存的"安全阀",他们根据市场的刺激和机会理性地配置副业资源来寻求最大收益,以保证安全的最大化。但随着三十年代以降影响市场景气指数的各种不利因素的叠加,副业衰落,"安全阀"失效,农民生活恶化,农村经济破产。  相似文献   
Bodies and glazes of 54 proto-porcelain sherds and 18 non proto-porcelain samples from Shang and Zhou periods production sites in Deqing, Zhejiang province were analysed by EPMA-WDS. The results indicate that the bodies of all samples were made from local raw material – porcelain stone, with the proto-porcelain samples being made from clay of higher quality. Wood ashes, high in lime and low in potash, were intentionally applied to the proto-porcelain samples, resulting in the formation of lime-rich glazes whose compositions were determined by a temperature-controlled mechanism. In contrast, kiln fragments and furniture show a potash-rich fuel vapour glaze, which formed unintentionally during use of the kiln. The firing temperature for most of the proto-porcelain glazes is around the maturing temperature for typical more recent lime glazes, showing that the potters were already at such an early time able to attain sufficiently high temperature in their kilns.  相似文献   
一幅约70年前摄于贵州湄潭的照片(文中照片1)近些年被多部以浙大西迁为题的文本所采用,但照片中两位人物的名字注记各不相同,时间说明也有误、,本文通过文献资料的分析,事件脉络的梳理,相关人物照片的比对,指出这张历史照片中人物和时间注记的错误所在及产生的原因,并作出符合历史真实的结论,以免对该照片的误读和错用。  相似文献   
俞珊瑛 《中原文物》2012,(3):63-67,113,1
浙江省博物馆收藏有一批商周青铜器,包括鼎、簋、爵、斝、觚等,来源不一。本文对其中15件礼器作了初步整理与分析,认为它们在器型、纹饰、铭文等方面皆具有较为明确的时代特征。  相似文献   
《湄江吟社诗存》是浙大教授在西迁时期结社创作的诗歌结集。它记录了浙大在遵的历史细节及浙大教授在特定历史背景下的心路历程;其旧体诗词创作对现代文学史上多元创作的共存提供了直观的材料;而多为理科教授的作者群也对教育培养目标的探讨极具启示意义;并成为构建地方文化的一道亮丽的景观。因而具有较为重要的文化研究价值。  相似文献   
商代原始瓷主要出土于浙江、河南两省,尤以浙江为主;江苏、福建、山东、河北、山西、陕西诸省亦有少量的发现。在以浙江为中心的东南地区,原始瓷主要出土于城址、遗址、墓葬、窑址中,可分为五期,贯穿整个商代,可据此初步建立太湖地区较为完整的商代原始瓷编年序列;在以河南为代表的中原地区,原始瓷基本出土于大型都城遗址和高等级墓葬,亦可分为五期,第四期也即商代晚期前段与东南地区的第四期始有交集,第五期也即商代晚期后段较东南地区的第五期持续时间长;另外,江西等长江中游地区和福建、广东的闽南粤东地区还出土有一批带釉的器物,胎、釉均不稳定,时代相对较晚。浙江省原始瓷种类较丰富、数量众多、质量较高,并且发现了大规模的原始瓷窑址群,可初步判定为商代原始瓷生产与使用的中心地区。  相似文献   
在清末沪杭甬铁路的建设过程中,施工方为节省建桥费用而堵塞了松江境内的屠家村港,并直接在原河道上建造路基。1921年江浙地区发生了严重水灾,地方官绅遂将矛头指向沪杭甬铁路,认为该路阻碍水流,要求铁路部门"拆坝筑桥",恢复原有河道,同时增加沿线涵洞。双方为此在北京政府交通部、上海沪杭甬铁路管理局以及浙江省长公署等部门间展开了两年多时间的交涉,最终基本实现了改建目标。在综合相关文献资料和研究论著的基础上,通过铁路工程技术方法的分析,可以发现近代铁路建设并不足以成为导致太湖流域水患的关键性因素,但铁路作为开凿江南运河后最大规模的人造工程,仍初步改变了明清以来形成的流域水文环境。  相似文献   
北宋中期,以浙江慈溪上林湖为中心的越窑瓷业核心区窑址数量急剧减少,窑场规模缩小。与之相对,浙江其他地区却发现了大量这一时期的窑业遗存。研究显示,限于多方面因素的制约,北宋中期以上林湖为中心的越窑核心产区不再适宜大规模的瓷业生产,而这直接迫使制瓷工匠作出选择,或许其中一部分工匠开始另辟他地继续从事窑业生产,从而在浙江范围内出现了众多这一时期的窑址。此外,在瓷业技术的传入过程中,制瓷工匠也结合当地的自然和社会环境,在继承的基础上进行了自我创新。  相似文献   
The article retraces the steps which marked the transformation of Sesto San Giovanni to becoming one of the principal centres of Italian industry. The premises serve to better comprehend the case of Sesto San Giovanni. Its uniqueness lies, however, in being the outcome of action by a plurality of businesses which contributed to building the ‘factory city’. From 1905, their choice of setting up their plants caused a sudden increase in the population, which was followed by an equally sharp increase in the demand for lodgings and social infrastructures. The employers were forced to invest in building, at first with the intention of rapidly housing the workers, and then to proceed with a more rational planning of specific villages for the workforce. In the decades between the wars, Sesto San Giovanni was provided with a wide range of services in the fields of health care, schooling and even leisure. These policies permitted the creation of solid, close-knit company communities, founded on the intense participation of the workforce in the functioning of production activities. The social network, however, held together principally on the basis of the recognition of mutual obligations and responsibilities, rather than on mere subordination to paternalistic domination.  相似文献   
田兴荣 《史学月刊》2007,4(6):53-58
六厘英金庚款公债,是国民政府以英退庚款为基金,在国内外发行的粤汉铁路建设公债。其成功发行与庚款基金确切担保、中英共管机制建立、国民政府高度重视及英国政府合作密切相关。该项公债,不仅为粤汉铁路提供了专项建设基金,也较大地提高了抗战爆发前国民政府的债信,而中英共管机制的建立,具有鲜明的时代特色和特定的历史原因。  相似文献   
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