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论文依据对青田县方山、船寮等地华侨村官以及所管辖的村民进行田野调查的结果,分析了华侨村官群体出现的原因、作用和特点,剖析了华侨村官工作中存在的阻碍和不足,以及工作中“水土不服”现象和阻碍的因素,旨在为地方政府研究制订华侨参政长效机制提供参考,并以期社会对华侨参政这一新现象给予更多的关注和思考。  相似文献   
On the basis of available data on recent and fossil lake sediments with a high content of authigenic silica—diatomite—an attempt is made to identify those factors in the surrounding landscape and in the lake environment that account for the formation of these siliceous sediments. The presence of cause-and-effect relationships and the wide distribution of siliceous lake sediments, both at present and in the geological past, suggest that diatomite lakes can be treated as a distinctive lake type in a lake typology and limnological regionalization previously proposed by the author.  相似文献   
从1950年代到1970年代,浙江农村义务教育经历了由萌芽、发展到兴盛的过程。与此同时,浙江农村民办小学则伴随着浙江农村合作化及人民公社化运动经历了由萌芽、发展到逐渐消亡的过程。一兴一衰,成为共和国历史的最好注脚。当前,中国农村义务教育仍未能摆脱其弱势地位。对建国后30年浙江农村义务教育的历史考察,有助于我们建立一种更公正、合理的教育机制,以提升"境况最差的成员"的生命质量。  相似文献   
本文梳理了吴伟的生平及其艺术成就,强调了其才华出众、放纵不羁的个性。进而探讨其作为宫廷画家倍受成化、弘治帝宠遇的原因,特别指出围绕吴伟一生的好运及其个人的魅力与浙派兴衰的息息相关。最后提示吴伟粗放纵肆的画风与古代文献记载是相符合的。  相似文献   
刘淼 《史学集刊》2004,(1):28-33
晚清时期是中国民间资本重新组合的重要历史时期。在这一时期 ,集中于城镇的各种手工业组织对资本的需求增大 ,而拥有资金的商人又缺乏投资渠道。因此 ,在经济相对富裕的苏沪地区 ,民间资本开始通过招股与认股的方式组合成为股份公司。各股份公司成立后 ,在股金管理、红利分配和组织机构等方面均形成了新的体制。同时 ,随着股份公司的建立 ,传统的生产和销售等经营方式也开始发生转变  相似文献   
The Nationalist Party (GMD) had been writing and issuing documents of many types for some years before Nanjing was established as the capital of the Republic of China in 1927/1928. From its earliest days, doctrines were advanced via cause-oriented newspapers and journals. Even more important, the Soviet-sponsored reorganization of the GMD in the early 1920s had yielded a far-reaching party propaganda operation tied to Sun Yat-sen’s notion of political tutelage. But how was propaganda to work in practice? And at whom was it to be aimed? This article seeks to address aspects of these questions by assessing a textbook for propaganda workers that was issued in the name of the GMD’s Zhejiang Provincial Executive Committee’s Propaganda Department in October 1929, half a year after the GMD’s foundational right-wing Third Party Congress. Although Essentials for Propaganda Workers does not fully operationalize Sun’s version of political tutelage, it can nonetheless be seen to reflect the central party’s efforts to implement tutelage and supervision, not only of the Chinese masses suggested by Sun’s program, but also of party propaganda workers in Zhejiang. In that regard, it reveals the astonishingly rapid ideological realignment of the GMD into an anti-Communist party, not only at the national level, which is well known, but also on the provincial and lower levels. Drawing on material from the GMD Archives in Taipei, this article addresses issues of party organization, control, mobilization, inner party dynamics, and message content in the GMD’s propaganda activities in Zhejiang province in the late 1920s. “Propaganda by the Book” adds to our knowledge of the organizational practices of both the central GMD in Nanjing and the Zhejiang provincial GMD as well as to the social history of Republican China’s official print culture.  相似文献   
浙江宁波市蜈蚣岭吴晋纪年墓葬   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年,在浙江宁波市鄞州区蜈蚣岭发现两座纪年墓葬。皆为凸字形单砖室券顶墓,均发现较多纪年文字砖。东吴墓 M1保存基本完整,随葬品包括青瓷器、金银器、铜器、铁器、铜钱等。西晋墓 M16被盗,仅出土部分青瓷器。这两座墓葬,为研究当地这一时期的墓葬形制、丧葬习俗和分期断代等提供了新资料。  相似文献   
清季俄罗斯文馆延聘俄人教习研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖玉秋 《史学月刊》2008,(12):80-88
在俄罗斯文馆存在的一个半世纪里,先后有多名俄人担任教习之职。康熙年间,文馆教习由俄国商队成员、降人及后裔充任,教习队伍不稳定,语言水平也不高。从雍正初期起,文馆开始延聘俄国东正教驻北京传教士团成员担任教习,其中罗索欣、弗拉德金和列昂季耶夫与满人富勒赫合作编写出中国第一本俄语教科书。自道光年间起,有4位传教士团领班被俄罗斯文馆聘为教习,但由于鸦片战争爆发后中俄关系的实质已经由以往的平等交往转向了俄国伙同西方列强对中国进行瓜分,他们并未发挥出"协同教授"的作用,更多时候是将在文馆兼职作为为俄国政府探听清廷内情的机会或手段。  相似文献   
李莉娟 《攀登》2008,27(5):83-84
一元制下的独立董事制度与二元制下的监事会制度并行,这是我国现行新公司法的选择。然而,在法律实践中如何协调独立董事与监事会的关系,却是一个复杂的课题。本文试就独立董事与监事会制度并行的问题作一粗浅的探讨,期望二者在我国的公司内部治理中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   
新中国成立初期,浙江省洞头列岛一直处于人民解放军与国民党军对抗的最前沿。其间,为争夺对洞头列岛的控制权,两军进行了多次战斗。在这一战乱频仍、政权更迭的特定背景下,洞头列岛渔业社会深受影响,渔业的生产环境、渔业生产方式、渔产品购销方式和渔民思想观念等都发生了重要变化,从而使得整个渔业社会发生了历史性的变迁。  相似文献   
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