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Fars is among the largest provinces of Iran that received the most technical assistance from the American economic delegation in the 1950s. After settling in the province and during ten years of activity, the American delegation provided technical assistance in the fields of health engineering, health education, preventive medicine, nursing, medical services, and medical education. This paper explains how the technical assistance of US personnel contributed to the general health of the Fars province. The findings of this research show that after the formation of the Public Health Cooperative Organization (PHCO) in 1950, not only did most of the cities and villages of this province began to enjoy safe drinking water, but also public health improved. Additionally, the birth of children with disabilities and the spread of infectious diseases such as malaria and trachoma declined by means of preventive medicine centers and health education.  相似文献   
《中国行政区划通史·隋代卷》中的河南三地有值得商榷之处。隋代洛州堙阳县曾经移治,郑州内牟、圃田、郏城三县因移治而关系复杂,陕州阌乡、湖城县的合并也伴随着移治现象。  相似文献   
吐蕃“玛冲”即唐代开元初吐蕃进入青海地区的军事政治中心,其地望问题学界还未有令人满意的研究结果,通过汉藏文献对勘和对前人“kog yul”研究的纠误,“玛冲”地望可定为今青海贵德。  相似文献   
宫兰一 《史学集刊》2022,(2):130-141
全面抗战时期,中共中央东南局引领和推动马克思主义在浙江的传播,为浙江的红色文化建设做出了重要贡献。面对严峻的抗战形势,中共中央东南局紧紧抓牢抗战进步文化的领导权,通过创办抗战红色报刊、开展抗战文艺活动、依靠无产阶级知识分子等多种途径来传播马克思主义,极大地推动了浙江的马克思主义传播。在传播内容、手段和效果上,呈现出隐蔽性与灵活性、多样性与主导性、时代性与先进性相统一的地域性特点。全面抗战时期马克思主义在浙江的传播深刻改变了群众的思想状况和话语体系,影响了人们的判断和选择,为中国共产党赢得抗战胜利奠定了群众基础。  相似文献   
微腐蚀测年通过观测矿物晶体上的"石亏"来获知岩画的制作年代,是一种无损的"直接断代法"。仙居岩画的测年工作主要在送龙山和小方岩两处地点开展,经过观测,研究人员从岩画刻槽中取得了十一组石亏微腐蚀数据,以及两组来自吴芾墓附属石刻的校准数据。由校准后的年代计算结果可知,小方岩岩画的制作开始于东吴末年,贯穿了两晋及南北朝时期,一直延续至唐初,而送龙山岩画则为唐代作品。  相似文献   
岳钦韬 《史学集刊》2012,(1):113-120
抗战爆发后,传统的社会心理因素与国家政权的压力阻碍了部分民众抗敌意识的形成,抗敌意识薄弱是通敌行为的重要前因。通敌行为包含着主动与被动的复杂动机:主动方面包括借机恢复地位、伺机为非作歹、出面"保护"地方、"曲线救国"任务、经济利益驱使、人际关系与情感因素等;被动方面有现实生活压力、无知与盲目、日伪强权压迫、时间因素等。总体而言,大多数民众终究还是回到对现实生活的诉求,将个人生存放在首要位置。  相似文献   
受抗战大后方垦殖督导活动带动,以粮食、纤维、油料等农作物和经济作物品种改良、各级农技培养与服务体系建设为主的贵州省农业技术推广运动,在1938年前后开始得到积极实施,掀起了黔省自清代中期移民开发以来的农业发展又一高潮。尽管新一轮的农业开发历时较短,但当时贵州省稻、麦等农业作物和棉花、桐油等经济作物品种得到较大规模的改良、引进及推广,在20世纪40年代中期显现出良好经济效益,同时也对地区社会和生态等产生了深刻影响。本文就此做出梳理,并进一步分析和探讨此轮物种变化带来的贵州地区农业经济和生态区域变化及其特征。  相似文献   
Two Russian-trained geographers investigate the multiple and largely informal and illicit forms of exchange between two provincial cities of roughly similar size located on opposite banks of the Amur River, namely Blagoveshchensk, in Russia's Far East, and Heihe, in neighboring northeast China. The study is based on interviews and field observations from 2002 to 2009 in Blagoveshchensk, as well as official statistics from the relevant Russian and Chinese provincial governments. Particular attention is focused on the activities and treatment of Chinese guest workers comprising a material component of the labor force in Amur Oblast (e.g., in construction and agriculture), unregistered Chinese entrepreneurs in retailing and catering, and trans-border logging operations of Chinese timber/wood products companies. Also covered are the activities of visiting Russian nationals in Heihe and the extralegal activities of Russian entrepreneurs and bureaucrats. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F20, J61, O17, O18. 5 figures, 1 table, 50 references.  相似文献   
A team of political geographers analyzes over 5,000 violent events collected from media reports for the Afghanistan and Pakistan conflicts during 2008 and 2009. The violent events are geocoded to precise locations and the authors employ an exploratory spatial data analysis approach to examine the recent dynamics of the wars. By mapping the violence and examining its temporal dimensions, the authors explain its diffusion from traditional foci along the border between the two countries. While violence is still overwhelmingly concentrated in the Pashtun regions in both countries, recent policy shifts by the American and Pakistani governments in the conduct of the war are reflected in a sizeable increase in overall violence and its geographic spread to key cities. The authors identify and map the clusters (hotspots) of conflict where the violence is significantly higher than expected and examine their shifts over the two-year period. Special attention is paid to the targeting strategy of drone missile strikes and the increase in their number and geographic extent by the Obama administration.  相似文献   
论文依据对青田县方山、船寮等地华侨村官以及所管辖的村民进行田野调查的结果,分析了华侨村官群体出现的原因、作用和特点,剖析了华侨村官工作中存在的阻碍和不足,以及工作中“水土不服”现象和阻碍的因素,旨在为地方政府研究制订华侨参政长效机制提供参考,并以期社会对华侨参政这一新现象给予更多的关注和思考。  相似文献   
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