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顾成是明代功臣,跟随朱元璋打天下,在开拓贵州边疆中建功立业,并与马烨共建贵州城(今贵阳)。对这样一位对贵州社会历史发展有贡献的人物,我们不能忘记。  相似文献   
Palynofloras from an outlier of Tertiary sediments in the One Tree Hill area north of Adelaide are nonmarine and correlate with similar assemblages from Middle Eocene North Maslin Sands from Maslin Bay and Golden Grove. Although there are similarities with time-equivalent Lower Nothofagidites asperus Zone palynofloras in the Gippsland Basin, a number of species in the South Australian palynofloras do not extend below the Late Eocene in the Gippsland sequences. This indicates earlier appearances for these species in southcentral Australia. The sediments overlie a highly weathered bedrock palaeosurface, indicating that a phase of significant weathering occurred prior to the Middle Eocene. A number of selected taxa are illustrated and their distribution in the palynofloras is discussed. Two new species, Proteacidites mildenhallii and Proteacidites parrawirrensis, are described and one species, Rhoipites byfieldensis, is emended.  相似文献   
基于加权平均旅行时间的浙江省交通可达性时空格局研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以浙江省69个县(市)为研究对象,利用1996、2004、2012年路网数据,借助ArcGIS网络分析功能,采用基于城镇综合发展水平的加权平均旅行时间指标,探讨浙江省综合交通网络中节点城镇可达性及其时空演变特征。研究结果表明:①1996-2012年,各城镇可达性均出现不同程度提高,彼此间联系趋于紧密;②城镇可达性存在空间分异,且提升幅度各异,均衡化趋势明显;③城镇可达性空间格局变化大,逐渐向以"四大都市区"为中心向四周递增的"∏型"多级空间结构转变。总体上来看,城镇可达性变化及空间格局演变体现了区域统筹发展的战略要求。  相似文献   
鲁锦寰 《史学月刊》2006,4(2):115-119
科学与人文相互融会,在我国有着悠久的传统。对此进行系统深入的发掘研究,对于今天理解科学与人文的关系依然具有重要的意义。杨小明博士的著作《清代浙东学派与科学》即是在这一领域进行典型案例研究的一部水平较高的著作。  相似文献   
1979~1989年,湖南省个体私营经济由点到面的不断发展壮大经历了艰难的历程:20世纪80年代初期,湖南省个体私营经济集中在零售商业领域,在同行业里所占份额小,但增长速度快;1982~1985年,中央相继颁发了一系列文件,湖南省逐渐放宽了对个体私营经济经营范围与经营方式的限制,个体私营经济发展速度明显加快;1986年后,湖南省根据中央精神,采取了一系列鼓励发展个体私营经济的措施,个体私营经济发展的环境日渐宽松,形成了改革开放后个体私营经济发展的第一个高峰。改革开放后湖南省个体私营经济的兴起,是新时期我国思想解放运动的产物,它的发展进步与党和政府的关心、支持紧密相连。1979~1989年湖南省民营经济发展的过程以及人们思想的变化在一定程度上是当时全国的一个缩影。  相似文献   
胡鞍钢 《攀登》2010,29(1):2-5
保障生态安全既是中国国家核心利益之一,也是维护国家安全的重大战略之一。作者以青海三江源地区为例,提出设立国家生态安全保障基金,列支中央财政支出项目,对国家重大生态安全进行长远投资的建议。作者认为,这是一个"激励相容"的多赢机制,具有可行性。  相似文献   
洪亮吉十四岁学习写作八股文,开始科名之争。在科举之路上跌打滚爬了三十多年,四十五岁成进士,两年后充顺天乡试同考官,四十八岁奉命视学贵州。从其考生、考官、学政的经历可以管窥乾嘉年间科场实况,这对于研究乾嘉年间的科举制度有很大的认知价值,亦有助于了解当时的士子心态与社会风气。  相似文献   
Questioning Québec through social geography In the early 1960s, two revolutions were underway: the quiet revolution in Québec and the quantitative revolution in geography. Apparently unrelated, these episodes of change probably shared common underlying values associated with modernity. Since then, the transformations experienced in Québec have been interpreted in a multitude of ways, including geographical considerations. Research careers, mine included, have been shaped by this undertaking. All along, I have found that social geography, with the capacity it has to reinvent itself, has helped making sense of this turbulent environment. In the 1970s, exploring the structural dynamics of Canada's social space helped in figuring out the place occupied by Québec in this ensemble. Then, analyzing the historical relationships between cosmopolitan Montréal and provincial Québec City suggested that the oxymoron ‘quiet revolution’ stood for a central process in the cultural dynamics of Québec's social space, where new ideas arriving through Montréal are sifted and institutionalized by the state in Québec City. Nevertheless, Québec City is also capable of initiating progressive urban movements, as illustrated by the odyssey of the Rassemblement populaire de Québec, documented through participant observation. Such urban movements may affect the urban fabric but, as intense and creative social networks, they may affect even more their interacting members, as it seems to have been the case with regard to rapidly evolving gender relations during the last decades. All in all, after more than four decades, I keep the conviction that a practice of social geography that is open to various theories and methods is capable of producing liberating knowledge.  相似文献   
对贵州非物质文化遗产的认识与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保护和利用好非物质文化遗产,对于继承和发扬优秀民族文化传统,增进民族团结和维护国家统一,增强民族自信心和凝聚力,促进社会主义精神文明建设,有着重要而深远的意义。贵州非物质文化遗产及其丰富,被列入国家非物质文化遗产名录的共有62项,101处,在全国居于重要地位。  相似文献   
18 94年薛福成与英国谈判、签署的中英《续议滇缅界务商务条款》是其作为驻英公使期间所办的一件要事 ,然而长期以来人们对条约中界务条款的评价褒贬不一。近年来 ,史学界对此条约的评价虽渐趋公允与中肯 ,但在某些问题上仍有进一步深入研究的必要。本文在前人研究的基础上 ,从中缅边界谈判的背景入手 ,主要围绕薛福成的观点进行分析、评论 ,以期对该条约及薛福成本人做出更加全面、公正的评价与理解。  相似文献   
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