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大中二年张议潮充分利用了吐蕃王廷内乱以及河陇地区边将混战、各族百姓思归唐朝的形势,率众起义归唐.张议潮等沙州起义骨干人员都是原吐蕃政权中的敦煌本土出身的官员,他们与政治主张相同的吐蕃鄯州节度使尚婢婢结成同盟,联手抗击不得人心的论恐热,驱逐其在瓜、沙、肃、甘等地的统治势力,收复了沙、瓜、肃、甘、伊等州,并遣使将包括尚婢婢部将控制地区在内的河、湟十一州图籍进献唐廷,建立起归义军政权.随后张议潮又在尚婢婢部众的协助下收复凉州,并向唐廷奏报婢婢部将拓拔怀光等击败论恐热,进献战利品的消息.此后归义军政权一直与尚婢婢部众及其后代保持着友好关系.  相似文献   
斯大林和共产国际鉴于中共中央屡屡出现的"路线错误",以留苏学生担纲改组了中共最高领导层。以博古为首的临时中央,是"国际路线"不折不扣的执行者。第五次反"围剿"的失败,使"国际路线"的正确性受到怀疑,"国际派"内部也顿生罅隙。毛泽东在长征途中争取了"国际派"成员张闻天、王稼祥的支持,在政治局中结成"小三人团"。红军湘江惨败后,中央最高"三人团"的威信直落谷底,出现严重的信任危机。在红军存亡之际,毛泽东提出新的进军路线,得到多数人的赞同。周恩来继张、王之后,转向毛泽东一边,瓦解了最高"三人团"的最后抵抗。由此,中央的实际权力开始转到了"小三人团"的手里,为遵义会议的召开和改组中央领导机构,做好了组织上的铺垫。  相似文献   
张一文 《史学月刊》2005,10(8):107-110
张守常教授是我国著名历史学家,主要研究中国近代史,又以搜集、整理和考订史料见长,编辑有各类史料集多种,著有《中国近代史纲要》等书。在张先生的诸多编著中,以研究太平军北伐最为史学界注目,先后出版了《太平军北伐资料选编》、《太平军北伐丛稿》和《太平天国北伐史》等三部著作。这三本书,标志着张先生研究太平天国北伐的三部曲。  相似文献   
清前期督抚关系管窥--以清官张伯行的仕宦生涯为个案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伯行是康熙后期一位著名的清官,他清廉正直,惠爱百姓,因而见知于康熙帝.张伯行初任福建巡抚时,刚果有为,治绩显著;调至江苏后,亦欲奋发有为,却深陷官场漩涡,事事受到掣肘,最后落得四面楚歌的境地.本文试图通过对张伯行仕宦生涯的观察,探究清代独有的督抚制度的本质.  相似文献   
笔于韩国发现张树声、丁汝昌、吴兆有致朝鲜王朝高宗政府官员之书信写本三件,均属韩国国内仅存唯一本,其内容不仅反映上述三人与近代朝鲜的历史关系,更是反映1882年至1885年间中朝关系内幕之珍贵史料。今介绍该三件史料于韩国收藏情况,并进一步考察与该三件史料有关的近代中朝关系史实,以期向国内学界全面介绍上述三件珍贵史料。  相似文献   
This study of the introduction of telegraphy to China in the late-nineteenth century tells three interrelated stories: China’s pursuit of telegraphic sovereignty with its strategic networking of the empire in the period 1881–99; the functioning of China’s hybrid express courier-telegraphic communications infrastructure; and the international communications crisis during the Boxer Uprising and the “Siege of the Legations” in 1900. The material reality of two inter-connected networks—the privately owned Imperial Telegraph Administration network and the government-run telegraph network—allowed Qing-era Beijing and its provincial governors to communicate with much greater speed. The materiality of these networks—how this new communications technology affected the practical realities of government communications, including the ease of lateral communications between provincial governors—is explored in the context of the communications crisis of 1900. In May and June of 1900 all telegraph lines to Beijing, and throughout much of North China, were cut or otherwise destroyed. While these blinded Western governments are no longer able to exchange telegrams with their Beijing-based envoys, the Qing express courier system continued to operate. Moreover, both the court and provincial officials quickly improvised ad hoc telegraphic communication protocols through the use of “transfer telegrams” (zhuandian) that relied on mounted express couriers between Beijing and those North China telegraph stations with working network connections. This assessment of real-time secret imperial communications between the Qing court and the provinces is based on the documentary register Suishou dengji (Records of [documents] at hand) maintained by communications managers in the Grand Council. China lost its telegraphic sovereignty in the capital region when Allied troops occupied the Beijing-Tianjin line of communications in the summer and fall of 1900. Moreover, Western dreams of laying, landing, and controlling submarine cables on the China coast were finally realized in North China by the end of 1900. The British, therefore, were able to add a critical section to their planned global network of secure telegraphic communications. China’s recognition of the Western and Japanese right of protecting the Beijing-Tianjin line of communications was codified in Article 9 of the Boxer Protocol of September 1901. These losses of China’s telegraphic sovereignty would not be completely reversed until after 1949.  相似文献   
王惠荣 《安徽史学》2006,50(4):107-110
魏源及<海国图志>在近代史上影响巨大,然而关于魏源修改<海国图志>的一些细节问题,在后人的撰述中存有误解之处.由于这些后人撰述现已成为研究魏源的重要参考资料,它们的正确无误因而就显得非常重要.笔者在研读这些撰述时发现,有些重要撰述包括<清史列传>都持一共同观点,即魏源曾依据广东近代著名学者陈澧的<书〈海国图志〉后呈张南山先生>,屡次修改<海国图志>.然而事实并非如此.首先,这一观点的证据不足;其次,将陈文与50卷本、60卷本、100卷本<海国图志·筹海篇>相比较,可以证实魏源基本未采纳陈澧的建议.  相似文献   
鹿邑县太清宫镇即春秋相邑。微子即西周金文之相侯。鹿邑大墓铜器铭文中的子口寻,即微子启之孙脯。长字象拄杖形是商周文字,不应用经过讹变的战国楚简中的长字予以否定。  相似文献   
张爱玲是上世纪三四十年代沦陷区女性文学的代表人物。她以女性特有的视角,塑造了一系列内心懦弱、自私、功利的男性形象,消解了传统意义上的男性“神话”。  相似文献   
刘咸炘为清末民初著名史学家与文献学家,本文从家学渊源、私淑章学诚、教学与科研相结合、勤于写读书笔记等方面论述了刘咸炘的成材之路.  相似文献   
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